
Is it possible to change the way Xcode indents comment blocks?

By default, Xcode automatically indents multiple lines of code within C-style comment blocks by one space: /* this is a comment block line 1 line 2 */ Is it possible to modify this behaviour? I would prefer to have no indentation within comment blocks. ...

Regex for parsing comment variables in PHP

I have a comment block that can look like this; /** * variable1: value * variable2: value */ or like this; /* variable1: value variable2: value */ What I need is to be able to match any number of variable/value pairs and add them to an array. I can't seem to figure it out though, I keep matching the wrong things. All variables ...

Latex: Convert "Comment" into "Marginal Note"

Hi, using LyX I'm trying to convert the "comments" into "marginal notes". I tried several things but without luck. The best shot was like this: \makeatletter \@ifundefined{comment}{}{% \renewenvironment{comment}[1]% {\begingroup\marginpar{\bgroup#1\egroup}}% {\endgroup}} \makeatother or like this: \@ifundefined{comment}{}{% \r...

Conditional comment not working for a <link>

I have a a conditional comment in my page to fix a double padding-top problem with IE7. I am trying to add "padding-top:5px;" to a DIV only in IE7. The rest of the browsers (including IE6 and IE8) use "padding-top:10px;" contained in stylesheet.css. stylesheet.css contains .clImageSamplerText {padding-top:10px;} stylesheet_ie7.css ...

C# Style XML Comments in Delphi 2010

Hi, does Delphi 2010 have C# Style XML comments that show up when hovering over the method call? /// <summary> /// My comment here /// </summary> ...

Why do my Wordpress comments have the wrong date?

Currently, every comment has the same date as the original post. Theme functions PHP: <div class="comment-meta commentmetadata"> <?php comment_author_link() ?><?php _e('&nbsp;said:&nbsp;','my-theme-here');?> <?php comment_date(__('Y.m.d','my-theme-here')) ?>&nbsp;<?php comment_time(__('H:i','my-theme-here')) ?> </div> Any thoughts? ...

How do I get the comment author in WordPress?

This deals with WordPress plugin development. Even if a user has not actually signed into WordPress, but has left a comment, WordPress remembers them from the last time. I wanted to toggle showing a "Subscribe To Newsletter" checkbox if they had already subscribed previously to a newsletter. I've already worked out the checkbox and it wr...

Need advice for a simple comment system in MYSQL.

I have a simple flat comment system and I would like to expand it to allow one level of replies to the root level comments. I would also like to be able to have the results sorted by the root level comment in ASC or DESC order or some kind of rank but the child replies sorted always by newsest first and then still be able to select resul...

Facebook Developer Toolkit - IFrame - Use Comment Box

Hi, I have used the facebook developer toolkit to create a simple facebook application with The application is using an IFrame. I would like to use the facebook comment box but the comment box is not created for some reason. ...

Does anybody know how to display additional Intellisense in Phalanger?

Hi, I just installed Phalanger on VS 2008. Intellisense is working fine but I miss additional info about my own functions in Intellisense. Is there something like /** /* param value */ Ben ...

PartCover shows 0% coverage for getter and 100% coverage for setter despite the code being commented out

Hi all, I have a public property in my code as below: [DependencyInjection] public IEVentController EventController { get; set; } I also have a line of code referencing the EventController property: EventController.ExecuteObjectEvents( someObject, null ); Now currently (due to some missing implementation in another part of the...

single line comment in HTML

Is there a way to comment out a single line in HTML using just an escape sequence at the start of the line? Similar to using # or // in other languages? Or is <!-- ... --> the only option for commenting in html? ...

Facebook comments widget

Hi, i'm using some of facebook widgets. I have "Fan Box" and "Share". They work just fine. I'm trying to use the Comment Box and the problem is it does not show up at all on my site. This is the facebook page with the widgets. "Website or Business" column widgets work fine when i use them. "De...

Zend Studio code formatter problem with comments

Hi, i have Zend Studio 7.x, mostly use it for Zend Framework PHP and OOP JavaScript. When i run formatter on *.php file, often space is added after block of inline comments Before formatter run: <?php function someAction() { // some note // second line if ($foo) { } } ?> After: <?php function someAction() { // some note //...

MySQL: Can the table comment length be increased?

I read the MySQL comment length questions on StackOverflow here: The first link suggests that it can be done and the second suggests it cannot. I don't know why there is this...

Delphi JavaDoc Parser

I need to parse JavaDoc (documentation) comment syntax with Delphi 7. It is well known in the java world as "JavaDoc", but I'm actually doing this for PHP, ie, parsing JavaDoc in some PHP code. Call it PHPDoc if you want to. To see how these comments work, you can see RAD IDEs like NetBeans etc. Example of JavaDoc for addition function:...

Looking for a script to convert multiline "block" comments in C/C++ to single line comments.

A simple find/replace will not work for code commented out like this: ex: /* templine1 templine2 templine3 */ Got any ideas? ...

Facebook : Like and Comment Functionality against Wall Post

Hello, I am displaying news feed on some other website say using graph api. I have queries about below problems. I would like to give "Like" functionality for each news feed post. W would like to give "Comment" functionality for each news feed post. Can someone assist me how to solve this problem using either graph api o...

How to put a comment into HQL (Hibernate Query Language)?

Is it possible to put comments into Hibernate Query Language? If so, how? ...

How to make a comment summary in VS2008

Hi guys, just a small query. I am working in VS 2008 and often i need to write a note in code like a reminder type. This note is in comment but is of multiple lines. i know VS used to provide summary option but now i am unable to find it . a+b; // this is my note // note continuing on next line // but dont want to writ...