Robocopy for Windows 2003 doesn't support /DST option

Does anyone know if it is possible to download the latest robocopy for Windows 2003. The latest version provides the /DST option which ignores time stamps changed due to BST (British Summer Time). Every time we do a build and sync our servers when we go +1/-1 hour it takes hours instead of minutes because it sees everything as changed. ...

regexIssueTracker not working in

I am trying to get an issueUrlBuilder to work in my CruiseControl.NET config, and cannot figure out why they aren't working. The first one I tried is this: <cb:define name="issueTracker"> <issueUrlBuilder type="regexIssueTracker"> <find>^.*Issue (\d*).|\n*$</find> <replace>https://issuetracker/ViewIssue.aspx?ID=$1&lt;/replace...

How to pass an integration property to a batch file with CruiseControlNet ?

In the build log of my project, i can see these properties: <integrationProperties> <CCNetProject>Gdet_T</CCNetProject> ... <LastModificationDate>4/6/2010 1:29:04 PM</LastModificationDate> <LastChangeNumber>10841</LastChangeNumber> </integrationProperties> I want to pass the property CCNetProject and LastChangeNumber to a batc...

how to Implement Cruise Control with QTP?

I would like to integrate QTP with Cruise Control, which I have done so far, i'm stuck at the reporting part. I would like to somehow report back to Cruise Control with the results, how can I accomplish this? Please help? ...

CruiseControl failing view compilation with MVC 2 RTM

Tehnologies: - CruiseControlNet - MVC 2 RTM - enabled view compilation The problem is UrlParameter.Optional setting. I can't seem to make it work when I use this setting inside a view. When I compile inside Visual Studio, everything works fine, but when CCNet uses MSBuild to compile it it fails with following error: errorCS010...

CruiseControl.NET Preprocessor 'include' Anomaly

Here's a strange one relating to a combination of the 'define' and 'include' functionality that the CC.NET preprocessor exposes. We're running CCNet, and our ccnet.config file is structured and split to make best use of common element blocks stored in subfiles that are included by the main config file; we also split out the core...

Issues integrating NCover with CC.NET, .NET framework 4.0 and MsTest

I'm implementing continuous integration with CruiseControl.NET, .NET 4.0, NCover and MsTest. On the build server I'm unable to run code coverage from the Ncover explorer or NCover console. When I run where vstesthost.exe from the Ncover console it returns the Visual Studio 9.0 path and does not seem to pick up .net framework 4.0. I've fo...

Problem with configuration

Hi I started using ccnet to build my project. This is quite new issue for me so I have some problems. First thing: Why does ccnet copy directory with my project to another directory (ccnet creates new folder named the same as project name included in ccnet.config file and copies to them directory with my project) Second thing: Dashboa...

In CruiseControl.NET what is the difference between the XSLs in the server and webdashboard directory

In CruiseControl.NET there appears to be the same xsl stylesheets in the server directory as well as the webdashboard directory? Is one for transformation for saving to the build report xml and the other for display on the web dashboard? What are the different directories of xsl stylesheets used for? -- Lee ...

.NET Build Process

All I am looking for the best free set of tools to be used in a MS Based build process. Checkout, Build, Package, Test, Deploy, etc. I know this question has been asked before but it was over 2 years ago, and in our world that is an eternity. I am looking to develop a pattern that is easily adapted to similar projects. Almost like a t...

CruiseControl multiple source folders

Hi, I want to compile a project (with CruiseControl) not only if its source changes, but also if some dependencies change. example: I got 3 folders: c:\myProject\src (my source folder) c:\dependency1\src (source code of dependency 1) c:\dependency2\output (dll of dependency 2) I want to compile my project in cruisecontrol if ...

Cruise Control .NET 4.0 MSBUILD Logger

Has anyone gotten a MSBuild task in Cruise Control to load a logger? I've tried variations but it always fails to load the logger. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 C:\builds\MVC2Test\trunk\MVC2Test\MVC2Test.sln /noconsolelogger /p:Configuration=CruiseControl /v:dia...

DCOM problems building a VB6 app in

Hi there, I can successfully build a VB6 application that relies upon several DCOM settings on the build machine, no problem. However. The second time I try to run the same build process, it fails, as DCOM and/or IIS have locks on the output files that I'm trynig to rebuild. Currently, if I log onto the build machine and reset iis (us...

execute task before source block 1.5

I'm trying to execute a program before the source control block executes and downloads the source to my local working directory. the prebuild task executes after and the tasks block executes after. I've poured over the docs and just can't figure it out. ...

Continuous Integration - with what to start: CruiseControl.NET vs TeamCity vs Visual Studio Team System

I'm new to Continuous Integration. I want an advice with what tool should I start deal with. I see that this is the biggest tools right now: CruiseControl.NET, TeamCity and Visual Studio Team System. I'm using this tools: Visual Studio 2010, Mercurial, NAnt, NUnit. ...

is it ill-advised to run CruiseControl.NET on the same box as the production server

for very low-volume bandwidth site in production with iis7/win08 - should i have concerns (re: overall system stability) about installing CruiseControl.NET as a build server implementation? ...

Check for modification failure in content Integration using VisualSVN Server and

I am using for continous integration. I've created a repository for my project using VisualSvn server (uses Windows Authentication). Both the servers are hosted in the same system (Os-Microsoft Windows Server 2003 sp2). When i force build the project using "Failed task(s): Svn: CheckForModifications" ...

can you deploy cruise control .net as a web service/web app?

I'm investigating the possibility of utilizing my web host as a cruise build server. If I have access to MsBuild or can deploy msBuild and run it, it would be great. I can not however find any resources that would tell me if cruise control supports being run as a web service or web app. Is this type of deployment possible? I...

CCNet: "Failing Tasks : FilteredSourceControl: CheckForModifications" error

I've installed CCNet and now I'm trying to set up a link to our repository. When I visit the CCNet dashboard website the project shows up ok, but when I click the Force button I receive this error in the messages column: Failing Tasks : FilteredSourceControl: CheckForModifications If I log into the server as the account which I've spe...

CCNet 1.6 Conditional Plugin Help Needed!

 Hi all, I cannot get the conditional plugin to work that has been added to CCNet as of version 1.6 - clicky. I am running the latest version of CCNet (1.6.7258.1) and have the following code in my ccnet.config: <project name="9iCompile"> <sourcecontrol type="svn"> <trunkUrl>http://bis-build:81/svn/Oracle/oas_forms/COPEN&lt;/trun...