
Can I parameterize a CruiseControl.NET project configuration such that the parameters are exposed by the web interface?

I am currently trying to use NAnt and CruiseControl.NET to manage various aspects of my software development. Currently, NAnt handles just about everything, including replacing environment specific settings (e.g., database connection strings) based on an input target that I specify on the command line. CruiseControl.NET is used to build...

What is the best way to deal with environment specific configuration in java?

I have an application running in tomcat that has a bunch of configuration files that are different for each environment it runs in (dev, testing, and production). But not every line in a config file will be different between environments so there's invariably duplicated information that doesn't get updated if something changes. Is ther...

Using system environment variables in log4j xml configuration

Is it possible to reference system environment variables (as opposed to Java system properties) in a log4j xml configuration file? I'd like to be able to do something like: <level value="${env.LOG_LEVEL}" /> and have it get that from the system environment variables, so I can avoid having to pass in so many things with -D parameters....

user_dump_dest is there harm in putting this on a NAS

Is it correct to say that typically user_dump_dest is on a local drive? If so, are there issues with mounting a NAS volume to both Unix and Windows and pointing user_dump_dest at that? If so, what are they? Are any issues worth not doing this in prod? ...

How to read out/resolve properties from Castle Windsor config

I have a lot of castle xml configs where properties like connectionstring are also held under .Net configuration sections. I'd like to be able to read out the properties using the container but can't see a mechanism to do it. ie <castle> <configuration> <properties> <connectionString>Data Source=MyServer;Initial Catalog=Y...

How can I make IIS6 default to .Net 2.0 when creating a new web site?

When I create a web site on IIS6 it defaults the ASP.NET version to 1.1. Is there a way to make the version default to 2.0? ...

Install [java library] in Eclipse

I just downloaded Eclipse several hours ago, and needed to add Java3D to the classpath. Installing it went without a hitch, but Eclipse can't seem to find the documentation folders so that it can give super-IDE functionality, such as autocomplete and method signatures. While I know how I would add them individually, this lead me to the ...

How can you change Network settings (IP Address, DNS, WINS, Host Name) with code in C#

I am developing a wizard for a machine that is to be used as a backup of other machines. When it replaces an existing machine, it needs to set its IP address, DNS, WINS, and host name to match the machine being replaced. Is there a library in .net (C#) which allows me to do this programatically? There are multiple NICs, each which nee...

Can you override the formatter for a specific log in

I am using to configure logging for a Java app. Each class gets its own logger named after itself (e.g. I want to set a custom formatter for just one log, and leave the handler with the SimpleFormatter. Is this possible? I am not interested in using log4j or another of the other logging suite...

Where is the official, extensive, complete documentation on web.config?

I'm trying to find about ALL the possible options that I can set in web.config. Surprisingly, I can't find this at all (i'm expecting it to be somewhere inside I know I can technically add "anything" to web.config, what i'm looking for is the things that the .Net Framework "as shipped" uses. In particular, right now...

Is there a pattern for adding "options" to a class?

I have a class on which I want to allow several (~20+) configuration options. Each option turns on or off a piece of functionality, or otherwise alters operations. To facilitate this, I coded a separate options class with default values. However, I had to litter my code with guard conditions to determine how methods should behave. I am ...

How do you fix a Trac installation that begins giving errors relating to PYTHON_EGG_CACHE?

We've been using Trac for task/defect tracking and things were going well enough, but this morning it started serving up a 500 error. Looking in the Apache error_log, I get a stack trace that culminates in: PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend: ExtractionError: Can't extract file(s) to egg cache The following error occurred whi...

What is the best way to determine which server the script is on and therefore the configuration in PHP?

I'm trying to determine the best way of having a PHP script determine which server the script/site is currently running on. At the moment I have a switch() that uses $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] to determine which server it's on. It then sets a few paths, db connection parameters, SMTP paramters and debug sett...

How do you change the colors of the text when doing a Schema Compare in Visual Studio 2008 Database Edition?

I am trying to find out how to modify the Colors / Fonts used in the Schema Compare "Object Definitions" window that appears after a comparison is done between two databases. The color scheme I have is unreadable, but I cannot seem to find the right settings in the Tools/Options/Environment/Fonts and Colors dialog. Thanks for any help....

How do I configure log4net so that log.IsDebugEnabled is true?

I am trying to use log4net in an ASP.NET application with Visual Studio 2005. I have declared an instance of the logger like so: Private Shared ReadOnly log As ILog = LogManager.GetLogger("") I am trying to use it in the following manner: If log.IsDebugEnabled Then log.Debug("Integration Services Constructed") End If Here is my ...

Best ASP.NET ConfigSection to DB Schema

Previously, settings for deployments of an ASP.NET application were stored in multiple configuration files under the Web.config config sections using a KEY/VALUE format. We are moving these 'site module options' to the database for a variety of reasons. Here are the two options we are mulling over at the moment: 1. A single table with...

ASP.Net tab in IIS missing.

Hmm. I'm trying to deploy a web service to a new server and there is no tab. I've tried running aspnet_regiis from ASP.Net 2.0 directory but this doesn't seem to work. Any ideas anyone? ...

Tips for optimizing an sqlite database with over a gig of data in it?

I am working with a larger than average sqlite database (for use on both on windows and linux) and am looking to maximize the performance I get out of it. The database is to be installed on commodity hardware along with an sqlite gui. The users I am delivering this to are sql savvy but are unlikely to undertake their own optimizations (c...

What hardware (config) and software (os version/app version) is recommended for developing for ASP.NET/Coldfusion and MS SQL Server?

Hi, We are a small company and would like to know the best possible (and affordable) hardware and software configuration we ought to be using for our development environment. At this moment we are a team of four people who work remotely from different locations and each one of us uses a laptop and ADSL connection to work on our projects...

Timeouts WCF Services

How do the timeouts work in WCF? I know for example that you can configure sendTimeout and receiveTimeout for a clients binding. But how do they work? Msdn describes sendTimeout as: A TimeSpan value that specifies the interval of time provided for a send operation to complete. This value should be greater than or equal to Zero. The defau...