CruiseControl .NET - what to configure to avoid multiple triggering of CI builds

Hi, I want got CuriseControl .NET based CI process installed for my development - a small team of 15 developers, concurrently working on several projects in one solution. Now my question is what do i need to configure so as to avoid any potential multiple concurrent CI builds getting triggered. I amy be asking a stupid question here, b...

Getting MSTest output to show in CruiseControl.Net

I currently have our build server set up with CruiseControl.Net running a build using MSBuild and then running unit tests using MSTest. The problem is I can't see the output of the unit tests in CC - I know they are being run because I can get the build to fail if I commit a failing test. I have followed the online guides from http://bl...

Integrating PartCover.NET with NAnt

Hello, I'm trying to integrate PartCover.NET with NAnt and CruiseControl.NET I can run PartCover.NET browser without problems, but it does not work once I try to run it in an NAnt task (in my CCNET build). There must be an issue with my NAnt target but I can't find it. Maybe someone had experienced the same issues in the past?. <t...

Automated builds of branches with SVN

What I'm looking to do is have CI and an automated build for all of my branches in a repository. I'd like each build of these web apps to have it's own project and be placed as a virtual directory (or equivalent) on a branches site. This would be great to be able to create a new branch and have it start the continuous integration and bui...

Configuring project directory creates (by default) for each project a subdirectory under: c:\Program File\CruiseControl.NET\server How can I change that? (it's such a bad idea to mix data with program files...) I found a way to configure the artifacts directory per project, but that's not quite it (it's merely a subdirectory of the project directo...

Why isn't CruiseControl.NET emailing build and test results?

I'm using CruiseControl.NET with NUnit and NAnt. I'm trying to get to send out emails that contain the styled test results and build information. My config file looks like this: <publishers> <merge> <files> <file>C:\Tests\*Results*.xml</file> <file>C:\Artifacts\*</file> </files> </merge> <xmllogger logDir="C:\...

CS1504 "Unspecified" errors

Hi, I maintain my team's CruiseControl.NET build server that, in turns builds our projects with NAnt. Every once in a while, the build fails because the compiler throws a CS1504 error on a random file. Has anyone seen this before and know what could be causing it? Maybe a service/process acquired a lock that should have been released? ...

How do I setup Multiple Triggers for Cruisecontrol.NET?

I'm new to and am attempting to setup it up for a project I'm working on. The project is kept under subversion, but the whole project is made up of the core project, and several components, each one a separate subversion project, each with a trunk, possible branches and tags. I need to setup so that a ...

CC.Net Access Denied Error

I have CruiseControl.Net setup as my continuous integration environment. I've been working on adding a Visual Studio 2008 Web Deployment Project to my solution but I'm getting a weird "access denied" error and I can't figure out why. I have CC.Net running under its own account on my server which is a member of the administrators group, ...

Getting a Reflector error Assembly Not Found when installing CruiseControl.NET

I see an entry in ccnet.exe.config <runtime> <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name="NetReflector" publicKeyToken="2f4dd8b32acbcd8e" culture="neutral" /> <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="1.1.2009.1004" /> </dependentAssembly> </assemblyBinding>...

App-settings for smtp-server not read correctly on build server?

Hi all, I have a unit test that attempts to send an email using the settings in my app.config in my unit test project. It works just fine on my developer machine, but the SmtpClient instance is not configured at all when running on my build server. Below is the code under test. Both client.Host and .Port is unconfigured on server. An...

Using Cruise Control With No Solution Files

I've just joined a team that for whatever reasons do not check in their .sln files into source control (VSS). They Create their local solution files and add the web application projects to it from source control. I'm trying to show them the beauty of CruiseControl.Net however in the ccnet.config file i'm used to pointing the build tool ...

StyleCop integration with CI build process (Criuse Control, Nant, msbuild and StyleCop)

I have been asked to integrate StyleCop in our CI build process in such a way that: Individual project file in our (large) solution are not affected I don't have to use any 3rd party tool The first requirement (and I don't fully understand this yet) is due to the fact that we don't want to run StyleCop on our entire solution straight...

How do I deploy/publish a Web Application with CruiseControl.NET & MSBuild?

How do I deploy/publish a Web Application with CruiseControl.NET & MSBuild? I am new to CCNET and I able to get it to get the latest source from SVN and Build with MSBuild 3.5. How do I get the site to publish to another (DEVELOPMENT) server? Thanks for any pointers/examples. Cheers, ~ck ...

Max number of times a DLL can be registered/unregistered?

Is there a maximum number of times that a DLL can be registered and unregistered in a specific time period? Here's what I mean and why: I have a Continuous Integration package that builds my VB6 applications and in order to build each of the 80 components of the solution, I: retrieve each project's dependencies in turn register the dl... build fails even through MSBuild task succeeds

Hi, I've installed for the first time and I'm having trouble getting my solution to build. It is strange because it builds in VS2008 just fine. I've got a very simple config file with this MSBuild task: <msbuild> <executable>C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe</executable> <projec...

Examples of modificationReader task in CC.Net?

I am trying to set up a build chain that propagates a modification history through the various build stages. My first thought was modificationWriter/modificationReader pairs, but I am having trouble getting the reader to read the results. Does anybody have any examples or tips? I am using the latest CC.NET 1.4.4 SP1. Thanks! ...

Building ONLY Labelled Versions with or TeamCity

We're currently using CruiseControl.NET as a continuous integration server for a number of ASP.NET web projects, but we're also evaluating TeamCity. This is working great for our build server. What we'd like to setup is a customer facing test server. I'm thinking that when we are happy for our latest development version to be released...

Manual deployment from CruiseControl

I have set up to run MSBuild and NUnit on my web application and then deploy it to a staging server. Since NUnit doesn't have an Assert.IsNotUgly() method yet I need to look at the site on the staging server before deployment. What would be great would be to use Cruise Control to handle the deployment from the stagi...

Private Accessor don't build when using MSBuild

My build server uses MSBuild to build my application. Our unit tests require access to some private members for testing, so we use the built in private accessors. Visual Studio has no problem with it, but when we push our code to the build server we get the error: MyTest.cs (96,13): errorCS0246: The type or namespace name 'My_Acc...