System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException : This command is unavailable because the license to use this application has expired.

I am running 3 virtual machines that are running tests using server. Currently tests are running simultanously on 3 machines. All the tests require to access Excel file. When tests run individually they all work fine but running them on virtual server is causing this error. Any idea how to resolve this issue. ...

Is there a good tutorial on MSBuild scripts?

Hi. I'm working on a web application project, and I need to create a build script; a build script that I can trigger from my cruisecontrol server. Since nant has not been maintained for ages, I figure that MSBuild is the way to go. I need the build script to be able to Compile all assemblies Execute unit tests Run NCover analysis on...

Include build output as attachment

We have a CruiseControl.NET Server running. One project uses an external compiler, which is included via exec-task. This compiler is configured to write its output into a textfile that is located in the artifact directory. The filename is keil_Revision-x.txt (x is the revision number) whereas the configuration for this file lo...

How can I prevent concurrent builds in CruiseControl.NET?

We have several projects in CruiseControl and I noticed that often 2 or more projects are building at the same time. This seems to be causing conflicts. Often, a build fails and if I look at the reason, it's failing to access some file, and if I wait until the other build completes, I can just force-build the failed build and it will s...

SVN+SSH authentication isses when running CruiseControl.NET 1.4.4 SP1 service on Windows Server 2003

The SVN+SSH protocol works great for the logged-in user because we have Pageant (PuTTY authentication agent) running in the background for that user. When we try to run the ccservice (as opposed to the ccnet.exe app) the svn+ssh fails. What am I missing in the config to get it working? <cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">...

Gallio Integration with NANT and CruiseControl.NET

In our build process we're currently using MBUnit 2.x tests, called from an NAnt task, called from CruiseControl.NET. I've uprgaded to Gallio and MBUnit 3.x locally and am able to run tests from VS2008. I'm having trouble getting our build process upgraded. It looks like we have two options, either run the tests from

CruiseControl.NET and UI automation testing

Hi I am using White as my framework for my UI automation testing. Can I use CruiseControl.NET (that is running as a service), to run the tests written by White? I have been trying for a whole day without success. The White framework requires interactive desktop. The error message I am getting is : "Couldn't find main window created for ...

CruiseControl.Net - Can the labeller be made to run after MSBuild?

I have created a custom labeller for CC.Net which is working almost perfectly, however it appears that the labeller runs before the application is built. The issue I have with this is that I want my build label to be that of my AssemblyVersion. I have the following in my labeller: public string Generate(IIntegrationResult previousResul...

Zip svn repository from

As part of my build process on my server, I want to take a backup of my svn repository and upload it to a remote server. I figured that I can use the Package task in the publisher Section. I have created the following task: <package> <name>c:\...\</name> <compression>9</compression> <always>...

Cruise Control.NET File Merge NUnit File - Getting XmlException

I am new to Cruise Control. I'm running a project where I use an MSBuild file to build my project. I'm using the NUNit task in the MSBuild Community Tasks project to run all of my unit tests and output an xml file with the test results with this command: <NUnit Assemblies="@(OutputFiles)" WorkingDirectory="$(UnitTestResultsLocation)" ...

How to build .dbproj without VSTS DB installed?

Is it possible to build Visual Studio Database Project (.dbproj) on a machine without Visual Studio Team Suite or Team Foundation Build installed? I've got a "clean" machine running CC.NET and would like to automatically build .dbproj projects using MSBuild. I wonder is it possible to copy required .targets files and some .dll and make...

In How can I publish only modified files?

I have a large web project and I would like to publish only the files that were modified by the last checkin. What would be the best way to do this? ...

Cruise Control.NET, NUnit integration

Hi, I currently have a code base which has NUnit tests organised into suites. We currently have a build task on our CC box which runs all of the tests in one CC project. Is there a way we can configure CC.Net to allow us to individually run the different test suites from the dashboard. Something along the lines of a list of all the su...

CruiseControl.Net Failed Build - No explanation

I am just beginning to set up a Continuous Integration Server using CruiseControl.Net. To keep things simple to begin with, I used the Visual Studio Task to carry out the build, pointing it at the project solution file. However, when the build process occurs, CC.Net successfully gets the latest source version from Subversion, and appears...

How do I pass a value from to build-script? ccnet.config->

Hi all, I have various settings in my ccnet.config file and wish to pass them to my build file in order to keep these constants in one place. How do I do that?! Thanks, Anders, Denmark ...

Getting System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException while running nightly builds

Currently I have 2 virtual test servers(win2003). One is on which websites are deployed and other one has all the tests. I have setup all nightly build using When ever I run tests on nightly builds. Some of the tests fail saying 1. System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException : The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESU...

CruiseControl.NET Emails not containing build results or errors

I have some failing builds and the build data is missing from the emails sent from CCNET? It contains tests run and modifications but no build or error data? I don't think I have messed up the xsl's.. any thoughts? UPDATE : Yes i've looked at and Yes in the pub...

Anything better than CruiseControl for .Net CI?

I've been asked to set up yet another CruiceControl environment for yet another client. I realized that I've been using CC for years without really looking around for competitors. Is there anything else that's sprung up that does the job equally well or better for .Net apps? ...

CruiseControl.NET conflicts with other build tools, leaves SVN WC broken

I'm using CC.Net to build my project. I also have some scheduled tasks that independently run builds on the same box using the same working copy. Due some hard-coded paths, we can't use a separate working copy for both build processes. I noticed that sometimes both the scheduled tasks and CC.NET would attempt some sort of SVN...

Does CruiseControl.NET support access to a repository via the http protocol?

I am trying to set up on the project I'm working on at the minute. I have done this before using a config containing lines like these: and svn:// However this time I only have read only access to the repository via HTTP as opposed to via svn. Will the same config work with the trunkUrl set ...