VS2010 MSTest CruiseControl.NET .NET 3.5

Hi, We're in the process of upgrading from VS2008 to VS2010 since it's now released. We are using CC.NET along with MSTest and want to use MS coverage tool instead of NCover. Interestingly, as I've seen others talking about as well, when you upgrade your project from VS2008 to VS2010 your Test Projects get converted to .NET 4. Nice move...

waitin closes browsers for all projects that are building.

I'm having an issue running WatiN under, where on a .forceclose, watin is closing all open browser instances. I have multiple projects running under cruisecontrol, and its not uncommon for some of those projects to be building and testing at the same time. There has been more than one occasion where watin will close the...

How do I see items embedded/attached to my Gallio test log in CruiseControl.NET?

I can use the following code to attach a log file to my Gallio 3.2 acceptance test report: TestLog.AttachPlainText("Attached log file", File.ReadAllText(path)); When I run my tests locally I can see the log file contents by viewing the report in my web browser. So, I want to be able to view the attachments in CCNET. I have my CCNET pr...

Exception using CruiseControl .NET (particular build project failing)

I have recently taken control of maintaining our continuous integration system which provides installers (mostly for projects built using Visual Studio and the .NET Framework). This uses CruiseControl.NET server side and CCTray client side so developers can 'fire' new builds of software when work has been completed. Source control is pr...

Using CruiseControl.NET to deploy

Hi, I've been using CruiseControl.NET for continuous integration and such. Now I want to be able to deploy projects with it. What is the preferred way of doing this? Do I make a new project which I 'Force Build' to deploy? I really don't want to deploy on every successful commit. Please share your thoughts. ...

CruiseControl .Net problems after server is restarted

I've got a problem with CruiseControl .Net (version in that when the server is restarted, a random selection of projects are 'broken' even though the codebase has not changed. As the servers in our place are restarted every Sunday evening, my job Monday morning is to run through CCTray, starting each project in turn, so that...

CruiseControl.NET Build Label Problem.

I'm labeling my assemblies using the CCNETLABEL environment variable and the SVN Revision number. The problem I am facing is as follows: Assume ProjectA is dependent on ProjectB ProjectA is at build number X and ProjectB is at build number Y When ProjectA is triggered, ProjectB is built as well. Because CCNETLABEL = X+1 my version l...

CruiseControl.NET : Sending email using SVN username to ActiveDirectory mapping

Is it possible to configure CruiseControl.NET to send an email to the user(s) that did modifications to a broken build by mapping their SVN username to the corresponding Active-Directory alias (hence retrieving the correct, updated email address). Our SVN server is set-up to allow users of a certain Active-Directory group to read and co...

"OutputPath property is not set" error occurs only when calling MSBuild in CCNET

I've made an MSBuild project that simply does an msbuild task with our solution file as parameter. I've defined a BeforeBuild target where I set some properties, and a Build target that executes the msbuild task. I've confirmed that no errors occured when building the msbuild script in the command line console. However, when I use it in...

Anyone have an XSL to convert Boost.Test XML logs to a presentable format?

I have some C++ projects running through As a part of the build process, we compile and run Boost.Test unit test suites. I have these configured to dump XML log files. While the format is similar to JUnit/NUnit, it's not quite the same (and lacks some information), so is unable to pick them up. I ...

SVN source control block causing CCNET build failure during CheckForModifications

We installed CCNET in a Server 2008 R2 server with Japanese language. Is it possible that it's causing the error below? Notice the garbage texts... ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.CruiseControlException: Source control operation failed: svn: OPTIONS (URL: 'http://mysourceurl/myproject'): �T�[�o�ɐڑ��ł��܂���ł��� (http://mysourceurl) . Pro...

Powershell in to backup existing folder before deploying new version of the code

Hi I would like to zip a bunch of files (.exe and .dll) before I overwrite them with the new build. Is there a simple way to zip files without using some sort of dll? Just creating a folder with the build number / date time stamp will also work great. How do I pass parameters from the cruise control build process into my Powershell...

make ccnet self test

i want to run a test project in ccnet, can anyone help? i am not using NUnit. I am using [Test Class()] attribute in my web project, and wanna run this project from ccnet ...

ccnet and unit testing

is it possible for ccnet to say that the build has failed in the ccnet tray and the web site if a unit test fails for the project? Anyone know of a tutorial for this? ...

Making a custom report with ccnet

So I have my output that I used the merge task to put into ccnet. Now what I need to do is come up with my own custom xsl and output the data. Any ideas on where there maybe a tutorial on how to do this? For example what plugin do I need to use? Can I create my own? What does action name do? <xslReportBuildPlugin description="MSBui...

Using dynamic parameters in email publisher subjectSettings block with CruiseControl.Net

I am trying to get dynamic parameters to be used in the email publisher's subjectSettings block. For example, <project> ... <parameters> <textParameter> <name>version</name> <display>Version to install</display> <description>The version to install.</description> <required>true</req...

Running cruise under different credentials

So I have one part of my build that requires domain rights and does file copying. Another part of my build runs some program that requires the user to interact with the desktop which seem to be only accomplish able by the system account. What is the best way to work around these two items? At the moment it seems like I can only do one...

cruise control turns off on me when i use the system process

Cruise control service set to System - Allow user to interact with desktop for the service. I log out with my user id and cruise control turns off. Any idea what is going on here? If I start the service a console window comes up. As soon as I close it cruise control also turns off... I need it to always be on... any ideas? ...

<msbuild/> task fails while <devenv/> succeeds for MFC application in CruiseControl.NET?

The Overview I am working on a Continuous Integration build of a MFC appliction via and VS2010. When building my .sln, a "Visual Studio" CCNet task (<devenv/>) works, but a simple MSBuild wrapper script (see below) run via the CCNet <msbuild/> task fails with errors like: error RC1015: cannot open include file 'winr...

Accessing SVN repository from CCNet ( using an Active Directory user

I have CCNet setup to talk to our SVN repository, which has it's ACLs setup using Active Directory groups. This is working fine, except I'm not happy with having the user name and password of the AD user stored in plain text on the CCNet instance. Is there a way to either encrypt the AD username/password, or get the CCNet service (I've ...