CruiseControl install

Hi, I just have an XP machine, and i want to play around using CC.NET. Would i be able to install it and get it working in XSP with IIS 5. ...

ClickOnce requires the assembly MyProject be in the GAC???

I am at a loss for words on this one. Hopefully one of you can clue me in... We've been using ClickOnce deployment in conjunction with CruiseControl.NET for a long time and have not had any hiccups for a long time. Yesterday, I modified was in the References tab on the project's properties and ended up tempted by the "Unused Refere... Email.

We have CruiseControl doing nightly builds for us. If the nightly build fails it sends out an email. The programmer will fix the problem check in his/her changes then do a force build. If the build fails then an email is sent again. Is there a way to not send email when a force build is pressed. ...

How do I tell MSTEST to run all test projects in a Solution?

I need to know how to tell MSTEST to run all test projects in a solution file. This needs to be done from the command line. Right now I have to pass it a specific project file, I'm trying to get it to run from a SOLUTION file. I'm hoping this is possible, because in Visual Studio, hitting Ctrl+R, A, runs ALL tests in the currently ope...

Weird deployment issue

We're using CruiseControl.Net to do our continuous integration of our web applications. we build the project, zip it up, copy it to the integration server. A littel bit later, the wbe.config is cached away, the folder delted, the zip file unzipped recreating the folders, etc, then the web.config is copied back. the issue is that somwhe...

CruiseControl.NET build fails when SVN is not available

We have an SVN repository hosted externally and our build server is currently internal. Occasionally (probably 1 or 2 times a day) the build server is unable to find the SVN repository due to a network outage, a timeout or some other random reason. With an externally hosted repository this is hard to avoid, however when it fails to fin...

How to display target task times in CruiseControl.NET?

I have a CruiseControl.NET configured project and would like to find out how long each task took to be completed. My looks like this: <targetList> <target>compile</target> <target>test</target> <target>pack</target> <target>send</target> <target>twitterify</target> </targetList> And how now for gods sa...

Nant output problem when viewing via

When viewing nant buildresults in CC.Net the output doesn't have any line breaks and is very difficult to read. ie: <buildresults project=""><message level="Info"><![CDATA[Buildfile: file:///D:/Builds/MyProject/Working/Root/BuildScripts/]]></message><message level="Info"><![CDATA[Target framework: Microsoft .NET Framework...

A newer version of exists on the server error

Hi guys, I am getting this error while using nant(Cruise It is not updating the Release copy when ever im trying to use NANT for build. Urgent help required ...

forced checkin or checkout using NANT

Hi guys, I was wondering if there is anyway that NANT would do a force checkout from source control or force checkin even if there is newver version in source control. Urgent help required ...

Multiple checkout locations from Perforce with CruiseControl [.Net]

I'm employing a production-test server, that is, a test server in the production environment, which is only accessible from my company's network. This is for doing smoke tests and regression tests (for example making sure that our 3rd party web services are accessible), before we actually deploy the project to production (the project is ...

Is it possible to get ccnet 1.4 to use svn 1.6?

I see that my version of ccnet has a directory named svn-win32-1.4.6 (which i assume it uses to pull from SVN, which is on another server..) is it possible to get ccnet to use a newer version of SVN client tools? also, if so, would the new client tools pull just fine from SVN 1.4? ...

Can I set 2 tasks to share the same build status in CruiseControl.NET?

I have 2 tasks in my CruiseControl settings that work on the same build: Build MyProg Rebuild MyProg It's a C++ thing, occaisionally a rebuild (clean and build) is needed to clean up linking errors. I would like the 2 tasks to share the same status (Failed/Succeeded). That way I'm not forced to re-run the Rebuild task just because i...

CruiseContol.Net MSBuild Errors

I have msbuild building my solutions. msbuild is being called inside a batch file and the file is being called in When msbuild throws an error, these errors appear in the logs but cruisecontrol still builds successfully since the batch file was executed successfully. Is there any way I can have cruisecontrol change it'...

Encrypt ccnet.config TFS login details.

Hi guys, I have a ccnet.config file which uses my login details to a tfs server. Here is a example: <sourcecontrol type="vsts" autoGetSource="true" applyLabel="false"> <server>http://TFSSERVER&lt;/server&gt; <username>USERNAME</username> <password>PASSWORD</password> <domain>DOMAIN</domain> <project...

CruiseControl.NET build nightly IfModificationExists since Last Build Label

I am using one server to build the same project both continuously and nightly; however I would like the nightly build to only build if a modification exists during the day. I am hoping to achieve this with the constraint that both builds use the same working folder. The two options I am considering are: Polling the continuous build a...

Clean/Full Rebuild of a project every night in CruiseControl.NET

I've set up some rather large C++ projects to do integration builds in CruiseControl.NET, using MSBuild. Now I'd like to schedule a complete Clean of the working directory once a night. How can I do that with CC.NET ? ...

Email Group Configuration in CC.NET using a single config file

Hello, We have started using CC.NET for continuous integration and as the number of projects monitored builds up I would like configure the email alerts via a single config file. What I mean by this is that I would like to have a list of the users in different groups in a single config file that is referenced by ALL the project configu... Windows server 2008 Images missing

I have an issue using cruisecontrol dashboard on a windows server 2008 IIS7 installation. Even if I use an integrated mode with webserver configuration section, or a classic mode, the dashboard itself will be displayed but any static content, javascript files, images will be displayed. I don't know if this is an issue or a configuration ...

Should I install an SDK on the build server??

(this is a .net build server) I'm getting the following error: c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Microsoft.Common.targets(1679,9): error MSB3091: Task failed because "LC.exe" was not found, or the .NET Framework SDK v2.0 is not installed. The task is looking for "LC.exe" in the "bin" subdirectory beneath the location spe...