
Where to keep things like connectionstrings in an IoC pattern?

In my everlasting quest to suck less I'm currently checking out mvc Turbine to do the IoC dirty work. I'm using the mvc Turbine nerd dinner example as a lead and things look rather logical thus far. Although I'm refering to the turbine project here, I'm guessing the philosophy behind it is something general to the pattern Safe for some r...

Is there any way to do custom serialization in WCF?

In my WCF solution, the server doesn't need to know the data type. The client will send a type and receive the same type. For performance reasons I think I could implement serialization manually in the client proxy, avoiding WCF builtin serialization on the server side, but there is any way to achieve the same goal just configuring WCF ...

Configuration Management with Subversion and SharePoint syncronization of artifacts issue

Source code controlled in SVN, and documentation controlled in SharePoint, as results there is no simple way to manage the synchronization between the two, how does document version 1.0 associated with release 2.0? Is there a noble solution to this? Ideally SharePoints modification gets reflected into subversion so next time you tag the...

Tomcat Valve settings

Hi %, I'm stuck with sort of a configuration issue I think. I need to protect a folder which is within my actual tomcat application from access from a certain IP range. I thought this was serverfault, so I posted the question there. Right now I'm not sure whether this is SO or SF anyways... Nevertheless I kept on trying geting it goin...

is it better to store platform configuration in database or a file?

currently we are developing an app in which we use database table to store platform settings, like maximum file size, maximum users number, support email, etc. it means that each time we add a platform setting we have to add a column to this table. in my previous projects i am used to store such information in file. what is better/fa...

How can I use integrated Windows Authentication when debugging locally with Visual Studio

I'm using RESTful WCF services to serve data to a client. The application hosting the services requires integrated Windows Authentication on the server, making testing locally in Cassini quite difficult. I use the following behavior configuration for my service, which works great when deployed to IIS with Integrated Security turned on. ...

AppDomains and configSections

We are using CSLA (a rather ancient version) in our .NET 3.5 applications, and we make use of it's NetRun application loading for some of our users. For those not familiar with NetRun, NetRun.exe is basically an application "runner" that is installed on user computers (e.g. to c:\Program Files\NetRun\NetRun.exe). The user simply starts...

How to get IzPack tocheck for an existing version of the software?

Hi, I have an application for which we use IzPack to create the installer. The installer is working fine in its current state, however, I need to add functionality that enables it to check whether an existing version of the software has been installed. I understand IzPack supports this out of the box using its CheckedHelloPanel, unfort...

Is there a way to map an URL to another URL in Spring?

In Struts 1 you could have, in struts-config.xml, a declaration like: <action path="/first" forward="/"> Is something similar also possible in Spring, or can I map an URL only to a controller? I am using Spring 2.5.x. I could off course map the URL to the same controller as: <bean id="urlMapping" class="org.springframework....

Where does Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition keep it's project files

Related to a previous question re. the debugger not working for me from VS Express: I established that the problem seemed to be with the particular project that VS had set up when I chose "Open Web Site > Filesystem". I w...

What are the meanings of those connection limit configurations for Firefox?

What are the meaning of those connection limit configurations for Firefox? network.http.max-connections network.http.max-connections-per-server network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server ...

How Can I Store Program Settings?

I am creating a desktop app that will sit on a PC and occasionally check a web server for updates to various settings. The program will be using these settings frequently so I would like cache the settings in a file on the PC so it doesn't have to hit the server constantly. There are a lot of settings. I was thinking about storing them ...

Exclude app.config from source control?

What's the best way to allow team members to customize their own app.config, but keep an authoritative version in version control? Is it best to exclude all *.config files from source control, and use an app.config.template file in version control? ...

How Do I Use the app.config file with a Test Project

I using unit testing, to ensure that I can read connect string information from the ConnectStrings section of my app.config file. This works fine in the application proper, However when I attempt to generate a unit test for this under the Test Project, the dll.config file is being ignored, and the connectstring info from the machine.con...

Execute code in .emacs file only for command line version of Emacs?

Hello! I'm running Carbon Emacs on Macs here, and my GUI emacs has an extremely pleasing colour scheme set up to use. Unfortunately, it looks like hell when running "emacs" in a Terminal window, which parses the same .emacs file in my root folder. So, is there a way to conditionally execute code in my .emacs file so that I can select ...

Reading config file without Configuration section

Little embarrassed to ask, but since I never had to do it, here it goes. I have a config file that has connection strings for the app stored in this format. <connectionStrings> <clear /> <add name="MyConnectionStringName" connectionString="{here is a connection string}"/> </connectionStrings> I tried ConfigurationManager but i...

How to use .NET configuration files (app.config, settings.settings) to save and restore all application data?

Although there are a lot of posts about .net config files, I believe that my requirements do not allow for any of the solutions proposed (or I don't understand the process enough to make it work for me). The situation is that I have a Windows Forms application (could just as well be another app) which binds certain user input fields (e....

Install zip extension for PHP --enable-zip on Mac OS X

I'd like to install the following but am not sure where I should add --enable-zip? Is there more to it than putting it in php.ini ? ...

Perlbal Reproxy with Remote Host

why would perlbal's reproxying give me a 503 for any remote url? X-REPROXY-URL: /path/to/a/local/file.jpg = working X-REPROXy-URL: http://a-public-file-in-an-s3-bucket.jpg = HTTP 503 my perlbal conf looks like: CREATE POOL test_pool POOL test_pool ADD POOL test_pool ADD CREATE SERVICE balancer ...

WCF: Updating Service Reference gives duplicate config entries

I have a WPF application using service references to a WCF service. When doing updates on the service I need to update the service reference, so I right click it and hit "Update Service Reference". Doing this results in duplicate entries in the App.config file of the client project. It duplicates a binding under wsHttpBinding - addi...