Automated Silverlight Unit Testing with CruiseControl.NET

What is currently the best solution to automate running unit tests against silverlight applications within CruiseControl.NET? Preferably I would like to run MSTest unit tests however as these aren't officially supported for silverlight yet I am open to suggestions that use other testing frameworks. ...

Shared code libraries and cruise control testing

I have 2 applications sharing a common library. Both apps and the library are in active development. Both apps include the project file in their solution. The folders are laid out in source control as: Root App1 App2 Library We currently have separate cruise control builds set to run any time a file is committed to the app1, ... continuously sends error messages whenever it can't connect to SVN

And this is pretty annoying since we have it set up to continuously check svn every 20 seconds. So if svn is down for some reason we could potentially be getting 3 error emails every minute. For example, svn was down today and I had about 90 emails from on how it can't connect to svn in my inbox when I came in the mor...

Can Cruise Control attempt to start a build before fully downloading an svn commit

I have an app and shared library with separate CC build triggers (a successful library build will also trigger a build of the app), with a queue set up to make sure that CC doesn't attempt to build the app until the library is finished. Something weird happened this morning. I'm working over a slowish VPN and committed a bunch of chang...

Use current date/time to set FileVersionInfo and set label with CruiseControl.NET

Hi, I've been looking into the following: With an existing AssemblyInfo.cs file change the AssemblyFileVersion to the current date and time,i.e. YYMM.DD.HH.MM Take the date and time used in (1) and label the sourcecode with it (in SourceSafe) I've managed to get MSBuild file and CC to integrate but I need to pass out of the MSBUILD ...

cruisecontrol <buildargs> nant parameter not being passed

Hi, I've been trying to use the param in my cruisecontrol build config file to no avail. When checking the cruisecontrol log file, whatever buildargs I try to pass are NOT passed to the call to nAnt. Here's the nant task: <nant> <buildArgs>-D:CCFoo="Unknown" -D:foo="$(foo)"</buildArgs> <executable>C:\MCR\Trunk\BuildLibrary\NAnt...

Configuring security settings in CC.NET 1.5

Below is the ccnet.config file I am having, where I am using the new security features of CC.NET 1.5. Can anybody let me know what I am doing wrong. I have two groups in a DOMAIN and I want to let one group to only view and the other group Full Access. <cruisecontrol> <project> <name>Introvert</name> <!-- Security Settings -...

Can you create Jira release notes from Cruise control or Nant?

I would like to include release notes with every release of our intranet project. We use Jira. Is there a way to generate the release notes automatically based on the fixes that were submitted to SVN? We usually check the files back with the jira key id. ...

Which is a good Continuous Integration Solution (e.g. hosting provider?

Hello, I have a private .NET (C#) project using Git Repository in I wish to utilize a hosted Continuous Integration tool like CruiseControl.Net. Can anybody recommend a hosted CI solution, that can integrate with Git and is reliable and cost effective? Thanks. ...

CruiseControl.NET Service / Subversion - Unable to connect to remote repository

As a long-time lurker on SO, I'm popping my question cherry with a tricky one regarding CruiseControl.NET, Subversion, and a remote repository. Here's the problem: Take a remote Subversion 1.6.6 repository running on Windows Server 2008 SP2, using Apache 2.2.14 as the gateway to enable access on Port 80 and 443 - we redirect unencrypted...

Cruise Control.NET email does not contain error details

I have configured an email notification when the CC.NET build fails. But the email contains only the failed project name, error code and the count of errors/warnings. It does not contain the full path of project, file path and the exception message. Interstingly all these information are coming correctly in the web dash bord. I compared...

Automatic testing with WinForms and NUnit

I'm using Cruise Control.NET and NAnt to automatically run NUnit tests on our code base. Some tests cause Windows forms to be shown. When these tests are run manually from VS or NUnit GUI, they work fine. When run via the Cruise Control service, I get the following exception: System.InvalidOperationException : Showing a modal dialog ...

Reporting failed task in CruiseControl.NET

I am setting up a build system and would like to display which task failed the build in the "Project Report" section in the dashboard and in the build failure email. At the moment I have three tasks: SourceControl Msbuild Unit tests (using gallio.echo from CC.Net exec task) If either of the latter two fail it's not obvious from the ...

What's a good way to remove debug="true" from web.config on publish?

I use VS 2008 to develop and I use CCNet to build, test and deploy our applications to a staging server. I would like to be able to remove the debug="true" setting from web.config as part of the deployment process. I know I could just set <deployment retail="true"/> in machine.config, but I don't always have that much access the servers...

Cruise Control: Web-based Source Control Configuration

Currently I have this sourcecontrol config block.     <sourcecontrol type="svn">       <trunkUrl>;/trunkUrl&gt;         <workingDirectory>c:\MyProject</workingDirectory>         <username>admin</username>       <password>mypassword</password>       </sourcecontrol> Cruise...

Exception when running mstest.exe: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Utility.LicenseHelper. How to fix?

I recently updated our build server, including Service Pack for Visual Studio 2008. I used to be able to run mstest.exe on the command line and from Cruise Control successfully. After the update however i get this error message: C:>"c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe" Microsoft (R) Test Exe...

CruiseControl.Net Dashboard + Gendarme Plugin

Hi, I try to combine CC.NET with Gendarme. I use CC.NET 1.5. Gendarme already checks the build and generates a report. But I can't get the dahsboard to show the report. How can I do it? I added this in my ccnet.config: <merge><files> <file>C:\MyProjectArtefacts\gendarme-results.xml</file> </files></merge> And that to my dashbo...

Finding ALL installed applications with PowerShell?

I am trying to use Windows PowerShell 2.0 to find an installed application. I have tried two methods, one using WMI and one using the Registry. Both methods are able to bring up a large list of installed applications and components, however neither one seems to bring up the application I am interested in. I am specifically looking for ...

Automatically replace dev database with live database?

I have live and dev versions of an ASP.NET website, with corresponding live and dev versions of the SQL Server back end. Each is on its own server (so 4 total) on the same local network. Every so often, we've been manually replacing the dev DB with the live DB, using backup & restore, so that the dev DB is a reasonably recent snapshot ...

Comparison between CruiseControl, TeamCity and Team Foundation Server

Today we are using TFS 2008 for source control, and I imagine we will go for TFS 2010 as quick it goes RTM. We are going to use some continues integration tool but which one? I have been looking at both TeamCity and CruiseControl.NET both seems quite good (TeamCity were a little more easy to configure). I have seen some really promising...