CruiseControl.NET, Visual Studio & SubVersion

Hi All, I am setting up a Continuous Integration server. I have one issue that doesn't seem to be mentioned in the tutorials. I have a Web Application that I need to compile and them publish. My Problem is that I seem to be able to compile the app but when I attempt to use a buildPublisher this copies every thing including .s...

Deploying ASP.Net web app with CruiseControl.Net and SVN -- getting rid of .svn folders

I have a CruiseControl.Net project set up to build an ASP.Net project, using an <svn> task to pull the latest code from source control. On a successful build, I use a <buildpublisher> to copy the site to a deployment folder. My problem is that the buildpublisher is copying everything to the destination folder, including every .svn fold...

CruiseControl / NANT <copy> Task

We have a website with all the media (css/images) stored in a media folder. The media folder and it's 95 subdirectories contain about 400 total files. We have a Cruiscontrol project that monitors just the media directory for changes and when triggered copies those files to our integration server. Unfortunately, our integration ser...

Configuring Cruise Control Net with sourcesafe - Unable to load array item 'executable'

Hi all, I'm trying to create a continuous integration environment. To do so, I've used a guide that can be found at In this step by step, the goal is to create a CI with CCNet, NAnt, NUni, NDoc, FxCop and source safe. I've been able to create my build by using the command prompt (despite the th...

integrating uppercut and

I am trying to integrate uppercut and for getting build and revision... What do I have to put in the codebuild folder? while running, I'm getting svn folder Unable to execute file [D:\CodeBuild\abc\svn]. The file may not exist or may not be executable. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot...

integrating with uppercut

Hi, I installed uppercut in my system successfully, Then i installed, for automated build revision number, I followed all the steps in the following site, The same config code in that site i used to integrate but still i c...

Better Reporting for CruiseControl.NET

Hello, Is there any way to generate the good error report from Cruise Control? I like to get the following things in that report. The line number of File that break the build The name of developer who commited that file. (It should not be related to last person who committed because the build might be broken earlier before last per...

Get CruiseControl to talk to github with the correct public key.

Hi All, Has anybody installed git and ControlControl and got CruiseControl to pull from GitHub on a window 2003 server. I keep getting 'public key errors (access denied)' - Which is good i suppose as that confirms git is talking to GitHub. However what is not good is that I don't not know where to install the rsa keys so they will be p...

CruiseControl.NET run as a windows service and as a standalone process behaves differently

I have a project that is being built using CruiseControl.NET. The project contains an 'MSBuild task' that runs the build for the project and also the unit tests. The unit test in turn is just a MSBuild 'exec' task that runs an executable. The unit test involves some .NET remoting. And when the unit tests are run through the system comma...

issues in ( with uppercut

I have installed uppercut integrated such a way that i didnt make any change in webdashboard, This is my config code, --> --> --> <!-- PROJECT STRUCTURE --> <cb:define name="WindowsFormsApplication1">...

Cruise Control.Net best practices

I'm going to implement a CI process with CC.NET so I'm looking for best practices for implementation. I use SVN as source control and JIRA as an issue tracker (if it's a useful tip). Any recommandation or article suggestion will be appreciated. Note: I read this article by Martin Fowler. ...

CCNet and .Net 4.0

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format We have just upgraded one of our projects to .Net 4.0 and have re-configured our build server (Cruise Control .Net). Anyone help with the above error? I have included more trace below. > ...

Consideration to create a UI for

As is an open source software and it is a good CI tool, I'm going to create a UI which make configuration easier than tricking XML. So What are the considerations and necessities. I also need to know about any documentation which may help me to implement UI. like a XML tag refrences or something else. any help will a...

Include revision or tag name on website pages (ASP.NET) when deploying with and subversion

Is it possible to include the revision number or the name of the tag used for a build on an ASP.NET website when deploying with and subversion? ...

Cruise Control.NET with SVN

I am trying to configure the latest version of Cruise Control with SVN and looking for the simple steps to do the same. Not able to make out much from this. Any help will be appreciated ...

CruiseControl.Net Publisher email failing to send e-mail

So here's my problem: I cannot seem to be able to configure CruiseControl.NET to send out an e-mail to me when a build occurs ( I want it to always send me an e-mail, as specified below) I copied the example from the documentation and filled it in with my own values.

[CCNet Server:WARN] Configuration does not have any version information - assuming the configuration is for version 1.5

Where in ccnet.config set version? I search and read docs but there is no version mentioned. ...

requestvalidationmode causes issue with build script

I added requestvalidationmode=2.0 to my page header. Everything works great. However when I try and build this on my build server it crashes with this message: errorASPPARSE: Error parsing attribute 'requestvalidationmode': Type 'MYASPFORM' does not have a public property named 'requestvalidationmode'. Any ideas on what could be...

What Continuous Integration tasks/plugins should I install as a minimum?

I'm currently setting up a CruiseControl.Net CI service to keep on top of a bunch of .net WinForm, WPF and applications maintained by a hand full of programmers. I've got basic SVN integration and NUnit running, and I like the thought of running some sort of code quality/duplication of effort checking too. So my question is what...

CruiseControl Console error message when parsing XML

I have CruiseControl(1.5) running in Win2k8R2 and svn(1.6.9) The error happens on a successful build after nant(0.86) Timeout(600 seconds). When I check the build dir everything is built correctly but CruiseControl Dashboard report Exception Here is the error shown in console: [:DEBUG] Exception: System.Xml.XmlException: The ',' charac...