Can I conditionally attach a file to CC.NET status email dependant on the build result?

We send out emails for any build status. If the build fails I want to either: send an additional email with an attachment conditionally attach an file to the email Either one works for me, but the second option is better I think. How can I do that in the CC.NET config file? Can I have two sections - one with and another with P...

Problem with installing windows service using CC.NET and MSBUILD

Hi guys, I am trying to install a windows service using MSBuild and CCNET. I am using MSBuild Extension pack WindowsService task to install and start the windows service as part of automated build. The script section look like this <!--install service--> <MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Computer.WindowsService TaskAction="Install" ServiceName="$...

How do you exclude folders on get operation for sourcecontrol in CruiseControl.NET

I have a project which currently doesn't monitor a source safe project. It is forced manually. Within the source control block however I want to be able to exclude the 'get' operation of a certain folder. I know there is a ExclusionFilter feature on a source control block in the config file, but I think that this excl...

Modify Web.Config for Continuous Integration

I am using CruiseControl.Net for my continuous integration process. Using ccnet I build and publish my application into a server in Release mode. But I am not able to change debug="true" to debug="false" in my Web.Config during publishing. What can I do? ...

CruiseControl.NET only shows one NUnit Assembly on NUnit Details page

I am using NUnit with CruiseControl.NET. I have many test projects and assemblies. When I run my tests, on the NUnit Details page, it only shows one assembly, but with all of the tests from all assemblies. In the log, it lists them as separate in the XML. How can I fix this? Thanks. ...

CruiseControl.NET Silverlight Unit Tests Interact with Desktop Windows Server 2008

Hi, Currently we have CCService running as a Domain account because the build scripts deploy to a network location. However this causes any unit tests that test the view to fail. Due to not being allowed to interact with desktop. I can change the CCService to run as local system which works however i loose network connectivity. I also...

Logs overwritten in CruiseCControl.NET when there is multiple MSBuild Tasks.

I have two MSBuild tasks in my CC.NET config. In the end of the execution, i can see two blocks of warnings/errors in the log and published email. But the problem is that the contents of both the blocks are the same and that is from the second MSBuild task!! In another way, the second MSBuild task overwrites the first log, and then creat...

Using PSExec from within CruiseControl .NET

Hi All, I'm trying to call a PSExec task from CC.NET and running into some difficulties. Here's the CC project <project name="Test"> <tasks> <exec> <executable>C:\Utilities\psexec.exe</executable> <buildArgs>-u [UNAME] -p [PWD] "C:\Utilities\Joel.bat"</buildArgs> </exec> </tasks> </project> Here's the sourc...

Generate Visual Studio Project Templates with CruiseControl.Net or MSBuild

Hey all. I have a working workflow in CruiseControl.Net that successfully builds and tests an MSBuild project that is calling my Visual Studio 2010 solution. How do I create Visual Studio project templates in either CruiseControl.Net or with MSBuild? The build server does not have Visual Studio 2010 installed. Thanks for your time! N...

How to run a task before updating source files in CruiseControl .NET?

Hi all, I need to run a taks in CruiseControl .NET before checking for modification in source control. I mean this task should be the very firts thing that CruisControl will always do. I see section in cc.config, but it is for running tasks before building a solution, so it is not exactly what I need. Will be very appriciate for any ...

Problem with cruise control and visual svn

Hi Wonder if anyone can help, I am experiencing a strange issue with my configuration of and visual svn. I am setting the current ccnet.config <sourcecontrol type="svn"> <trunkUrl>https://bladerunner.azullo.local:8443/svn/application/trunk&lt;/trunkUrl&gt; <executable>C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualS...

Commit into TortoiseSVN

hello, <exec executable="tortoiseproc.exe"> <baseDirectory>C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin</baseDirectory> <buildArgs>/command:commit /path:\******\trunk\dotnet /notempfile /closeonend</buildArgs> <buildTimeoutSeconds>1000</buildTimeoutSeconds> </exec> the code above pops up a window asking for "entering...

SVN commit using cruise control

greetings all, when trying to commit into tortoise svn using cruise control i am getting an exception [SVN commit: warn] source control failure (GetModifications): Unable to execute file [ c:\sand\doc\svn ]. The file may not exist or may not be executable. where "c:\sand\doc" is my working directory. In this dir structure nowhere i h...

Automate TortoiseSVN commit using cruise control

I am new to tortoise svn, can any one tell how to automate tortoisesvn's commit process using CruiseControl.NET . My attempt to do that results in an exception being thrown. My main concern is to auto close the window that pops up when we execute the command "tortoiseproc /command: commit /path:"**********PATH********* /logmsg: "log ms...

Cruise Control and Mercurial. Setup problems

I am completely a newbie in continuous integration but I am trying to learn it. Here is my set up. I have a main production location. Computer A. I have a virtual machine hosting Windows Server 2008 OS which have Cruise Control.NET installed and running. Computer B I use Mercurial as my source control tool installed in Computer A. Eve...

SVN commit using cruise control

hi all, i am using cruise control to automate the svn commit process. but the execution of svn commit command restores the files which i deleted from my working copy. the way i am doing is. 1. delete some files in my working copy.( no. of files in my WC is less than no. of files in repository) 2. execute svn command using cruise contr...

Exceptions using CruiseControl.NET

I recently updated to CC.NET 1.5 and I'm now getting some strange exceptions. On one project I get: - ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.CruiseControlException: Source control operation failed: svn: Can't create a character converter from native encoding to 'UTF-8' This happens when CC is checking a subversion repository for any mods. If ...

Is there a pre-made Continuous Integration solution for .NET applications?

From my perspective, we're constructing our own 'flavour' of NAnt/Ivy/CruiseControl.Net in-house and can't help but get the feeling that other dev shops are doing exactly the same work, but then everybody is finding out the same problems and pitfalls with it. I'm not complaining about NAnt, Ivy or CruiseControl at all, as they've been b...

How to get xslReportBuildPlugin to work on

Hi All, I'm using CC 1.5.6804.1 and i created and custom xslt file generate a custome report. I added the file to the xsl directory. I have also updated the dashboard.config file with the following: [my additions] I see no link on the web dashboard after saving and restarting the server. Has anyone seen this and/or have any ideals??...

Incremental build with anytime rollback

Ok, I get the incremental build and I'm working on it already, but I don't got the idea how to do rollbacks in case I need to. At the moment I'm using MSBuild and CruiseControl.NET to create the build system; everything is going smooth right up to the point when I start thinking about rollbacks. How is it achieved using either MSBuild or...