
Text Wrapping differences in IE7, IE8, and FF

When I have this <table> below, the text wraps as needed in FF and IE8, but when I run this in compatibility mode or IE7 the text does not wrap and the width of the previous is basically ignored. Any way to get around this? Here is a simplified example. <table> <tr> <td style="width:125px"> hi </td> <td>by...

Where is the latest link Eric meyer's reset? and pls explain his reset.

How many version are eric meyer created of his CSS reset and where is latest and what is difference in each version? and please explain his CSS reset's each declaration, What is the benefit of each selector? ...

Using SVG (raphaeljs) for developing map-based application

I am evaluating raphaeljs (SVG/VML) for developing a similar component like Flicr Map or Google Map based on purely drawing rather than utilizing images. Unlike, flickr map or google map our map will more interraction with user and lot of drawing is involved. Can anyone advice me if using SVG/VML has any issues rather than Flash? It wi...

What is prefered to use in alt text "&" or "&amp;" for screenreader users?

Services &amp; Products or Services & Products Update: How popular screen readers and text only browsers will handle &amp;? ...

Does Internet Explorer 7 have a CSS parsing issue with the "background-image" property?

Having CSS layout issues with Internet Explorer 7 (big surprise). Upon using the Developer Tools to inspect the CSS, I discovered that some properties defined in the stylesheet are not appearing in the parsed CSS structure... THEN I saw THIS being shown as the parsed value for the background-image property: background-image : url(/trunk...

jQuery .ajax call to returns results in IE but not FF or Chrome

I am trying to call to the URL shortening service using jQuery with an .ajax call. update I wondering if this is a cross-domain security issue? I'm making a call from to <html><head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="t...

How to override browser default download behavior for files?

Lots of times we have to download files from the net. In IE we get to see the ugly download progress bar. In firefox we get to see a pop-up window opening etc. However, I have never seen this being over ridden in any manner. Until recently on the site > *thesixtyone DOT com* If we get to download a song free and click on the ok link...

How does IE8 handle xml header.

I was wondering where I can find some information how IE8 actually handles xml header... for example how is handling <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> different to <?xml version="1.0"?>. Or how is handling processing node different in ie and other browsers. One other questions would be how FF handles those header. Is it any differe...

why is internet explorer displaying my javascript pagination backwards?

Here's a version of the code I'm using, stripped down to just the parts that aren't working. This is all written to generate some basic pagination with jQuery. In Chrome/Safari/Moz, I generate see spans, 1,2,3,4,...,etc When I look in IE7/8, I see etc,...,4,3,2,1 The string seems to be concatenating backwards!! This seems very strang...

Browser error in (IE 6)?

hi, i developed a project in that when when i click on any button it giving some message like.. sys.webforms.pagerequestmanagerservererrorexception:An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the status code returned from the server was:12019 it is especially in IE 7. it is working fine in firefox and IE 6. I...

What characters are widely supported in CSS class names?

As detailed here among other places, the only valid characters in a html/css class name is a-z, A-Z, 0-9, hyphen and underscore, and the first character should be a letter. But in practice, what characters are in fact supported by most browsers? More specifically, I wonder what browsers properly understands a slash (/) in a class name, a...

background-image in IE

Html <div id="banner" style="display: block; background-image: url('images/swirl_home.gif'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: #e7e7e7;"> <div id="Hi"> some text here... </div> <div id="loader"> <img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" /> </div> </div> Css #banner { b...

Techniques for Visualizing Data

I'm looking into providing several methods of visualizing a large volume of data. This may include, but will not be limited to, simple graphing. The techniques I'm exploring will involve shapes, text and lines. It will also involve interaction with elements (hiding, focusing, etc.) and animation (shifting, dragging, systematic reorganizi...

jQuery Animate Inconsistencies between Browsers

I'm trying to figure out why this works in FireFox, Chrome but not in IE and not properly in Safari and Opera (you can view it working at HTML: <div id="menu"> <ul> <li> <a href="/" class="home" title="Home" alt="fortyonesix">&nbsp;</a> <div id='home-hover'>Home Page</...

What's the current (as of April 2010) state of affairs regarding <object> vs <embed> in HTML?

The age old question. <object> vs <embed>. From what I gather, <object> is the XHTML-compliant way of doing things, while <embed> is for legacy support. I'm currently building a Flash application that will contain a pre-made embedding code for users to copy and paste, and I'm wondering if it's feasible to simply dump the <embed> tag alto...

How do you handle very old browsers on your site?

Hi. We have a non-profit web site that got about 5 million hits in May. Of those, about 5,700 were from IE 5.x or lower; about 4,000 were from folks with Netscape 4.x or lower. We know that the current site's layout works for newer browsers and we're testing it on IE6 as well (along with Chrome, Opera, Safari, and Firefox). How do you ha...

Can you tell me why my webpage displays differently in IE and how to fix it.

I've been browsing through all of the CSS related cross-browser questions trying to troubleshoot my IE styling issues with no luck. Can anyone tell me how to fix my homepage styles so that it displays the same in IE as it currently does in Firefox? I've used Firebug (probably why it looks good in Firefox) but I can't find any tools for...

How to implement Cross Browser Opacity Gradient (Not Color Gradient)

How can I implement cross browser opacity gradient (not color gradient)? See following code: <div style="background-color:Red;display:block;height:500px;width:500px;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishOpacity=0, Style=1, StartX=0, StartY=0, FinishX=0, FinishY=500)"></div> It works fine in IE but not in other browsers like firefox,safari.....

When should I observe javascript events on window vs. document vs. document.body?

I'm using prototype.js for my web app, and I have everything running on chrome, safari, and firefox. I am now working on IE8 compatibility. As I've been debugging in IE, I've noticed that there are javascript events for which I have previously set an observer on the window, e.g. Event.observe(window, eventType, function () {...}); (...

Linux Browsers And VBScript

I've already done some little things using Visual Basic and some nice things with eMbedded Visual Basic, but now I want to go on the scripting way, then I want to know if Linux, BeOS and other OSes browsers will support VBScript pages. ...