Build farms using ccnet

Is it possible to use CruiseControl.Net to set up a build farm? We currently have 4 different build machines building different things at different times and have a bit of a headache to manually balance the load somehow. I would prefer to designate one of them to be the master build machine, which would delegate work to the other ones wh...

Can we build a website using MSBuild

I am very much new to the Continous Integration. Could anyone please let me know whether we could build a website using MSbuild? Any information is appreciated. ...

CruiseControl.Net and NAnt Build Problem

I'm configuring a server for the first time. My team already uses NAnt build scripts, so we are just pointing the server at the scripts and letting NAnt do all the work. As you can see, it's pretty simple: <project name="ChannelIP"> <tasks> <nant> <executable>C:\Program Files\nant-0.86-beta1\bin\nant.exe</execu...

How do I conditionally define tags in CruiseControl.NET?

I am trying to clean up my CruiseControl.NET configuration so that the sections are easier to maintain and new projects are easier to create. For instance, I currently have the following: <cb:define name="project"> <project name="$(name) ($(milestone)) [$(env)]"> <category>$(category)</category> <workingDirectory>$(dir)\$(name)\$(...

How quit the Ndepend report into the Build Report?

Hello, I want to quit the Ndepend report into the Build Report, but still have the link ‘NDepend Report” in link in the left navigation. How can I do that? thanks! Alejandra ...

checking for modifications issues

Hi, I got a doubt regarding the usage of ccnet with clear case.I just got an access to my clear case,i am facing another problem.I have a VOB named Test_proj which contains many folders which are not of my concern.Inside that particular VOB,i had made a test folder named 'MY_Source',where i had put all my source files.So when i ran th...

How to run a command every time Cruise Control .NET (ccnet) has automatically checked out source?

Basically I want to run a script checking for the existence of a certain filetype at each new revision. Subversion is used for source control. ...

Unable to fetch

Hi all, I have a ccnet.config file which is shown below the initial part.I have a clear case installed.Now since my ccnet checks for modifications and when it finds some modifications,it should fetch that source code but thats not happening. How am i supposed to fetch those source code to my local machine.ThreePartition is the bui...

Showing HTML reports in CruiseControl dashboard

I have been looking into CruiseControl configuration recently (I'm a complete CC noob) and so far I understand that various XML reports generated by your build process (eg mbunit.xml, ncover.xml, fxcop.xml) can be shown in the dashboard by adding a reference to the xml to the following part of the ccnet.config: <publishers> <merge> <...

Help needed configuring CruiseControl.NET statistics merge

I am looking for a pointer as to how to get statistics out of a merge xml file. The file structure looks like this .. <CyclometricComplexity> <module name="Srvr" type="unit" total="14" low="14" medium="0" high="0" ultra="0"/> </CyclometricComplexity> I have created a merge publisher to pick up this file, but cannot configure the sta...

Web Deployment Project with an replacement .config geting "changed"

I have building a web deployment project. This is working great until i created multiple deployment "configurations". Basically we have a dev,test,stage, and prod. The stage and prod configurations have a web.config replacement setup to change the plain text connectionstring section to what our production webs...

CruiseControl Fail

I have a batch file that is running inside CruiseControl an outputing either "Pass" or "Fail". How can I manage CruisContorl so the build fails if the output of my batch file is Fail??? ...

Cruisecontrol custom charts

Hi I have solved my initial problem with statistics gathering, but now would like to present the data in some nice charts (much like the default ones already in CCNET). I have followed what I think is the correct way to do this, but still nothing shows up. Is there a working example that I can see working that anymore knows of? Thanks in...

Which Continuous Integration tool are you using?

Duplicate: Continuous Integration Cruise Control .NET alternatives? I'm planning to start Continuous Integration where I work. I used to use TFS in my previous workplace and before that CruiseControl.Net and before that we wrote our own CI server. I was wondering what tools are other people are using and why? I'm mainl...

Automated Publish of Developer work using

I want to build a developer build project and then needs to publish it to the server and After a successful publish need to build my test project against that developer publish. Basic idea is to run this process whenever any developer commits something on Svn. Currently I am using and MSBuild. Any one ahaving idea how to accompl...

DevExpress eXpressApp Framework (XAF) and Continuous Integration

I have a XAF application that I've built and a nant script that runs fine on my development machine. The script uses MsBuild and the CSPROJ File to compile the project. When the server tries to compile the project it states that it cannot find the XAF assemblies needed to compile. I tried referencing all DLLs as Loca...

How do I get the Assembly version from my sln into a continuous integration labeller?

I want to obtain the assembly version from my solution and apply that to a label. I think I'm doing it backwards since all the info out there have the CI server set the version. But I'm not sure how to integrate different release versions and the development branch into CI. Every time we release we up the revision number. Woul...

MSbuild Publish to a specific directory using batch file

Follwing is the batch file for doing a publish to a publish directory @echo off start /b C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe /target:publish /p:SolutionDir="C:\cc\ttr\code\Com.IT.sln" /p:PublishDir="C:\cc\ttr\code\deploy\" /p:Configuration=Debug It is not publishing it. ANy idea why? ...

Deploying biztalk on developer/build machines

For eaach BizTalk application we have a setup.bat, which creates the BizTalk application, creates file drops, build code, gacs, registers resources, creates ports -using vcscripts- and applies bindings. We also have a cleanup.bat which performs the opposite of setup.bat These scripts are then run via nant, and finally used by cruisecont...

CruiseControl.Net “Duplicate Node Detected” using precompiler

I am working with CruiseControl.Net and am trying to take the dry approach as illustrated in article I have a simple ccnet.config and a simple projectfile Test-project.xml. The configuration valuation tool tells me that “Duplicate Node Detected”. Any clues/H...