Cruise Control .NET configuration : can a project launch another project ?

Let's say I have defined n projects and I want to have a last one to launch, in a defined order, the n first ones. Is it possible ? ...

Cruisecontrol .net config file not reading changes (ccnet.config)

Hi, Does anyone have any insight as to why changes to the ccnet.config file are not being accepted by ccnet? We have a ccnet.config file that holds about 30 projects. Usually, if you need the configuration reloaded we can just 'touch' the file and save it, and the ccnet.log shows that ccnet has noticed the config changes and reloads th...

Cruise Control .NET : how to retrieve log of project launched by a forcebuild publisher ?

Let's say project A launches B, C and D. I'm trying to merge the build result logs of B, C, and D after completion. Since A doesn't wait on B, C and D to finish, I created a project E to merge all logs. But how can I retrieve the last generated logs to merge them ? ...

CruiseControl.Net + SSL

Hey Guys, So just installed cruisecontrol.NET on my PC and I am using VisualSVN for the SVN hosting with https:// and a 'dummy' certificate. All this is on my local PC. The problem is that when I try and run cruisecontrol.NET - it keeps giving me "Server certificate verification failed: certificate issued for a different hostname, issu...

CruiseControl.NET Continuous Integration Blocking File Access

Our Continuous Integration process appears to be executing programs that are in contention for for files. During the build, certain pdb's aren't able to be copied because they are in use by another process. Question: Ideally it would be faster to have the concurrent building of each project executing however I was wondering if this w...

How do I add a project to CruiseControl.NET?

I am looking at the cruisecontrol web dashboard. I can see one farm and one server. However, I don't see any way to add a project? Is this something I can do with the UI or do I need to edit the config file by hand? ...

Accessing SVN repo via CruiseControl.NET and Windows Authentication

Hi, this is a bit of an ambiguous one as to whether it is for StackOverflow or ServerFault. I figured developers would have as much chance of solving this problem, so I opted for here. I have two servers: SVNServer. This is a Windows 2003 Server box and hosts VisualSVN which is working fine and allows authentication via Windows Authen...

CruiseControl.Net allowForceBuild per project?

From reading the docs I can tell that allowForceBuild will turn off the force build button for the server. In my case I have 12 projects. Once is a weekend cleanup task. I want to remove the force build on this one project. Is there a way to turn off the button on a project level? Thanks. - ...

Showing all the packages for a cruisecontrol project

Hi I have a project currently being built, and a package created for it using the package node in the publishers config section. For each build I see the zip file being created and placed in my directory, however, through the webdashboard, or cctray, when I look at the packages list it only shows the latest. I’m not ...

Does CruiseControl.NET have to access VisualSVN via HTTP or HTTPS?

I've recently got CruiseControl.NET setup to work with my VisualSVN server. It works fine, and the TrunkURL uses the repository url that VisualSVN gave me, which starts with https. I am however confused slightly because every example you see on the CruiseControl.NET website for subversion has the server using svn://. I tried to use th...

How to avoid breaking build when committing Visual Studio Unit Tests in CruiseControl.Net

I'm having a problem when a project is committed to SVN, which in turn is automatically picked up by our newly set-up CruiseControl.NET server, the UnitTests are failing. The unit tests are written in the default Visual Studio Unit test framework - which is the problem. I spot that nUnit appears to be recommended as a good alternative. ...

What is a good build automation and deployment process for use with

I’m looking for some recommendations to do project building and deployment automatically. Our current development setup uses ASP.NET, SVN, CCNET and an MSBuild script for the dev server build. I was thinking of switching over to Cruise instead of CCNET though I’m not sure if that gives me anything extra that I don’t have already. What ...

Ever do continuous integration on generated code on a Citrix server?

Due to red tape issues, my team has been trying to get continuous integration running on a Citrix server instead of our own box. The problem is that we use IBM's Rhapsody tool to generate our source code, which creates file permission issues. Given that our problem is a little specific, I'm looking for more general lessons learned. Has ...

CruiseControl.NET: How to access modifications in MSBuild task?

I'd like to do some action based on modified files. I have such project configuration <project name="MyProject"> <sourcecontrol type="vsts" autoGetSource="true"> ... </sourcecontrol> <tasks> <msbuild> ... </msbuild> </tasks> Is there any way how to put or access the modifications comes from source control in that...

"Elegant" CruiseControl.Net and WiX integration

I am trying to integrate the automatic generation of MSI installers with my CruiseControl.Net installation. I can see how I can manually build an MSBuild file that calls candle and then light, but I need to make it build installers that can do upgrades, so can I use the BuildLabel (or something of that area) to regenerate new GUIDs for t...

NUnit vs Visual Studio 2010's MSTest?

I realise that there are many older questions addressing the general question of NUnit v MSTest for versions of Visual Studio up to 2008 (such as this one). Microsoft have a history of getting things right in their 3rd version. For MSTest, that is VS2010. Have they done so with MSTest? Would you use it in a new project in preference to...

How to determine which project triggered build in CruiseControl.NET

Hi, does anyone know whether it is possible to tell what project triggered build in CruiseControl.NET, especially when I have a set InnerTriggers. Can you set a name for the trigger ? ...

Queue Priority in CruiseControl.NET

In my build configuration I have multiple project queues: Queue1, Queue2, ... Queue(N) I want to configure the build where I can set the priority of when each queue builds: Queue1 = Priority of 2, Queue2 = Priority of 1 ... which produces the queues being built in the following order: Queue2, Queue1 ... How can I accomplish this...

Killing a program if it displays a dialog box ( running under

I have running Visual Studio (2005/2008 - using as we need to build deployment projects (.vdproj). At times, for various reasons devenv decides that even though it was run from the command line, using the varient, it still wants to put up a dialog box. Now, as it's running under

Tag SVN "Nightly" Builds with CruiseControl.Net

How would I do a nightly or other scheduled build for CruiseControl.NET without having a duplicate project? In my current config, every 60 seconds, I am checking out the trunk using Subversion, running MSBuild, then either NUnit or MSTest. I would like to commit back to SVN as a tag, but I don't want it on every successful build. I wan...