How do I change the location of CruiseControl log files?

The server where CruiseControl.NET is already installed is running out of disk space. Is there a simple way of moving the CruiseControl logs to another drive? ...

how to publish a website in different folder using cruise control

i am able to build a website using cruise control. But i am not able to publish the website in different folder. I am connecting cruise control with TFS. How to publish a website using cruise control? ...

Build failing after publishing

I am using Web Application Deployment for publishing on IIS. At first I have converted my website to a web application. My application compiles and build fine on my VS2005. But when I try to run it via It comes up with a 100's of errors. Following is the list of someof the errors that keep repating in the same file. errorBC3028...

cruise control -how to execute batch file in cruise control and how to publish in different folder using cruise control

1.I am getting below errror while executing batch file in cruise control: code which i used is <exec> <executable>D:\DITBUILT.bat</executable> </exec> 2.I want to publish in different folder using cruise control.. I am using the code... I am not able to publish in different folder C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0....

How to set nant target for CCnet nightly build?

I have a default nant build that runs on every checkin in What I would like to do is on a nightly schedule run a different nant task under the same build that would do a clean checkout of the codebase for the next day. Is this possible with I've done it with TeamCity and I'm rusty with as I haven't used it in awhi...

links to log files directly??

Hi all, I am using Cruise control.NET and I just want to know if we can specify a link which directly leads us to the log files in the webdash- baord instead of the user clicking and navigating a long way in order to see the log files. So if anyone can share any idea where just a click on the link specified in the mail could lead the ...

nant scripts written to read values from .xls

Hi, Is there anyway by which we can read a value from an .xls file using nant scripts.The nant scripts should ask the input from the user and based on the inputs the should search the .xls file and when it sees the match,it should copy the corresponding mail ID and echo that mail ID to some other file and that echoed value sho...

How to fail an MSBuild when content files are missing

I've noticed that our cruise control server does not fail the build when content files are missing. I'd like to fail the build when javascript / graphics files etc are missing. How can I go about validating the project file with the files pulled from svn? ...

CruiseControl.NET email publisher problem

I want to set up ccnet to: Send mail to committers after each build (regardless of the status) Send mail to all other developers when the build breaks or is fixed With every new version of CCNet the email publisher gets refactored (and supposedly improved), but I still have the same problem: only the committers get notified - if the...

CruiseControlException when connecting to source control

I'm getting an exception from Cruise Control about not being able to connect to the server. However, if I force a build it works just fine. I've also tried using the repo-browser to connect to the server without any problems so I know that the server is up and running. I'm running CCNET 1.4.4 and SlikSVN 1.5.3. Below is the exception fro...

nant reading from text file

Hi, I had posted a file which will read each line in the outfile.txt. <project name="Read3rdLine" default="main" basedir="."> <property name="myInt" value="0"/> <property name="x" value="0"/> <property name="LineToRead" value="2"/> <target name="main" description="compiles the source code"> <prope...

Getting insufficient memory exception in a exe started with Cruisecontrol.Net

As part of deployment process, I am starting an .net remoting windows forms application through the Cruisecontrol.Net (version 1.4.4) and getting insufficient memory exception while calling a document generation process. However, I am not getting the error if I run the windows forms application directly after logging into the server. H...

Does CC.NET detect modification when a build script performs a checkin

I've been doing some research into finally automating our Development builds and still have one nagging question that I'm hoping the StackOverflow community can solve for me. My understanding is that an IntervalTrigger when setup properly will check VSS every X seconds for changes and if it finds a modified file, will run my tasks. One ...

CruiseControl Failed Build Recovery

Cruiscontrol sometimes can't connect to the repository and build fails. Is there a way that I can have cruisecontrol try to build again automatically when something like this happens????? In other words, I want cruisecontrol to keep building when it fails until build is successful... Thanks ...

IE hangs up during execution of Tests through

I am experiencing IE hangup since long. When I execute my tests through nunit directly, it works fine. but when I try to execute them through they seems to hangup at some point and without any reason. It stops the execution of all tests at that point. And even dont run the teardown fixture in which I am closing IE. Can anyone pl...

CruiseControl.NET Set Variable to a dynamic value

Hi *, is there any plug-in or other possibility to set an environment variable in CC.NET 1.4.2 to some generated value. I would like to pass to MSBuild some random value (can be a time stamp where to put some build reports). Afterwords all the generated report files from the randomly named dir will be merged to report. The probl...

deploy .net code using cruise control .net and clear case 7

What is the method I should use for Extracting,Testing,Compiling,Deploying an ASP.NET (.NET 3.5) application from Clear Case 7.0. I am new to .net technology and using visual studio 2008 Professional Edition .currently using thick client Clear case dynamic view 1/ Which View I should use for pulling the data from ClearCase: Dynamic View...

How to display task name in CruiseControl.NET while processing

Hello. I have installed CruiseControl.NET and created project with 3 tasks on taskList in nAnt. But when I run project to process on CruiseControl.NET I see only that: Executing Nant :BuildFile: ..\ Targets: compile, test, docu And my project is processing and processing ages and does not stop. And I can not figure out if...

Cruiscontrol Force Build After Build Fails

buildafterfailed="true" does'nt work in .net, How can I do the same thing? I'm trying to have cruisecontrol triggers force builds until the build is successful. ...

CruiseControl SVN Exception

I get the following error sometimes(mostly overnight) when svn is trying to connect to the repository to check for updates: ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.CruiseControlException: Source control operation failed: svn: OPTIONS of 'RepositoryURL': could not connect to server (ServerName) I have to manually force build the project in orde...