
Transparent div background, with a tint of color?

Hello. Can anyone tell me how to make a div's background transparent, but with a tint of color, such as black. I've tried this using CSS although I can only get the div to be either transparent or filled with color. Thanks for the help! ...

How to change color of HAML tags in NetBeans?

I use Aloha theme in NetBeans 6.8, everything looks cool except these blue tags in HAML files, which are unreadable. How to find a place where this blue color could be changed? P.S. I use that HAML plugin which seems to be unsupported and lacks features Screenshot: (sorry, new users can't embed images)...

IDE underlining custom attributes

I have a custom attribute... [System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.All)] public class Refactor : System.Attribute { private string _message; public Refactor() { _message = string.Empty; } public Refactor(string message) { _message = message; } } Applied to [Refacto...

Rowcolor on a multirow tabular in LaTeX

So I tried learning LaTeX last night, and I trying to get this template for school assignments done ASAP. Part of that requires building a table. I want to use multirow, but need the multirows, that are acting like headings, to be colored gray. This is what I created so far from the almighty Google. % My Simple Table Example \docume...

Is there any algorithm for finding LINES by PIXEL COLORS on picture?

So I have Image like this I want to get something like this (I hevent drawn all lines I want but I hope you can get my idea) I need algorithm for finding all straight lines on it by just reading colors of pixels. No hard math, no Haar, no Hough. Some algorithm which would be based on points colors. I want to give to algorithm para...

UISegmentedControl tint color on touch

Hey everyone, I have a UISegmentedControl in my app (see code below) : // --------------- SETTING NAVIGATION BAR RIGHT BUTTONS NSArray *segControlItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[UIImage imageNamed:@"up.png"],[UIImage imageNamed:@"down.png"], nil]; segControl = [[UISegmentedControl alloc] initWithItems:segControlItems]; segControl.s...

How do I make one pixel change its color in HTML?

Hello, let's say I have some given coordinates x and y for a pixel, how could I make it red (keeping everything else on the page just white) in HTML? Is it possible in HTML? ...

How do I output coloured text to a Linux terminal?

How do I print coloured characters to a Linux terminal that supports it? I'm using C++ for this program, but I think that might be irrelevant. EDIT: And secondly, how do I tell if it supports colour codes? ...

R programming: creating a stacked bar graph, with variable colors for each stacked bar

Hello, I'm trying to create a stacked bar graph with variable coloring in each stacked bar; that is, one bar has say blue on top of red, the next one red on top of purple, etc. I also wanted to preserve the ability to stack graphs. Thank you so much guys. Adam ...

JavaScript border-color/color styling

Hi! I'd like to style 'input.submit' of a form (hover effect for IE) using JS and tried the following which doesn't work unfortunately. <!--[if IE]> <script type="text/javascript"> // CHANGE SUBMIT STYLE var foo = document.getElementByClass('input.submit'); foo.onmouseover ='#000000';'#000000'...

Using variables for colors in table cells

Using the variables extension, I want to change the background color of a cell in a table. So far I've done this: {{#vardefine:green|<span style="background:Green; color:White">text</span>}} The problem is that, when I add {{#var:green}} to the cell, only the text itself has a green background. Ideally, I want the whole cell to have a...

Getting the colour of where you have clicked on a JPanel?

I only want a method to activate if the pixel that is clicked is white. How would I implement this? Trying to look for a method that returns the colour at a coord, but I can't find one. ...

Choosing suitable background / foreground colour using PHP

I am looking to find a why to calculate a suitable background colour and a colour for the text that would go over the top, obviously I need to take into account readability and accessibility. I would need to pick the two colours from the array, the colours are stored in their hex representations. #CC9966 #996633 #FFCC99 #CCCC99 #000000...

PHP Color Manipulation

I am currently looking into color manipulation / selection etc and have come across the following piece of code. I was wondering of someone could tell me what the following piece of code is doing and break it down for me thanks! $newVal = round(round(($rgb['red'] / 0x33)) * 0x33); In particluar what is the 0x33 Thanks in adavnce ...

Flex - Visible shadings in text color

Hi! I have an application with a css for skinning. I noticed that some texts are not displayed as they should regarding the colors. Here's an image to give you a better idea of the issue: The texts should be kinda grey. The color is correctly displayed on the top part of the text, but the bottom is kind of faded. The same goes for ...

How would I go about highlighting an item in a JList?

I have a JList and I want to be able to highlight (change colour of text or something similar) the selected item. I know there are methods to set which item is selected but can I change the color of the text of that item etc? ...

What's the most effective way to interpolate between two colors? (pseudocode and bitwise ops expected)

Making a Blackberry app, want a Gradient class. What's the most effective way (as in, speed and battery life) to interpolate two colors? Please be specific. // Java, of course int c1 = 0xFFAA0055 // color 1, ARGB int c2 = 0xFF00CCFF // color 2, ARGB float st = 0 // the current step in the interpolation, between 0 and 1 He...

What Color is the Windows' System.Control? (Visual Studio Design View)

In Visual Studio Design View, the selection of Form Colors in the Properties Pane are selectable from the "Custom", "Web", and "System" tabs. Of course, the color number can be used, too. When the "System" Tab is selected, the colors in the list depend on what type of Theme the Computer User has set on the PC. I'd like to stick with th...

WPF TreeViewItem + Change the Highlight Color

Hello, I have got a TreeView with a HierarchicalDataTemplate. <HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="treeViewItemTemplate" ItemsSource="{Binding GetChildren}"> <DockPanel Margin="0,8,8,0"> <Image Source="{Binding GetImage}" Width="16" Height="16" /> <local:MonitorTriStateCheckBox Margin="4,0,0,0" I...

C# Problem with getPixel & setting RTF text colour accordingly

Heyo, I'm messing with converting images to ASCII ones. For this I load the image, use getPixel() on each pixel, then insert a character with that colour into a richTextBox. Bitmap bmBild = new Bitmap(openFileDialog1.FileName.ToString()); // valid image int x = 0, y = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= (bmBild.Width * bmB...