CCNet: How Do I copy the svn revision number to a file in MSBuild?

Does anyboy know how to pass the LastChangeNumber parameter into MSBuild? I'm trying to use this: <Exec Condition=" '$(LastChangeNumber)' != '' " Command=">\\server\destination\subversion_revision.txt echo subversion $(LastChangeNumber)" /> Which successfully ignores the condition if I leave out the LastChangeNumber parameter from th...

Local Build Automation?

Working in a team environment, we have a Team Foundation Server that also contains a Team Build component. It is configured to automatically build all projects and solutions at specific times or on request. We develop a product that is built with several solultions that depend on eachother. When things have been changed in one solution,...

How do you use commercial libraries in a continuous integration build?

Setting We are using licensed Infragistics winform controls for creation of desktop applications. All our software builds are performed on a CruiseControl.NET server. Remark: Never mind the combination of Infragistics and CCNET – any other commercial library of .NET controls and any other CI server will probably lead to the same situat...

How do you create properties in CruiseControl.Net

In ant scripts and MS build files you can set properties at the top how do I do this in the CruiseControl file ccnet.config? ...

Integrate Cruise Control .NET with TFS

I'm trying to use Cruise Control .NET with TFS. What is the best way to integrate TFS with the latest version of Cruise Control .NET? ...

Diagnosing Cruise Control .NET task timeouts

I've got a CCNet build script that runs fine, with the exception of every now and then an MSBuild task times out. I've gone in and increased the timeouts from 600 to 900 to 1200. No dice, so I'm lead to believe it has something to do with what MSBuild is building; a big old web application project. I've looked on the google for any in...

How do you know who is fixing the build?

We are working in a CI environment, with Enterprise Cruise running our builds. Developers all have CCTray installed locally to notify us if a build breaks. CCTray has a menu option Volunteer to fix build that you can use to let your team know that you are fixing the build. However this doesn't work in our environment (reasons: Fix build...

Supressing Log Output for NAnt Delete Task

We are currently using CruiseControl.NET with NAnt 0.85 build scripts and while everything is working well, the log files are a little too verbose for my liking. In particular, when deleting folders using the <delete> task I always get a [delete] Deleting directory entry in the log. Fair enough but this task is run in a foreach loop ...

CruiseControl.Net - not able to see Project Statistics

Hi all, I've made a reinstallation of the buildserver and can no longer see the standard graphs of project statistics. The error message shown is "Missing/Invalid statistics reports. Please check if you have enabled the Statistics Publisher, and statistics have been collected atleast once after that." To the best of my knowledge, the...

Using CruiseControl to copy the head SVN folder to a Release folder

I'm just getting started with CruiseControl.NET and nAnt and don't really have a good understanding of how the whole process works. We currently have most of our solutions in Visual Source 'Safe', and have the build server Label each release automatically using the AssemblyInfo file. We're migrating our VSS projects into SVN, and have m...

Getting NAnt to check for changed files in SVN

In the interests of trying to speed up my NAnt/CruiseControl.Net/Ivy continuous build process, I was hoping to get NAnt to check if my codebase has changed on my local PC after performing a NAnt-based update, and then if the code has changed, then kick off the process to re-build that project and possibly raise a flag to build all subse...

Build server for WPF app - does Team City have an advantage over CruiseControl.NET?

First off: This is not meant to be an argumentative question or flamebait. I'm genuinely curious about this as I am about to start a build server evaluation process. Also, this question is not a general "which is the better build server" question. There are plenty of those on SO already. I'm wondering about a very specific aspect. The o...

CruiseControl.NET and svn

Hi, i am new to and wanted to set it up to work with our svn repository. I installed cuisecontrol 1.4.4 and i created ccnet.confi which looks like this <cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder"> <!-- This is your CruiseControl.NET Server Configuration file. Add your projects below! --> <project name="HelloWor...

Continous Integration: PowerShell vs. CI Server (CC.NET or Hudson)

So, a friend and I have been discussing continuous integration and bat/powershell scripts versus CI servers like CruiseControl.Net or Hudson. The following powershell pseudo script works to update from SVN, build using msbuild, deploy/copy out, update a build/revision number in the app, and emails on failed builds. The next step would ...

CruiseControl.NET: using $(CCNetLabel ) inside ccnet.config file

When calling external processes like MSBuild cruise control sets environment variables. One of values is CCNetLabel. it holds the value of the current projects label. I want to use the same values in ccnet config itself but when I try ccnet config has a problem. I get the following error: [CCNet Server:ERROR] INTERNAL ERROR: Reference t...

.sln file disappears and build hangs

Had to relocated our SVN repository, I edited the ccNet.config removed our state files and the old build directories. My build will start and pulls down the project for SVN but right after getting my project from SVN the build hangs and the .sln file gets deleted. Any Ideas? ...

CruiseControl.NET service failing to build due to MSBuild ResolveKeySource error, despite certificate being imported

We just had an XBAP/WBA project added to our build server. It uses a PFX file for signing. I imported the PFX file to the CruiseControl.NET service certificate store, and can see it in the certificate store for the service. Yet we are still seeing an exception thrown by ResoveKeySource: c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Micros...

Integrating XBAP into ASP.NET web application, continuous integration server and release process

Greetings, I'm after advice from those who have implemented an WPF Web Based Application or XAML Browser Application (XBAP) which requires full trust, into a continuous integration server such as CruiseControl.NET, as well as their normal build/release process. Specifically, I'm interested in: Best practice for signing an XBAP project...

Deploying code from Subversion Repository to web server without building

At my company, we develop our ASP.NET applications as websites and often just work off of our network drive, which points directly to the files on our development web server. Our code is compiled at time of HTML request, so we don't build our web applications. I've read that automated builds are a best-practice, and aim to set that up as...

Subversion block in CruiseControl.NET - passing specific revision number?

I would like the ability to pass a specific revision to the SVN task (in ccnet.config) that I want the buildserver to checkout from SVN and build. So I don't always want the latest revision. And no, I don't want to create a tag for every successful build. Looking at the configuration elements here: