Publishing/Deployment tasks with CruiseControl.NET.

I'd like to create a CruiseControl.NET task to mimic the publish functionality for web applications in Visual Studios. Any suggested approaches or examples? Thanks. ...

Does a 64-bit CruiseControl.NET exist?

Does a 64-bit CruiseControl.NET exist or do I need to install the 32-bit version? Our CI server is Server2003 64-bit. Currently I have been testing on WinXP Pro and no problems. If I do need to run 32-bit on a 64-bit OS, what issues should I expect to encounter? This post mentions a couple,

How to run CruiseControl.NET task but only after a specific task ends?

For example I have three tasks: task1, task2, task3. How to write a CruiseControl.NET configuration file that runs task3 but only after task2 ends with success? ...

how to turn off a unit test in CPPUnit

I (finally) have my app being unit tested with CPPUnit and I have CruiseControl.NET running the tests and displaying the test output. I have several tests that always fail, however, so CruiseControl always marks the build as failed. Is there any way I can "turn off" or "skip" or "ignore" these always-failing tests? I'd rather not just...

Publishing an ASP.NET Website using buildpublisher

I am using the Cruise Control BuildPublisher task to publish a 2005 ASP.NET website. The Website has no warnings and if I run the Publish WebSite from within the IDE it works fine. When I publish through Cruise Control however it only publishes the bin folder and the PrecompiledApp.config. All ASPX files are excluded. I have tried th...

How to use CruiseControl.NET for database and windows service deployment?

I have a VS 2008 solutions that includes a number of projects including a couple of class libraries, a web application, a windows service and a SQL 2008 database project. The build server currently has CruiseControl.NET version, command-line subversion client and .NET framework 3.5 SP1 installed (Windows Server 2008 R2, no Vis...

SVN Externals in a different SCM

At a previous workplace we used svn externals to update dependent projects when a shared component was updated. This made it easy to see anything that those changes broke, as well as update dependent projects to the latest version of a shared component automatically without any intervention. At a new workplace we are using with s...

VisualSVN post-commit hook to force cruisecontrol to build

I have tried googling for an way to do this but can't seem to find one so here goes. I have a VisualSVN server set up with my repositories and cruisecontrol setup to poll the server and run the build scripts when ever there is a modification. Since it is only me working on this project (it's my final year project as part of my degree) ...

Accessing CruiseControl.NET project name in NAnt

CCNet passes the current build label to NAnt via the NAnt property "CCNetLabel". Is there a similar property where it passes the name of the CCNet project name? ...

Fork process with CC .NET

Is there any way to fork a process inside Cruise Control .NET? I want CC .NET to launch a program when everything's done but right now, CC .NET insists on waiting for the program to close before saying that the build is complete. The program that is launched must run for up to weeks at a time. ...

CruiseControl.Net API through C#

I'm currently trying to create a tool that uses the cruise control api for builds. I've managed to create a real time log of builds, however i'm struggling with adding a new project to the server through the use of the api. I'm trying to use something along these lines: RemoteCruiseManagerFactory factory = new RemoteCruiseManagerFacto...

How to ignore output from executable with CruiseControl.Net build?

I'm running a little find and replace utility called fart.exe (yes, fart, as in Find and Replace Text) as part of my CC build. Works great. The problem is that FART while it is working displays a little ASCII spinner composed of pipe, dash, slash... | / - . There isn't a way to suppress this spinner, and CC thinks these little symbols ...

CruiseControl.NET does not increment label.

I am running the ccnet server on a windows Server 2003 Operating system. The builds for my product happen fine. But the label remains "" always. If I do a force build through the web dashboard the version is incremented, but otherwise, the version does not get incremented. Can anybody tell me if there is something I am missing. I...

How do I send an email in that contains the svn commit messages and other details?

I'd like to email the results of the build along with: svn revision(s) that are in the build commit message(s) for those revisions Other details like the location of where we ftp the resulting executables Can anyone point me to resources to show how to do this with CC.Net? I am able to get the standard email that is sent that contai...

Bazaar + CruiseControl.Net

I want to setup CruiseControl.Net at my company. We currently have several .net solutions stored in a Bazaar repository and I want to use MSBuild to build each solution. This didn't seem too controversial, but I can't see an easy way of binding CruiseControl.Net to Bazaar. There seems to have been a plugin to do this at http://www.sorn....

Increment the same labeller using multiple Cruise Control.Net projects

I have a project that uses the default Cruise Control labeller to keep track of the "build number" for the project. We have recently branched a project version, and I've added an additional Cruise Control project for the branch. I would like the branch to use the same build number sequence as the trunk. However, rather than simply using...

CruiseControl.NET 1.5 HTML Report Linking!!

Hi, As per CruiseControl.NET 1.5 improvement, HTML file can be merged with XML log or can be copied to artifacts directory under respective project folder. Under artifacts directory, it will create a corresponding build no directory when build is run. e.g. for me C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server\Javelin_DISCUS_B2B\Artifacts\189\...

Build checks not running while project is building in CCNet 1.5.6444.5

I've just upgraded our CCNet installation to build 1.5.6444.5, and now while a build is running on one queue, none of the other build checks (on another queue) run at all until this build completes. This was all working fine on Has anybody else encountered this problem? Thanks. ...

.NET Dependency Management and Tagging/Branching

My company is having trouble figuring out the best way to manage our builds, releases, and branches... Our basic setup is we have 4 applications we maintain 2 WPF applications and 2 ASP.NET applications, all 4 of these applications share common libraries, so currently they are all in one folder /trunk/{app1, app2, app3, app4}. This make...

Cruise and subversion issue

I have a intervalTrigger that runs off subversion source control. I update subversion but it doesn't trigger the build. I have the exact same setup on another server and it works. How can I troubleshoot this? Is there a log I can look into? I don't see any error messages. The new server is VMWare ...