How do I add/modify text in the email results sent on CruiseControl.NET task completion?

It is not obvious to me where/how to configure the text that gets sent out in the emails after a build is complete/fails. I am getting emails, but there are some details I need to add. Where is that/how is that done? ... and Subversion

My project is not noticing when subversion gets updated. I have the exact same setup working on another server. This is a virtual server. Here is my log file after I have made a commit. It seems like ccnet can see that there is an update but it just ends by saying no modifications detected. 2009-12-17 10:34:47,000 [MyProjectName Con...

CruiseControl.Net Deleted Files

I'm using on against a Source Safe database, and have a problem that someone deleted some files from the database, and the deleted files weren't removed. I didn't see a config switch or anything that I could set for it to clear the code directory prior to building. Am I missing something? ...

Should CruiseControl.NET be used to handle tasks that are not related to building source?

Weird question, perhaps. We have a number of simple utilities written in-house that need to be run on an automated basis. These are not build jobs. Just things like running SendOutHourlyEmailAlarms.exe, KeepFoldersInSynch.exe and such. I would normally set these things up as simple scheduled tasks/AT commands (or a Windows Service if...

How do you set up CC.Net as a service?

I am trying to set up Cruise Control so that it runs as a service. How is this done? Also what difficulties as far as rights go might I run into? ...

CruiseControl.NET double building nant file

I've just started using ccnet and it appears to be double building the nant file: The build log shows the build output twice: Buildfile: file:///D:/ccnet/path/ Target framework: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Target(s) specified: test .. etc.. Buildfile: file:///D:/ccnet/path/ Target framework: Microsoft .NET Framework...

CruiseControl.NET merge nunit and nant output

I've just started using ccnet so I'm having trouble understanding why the merging of nant and nunit outputs are not working. I've setup my ccnet.config with typical values as found on google: <merge> <files> <file>D:\ccnet\path1\nant-results.xml</file> <file>D:\ccnet\path2\TestResult.xml</file> </files> </merge> <xmllogger /> Nant a...

Configuration Preprocessor and conditional statements

I am trying to set a conditional statement to use an attribute depending on its value. I am not sure ccnet-config supports conditions For example: <cb:define project-name="$(name)" /> <cb:if test:"$(project-name == '')"> <cb:define project-name="$(name)" /> </cb:if> ...

Nant / Cruise Control - Unable to copy file to another server.

This Nant task (controlled by CruiseControl) is failing to copy files to a share on another server. <target name="DeployToTargetDirectory" description="Copies files to target deploy folder (this may not be the final virtual directory)"> <if test="${not directory::exists(AppDeploymentFolder)}"> <fail message="Deployment folder not foun...

How do you configure CC.NET to pull svn:externals which use different credentials?

I have a repository that has an svn:externals property that points to a different repository with different credentials. When cruise control runs, it is not able to connect to the external repository. I understand why this is happening. CC.NET doesn't pull externals when it updates the repository. Instead, it updates the repository an...

Cruise Control .NET force a task to run

How do I ensure that a given task always runs even if others fail? Say I have a task that installs an msi, another that builds a solution file, and then another that uninstalls an msi. If the middle task fails, I still want to uninstall the msi. ...

How to add revision numbers in the title of e-mail published by cruisecontrol.NET?

Hi all. This is a question I should ask like a year earlier. Back to the day, I setup cruisecontrol.NET as our continuous integration system. I wanted to add the source revision number and the revision number of the binary it built. However, since it restarted automatically if any of external files and environment variable incl...

CruiseControl.NET and TFS Labeller

Hi Guys, I'm facing a very simple issue but I can't find the right tool: We (in our team) currently build our Web App (.NET 3.5SP1 Based) with CC.NET, getting source code from SubVersion. We're moving to TFS2005 (already used by other teams) but I can't find the equivalent of the SvnVersionLabeller; the specific labeller gets the latest...

Publish from SVN to folder ProjectName_VersionNumber_BuildNumber

I have a VS 2008 web forms project and I'm using to build and test the app. All fairly straight forward. What I'd like to do is automate the publishing to a given folder, and have the folder named ProjectName_VersionNumber_BuildNumber. I can build to a statically named folder, but I can't see how to name the folder aut...

Can a CruiseControl.NET plugin cause a web dashboard page to link to additional style sheets?

I'm developing a CruiseControl.NET plugin, and the content that I want to display in the plugin's web dashboard page uses an external style sheet. Is there a way for a CruiseControl.NET plugin to cause a web dashboard page to link to additional style sheets? Or will I have to merge my style sheet into CruiseControl.NET's style sheet? ...

Viewing raw XML build log on CruiseControl.NET under IIS7 - 404

I've installed CruiseControl.NET 1.5 (CTP) on a Windows 2008 server with IIS7. The installer doesn't create a virtual directory for the ccnet dashboard. No biggie, configured that manually, and also changed the AppPool to be Classic as opposed to Integrated Pipeline mode. The web dashboard displays and generally works fine (I can view ...

CruiseControl.NET with multiple SourceSafe databases

Hello, I'm trying to configure CruiseControl.NET and have come across an issue with SourceSafe. When ccnet builds I am getting the error: No VSS database (srcsafe.ini) found. Set the SSDIR environment variable to the path of srcsafe.ini for your VSS database I understand that setting the SSDIR environment variable would solv...

How to configure a CruiseControl project to get multiple projects from sourcesafe

Hello, I need to configure my project in cruise-control so that when it gets the source code from SourceSafe, it also gets the code for another project from SourceSafe. Is this possible? I need this because I am trying to configure cruise control to build a solution which contains multiple projects from different SourceSafe locations. ...

Can we tell CruiseControl.NET to ignore source control timeout errors?

We have CruiseControl.NET set up to do continuous integration of a number of our projects. We are using a <cb:define> block to make sure all of our source control operations are done in the same way, and to keep the config DRY. We are experiencing an issue every once in a while that cause the build to show "Exception". The message is ...

Cruise Control .NET time build spends in failed state

My team has a goal to minimize the amount of time that our build is broken. We use CruiseControl.NET for continuous integration. What I'd like to find out is how best to approach answering the following question: "In the last {timespan}, how much time has {project-name} spent in a broken status?" For example: "Over the last 1 month, h...