ForceBuild using batch file

Is it possible to trigger a force build on a project inside using a batch file????? ...

Checkin config file

Is there any extension, that monitor the event when the config file modified, and will check-in the config file into the source control? I found on the cruise-control documentation a method that does the opposite, which is when we modify the config file in the source control, cruise-control will update the file and app...

MSTest & CruiseControl.Net

I am trying to get MSTest working with CruiseControl.Net. I currently have it working prefectly for unit tests, but I would like to see my code coverage. When I run MSTest and export it to an XML file (using /resultsfile:"C:\output\results.xml") it seems that no Coverage information is exported. However when I run MS test and open the re...

Cant connect to host after redirecting the repository to another path

We have recently changed the repository to another path and After this is not executing any builds or test. Keep getting the following error. Source control operation failed: svn: Can't connect to host 'abc': No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. I have checked every path and redirecte...

FilteredSourceControl and CheckIns while Building

Hi There, in our build process we commit created files back to the SVN Repository. To avoid an endless build/commit cycle I use the FilteredSourceControl-Block to ignore commit made by the user "CruiseControl". It works as expected, as long nothing is committed before the build is finished. This is what is happening: 1st Commit CC s... email

On there is a link called “NUnit Details”. When you click on this it gives a lot of details including a summary section that looks similar to this… Summary Assemblies tested: 2 Tests executed: 56 Passes: 54 Fails: 2 Ignored: 2 I would like the summary emailed to me on every build. Any tips would be great. ...

How can CruiseControl.Net fail a build based on changing metrics?

I would like CruiseControl.Net to fail a build when some code metrics change in a 'wrong' direction, i.e. code coverage decreases or Gendarme defect count increases. The Gendarme metrics are already tracked in report.xml file (because they are presented on web dashboard graphs), the code coverage is only reported on build status page (an...

Can you password restrict access to certaion projects with

I would like to give access to a subset of projects to a user in Is it possible to restrict access to some projects in Alternatively, is it possible to have a second installation on the same machine? ...

Cruisecontrol, deployment, folder permissions..

We're using, it builds the version, creates a zip file, then 15 min later, unzips the file on the Integration server. But when the folder gets to the integration server, often, the security permission on one of the folders is totally hosed. The Domain admin and folder owner can't even open the folder in explorer. We reb... force builds failing

I've just updated to the latest build of ( I've a few teething issues and I'm not sure if they are bugs or (more likely) if I have to make some changes to the config file. 1) I cannot run a force build. When I press the button I get a popup with the following exception message: System.NotImplementedExcepti...

Is there a way to specify one artifactsDirectory for the whole site in CruiseControl.Net?

so from what i can tell, you have to specify artifacts and working directory per project, every time. I guess I'm looking for a way to move the project name folder to other than where the server was launched from, so that I can do something like: <cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder"> <!-- something like this s...

Target ResolveReferences is not found

I am trying to publish an ASP.Net website through NAnt/MSBuild calls. MSBuild is called using the following arguments: <arg value="SubsManager.sln" /> <arg value="/t:ResolveReferences" /> <arg value="/t:_CopyWebApplication" /> <arg value="/p:Configuration=Release" /> <arg value="/p:OutDir=..\builda\Release\Web\bin\" /> <arg value="/p:W...

treesurgeon vrs. ci-factory

I'm trying to find my hands and legs around CI. I've played a little with CC.Net and nAnt. Now, before trying Team City which everyone seems to recommend (and which, as far as I understand, competes with and is better than CC.Net), I want to understand that Tree Surgeon and ci-factory do, and how they fit into the big picture. I thin...

How to report the progress when NUnit tests crashes on a CruiseControl.NET server?

Nunit works quite well with CruiseControl.NET, but there is one thing that irritates me a lot. If there is a test that causes Nunit to crash, I would only get little information about the crash because the XML report of Nunit doesn't get a chance to be created and be merged into the CruiseControl report. I need a way to report the progr...

Building a tagged project with CruiseControl.Net

Hey dudes, my manager has asked me to setup build automation for our projects. I have decided to use CruiseControl.Net as our continuous integration server as some other team members have a little experience with it, I have none - which is why I am happy to undertake this task. We are using Subversion as our repository and the ultimate...

Building several projects sumultaneously by CruiseControl.NET

Our CruiseControl.NET server is configured to build 5 different projects. Is it possible to configure CruiseControl.NET in such way that maximum 2 projects are built simultaneously? It is easy to limit it to build only one project at a time by putting all projects in the same <queue>, but I can't find how to limit number of simultaneousl...

lc.exe has problems running from a service (CC.NET) in Vista x64

When running CC.NET as a service I get the following error: LC0004: Exception occurred creating type 'C1.Win.C1Command.C1CommandHolder, C1.Win.C1Command, Version=1.0.20044.97, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e808566f358766d8' System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'C1.Win.C1Command.12' threw an exception. ---> Syst...

Why does my nant task fail on CruiseControl (can't find nunit)?

My nant script fails when I run it under cruise-control on (Windows Server 2003), but works fine when run on the console. nant script (relevant section): <target name="compile" depends="init"> <echo message="Build Directory is ${build.dir}" /> <exec program="${framework::get-framework-directory(framework::get-target-framework()...

What XSLT do you use to format MsBuild XML output in CruiseControl.Net?

Hi We currently don't format our msbuild output in CC.NET (CruiseControl.Net) and as a result, finding the cause of a broken build involves reading the XML to find the last 'success="false"' instance in the output. What XSLT do you use to format your msbuild output, and are you happy with the resulting HTML? I.e. do you find it easy to... Build Number on a Force Build

Is it possible to have ccnet don't increment the build number if the build is actually a forcebuild?????????? In better words, Is it possible to have cruisecontrol keep it's label number if it is rcovering from an exception(sourcecontrol exception)??? Basically if the forcebuild is happening to recover from an exception, I don't want my ...