Hit a URL as part of a CruiseControl.NET build? newbie question: Following a build/deploy of a website, I'd like to invoke a specific URL on the server. I don't need anything back from the resulting page, just need to request it to make something happen. I could create an entry to to fire up IE with the URL as an argument, but I don't want to actually run IE on the...

MSBuild: Building 4.0 web sites: .metaproj -files

Hi! I have a solution-file with ASP.NET Web Sites. When I build the solution with .NET 4.0 Beta 2 using "c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.21006\MSBuild.exe" d:\MyPath\MySolution.sln Everything works fine, no errors. Then I try to build the same solution with CruiseControl .NET task (msbuild-script ran by a service), the sa...

Access is denied to UNC path in nant zip task when nant task is ran by, runs ok when nant is ran manually from command line

We are running an nant task from The zip task fails with an error: "Access to path nnnn is denied". The path specified is a UNC path. When we run the same nant task manually from the command line, the task runs successful. We've also tried to set up a domain user account, and switched the service to log in as t...

How can I force multiple projects from one project in

I am new to cruise please help me with the following scenario I need to force the other projects from one project. I know in the publisher part with the force build we can force the other projects. But my requirement is I want to force more than 2 projects but those projects should start one after the other this also can be ...

Using CCNetLabel to set AssemblyVersion and PublishVersion with CruiseControl.NET

I am trying to deploy a Click Once application (build and publish) using CruiseControl.NET. I cannot find out where I can use the CCNetLabel to set my AssemblyVersion and/or PublishVersion. I would accept other solutions that would allow a unique version number per CruiseControl.NET deployment (Live and Development deployments). ...

How does one start a process from CruiseControl .NET that persists after CC .NET exits?

I have a program that normally runs constantly. Whenever there is a new checkin to Subversion, CC .NET kills the program and makes a new build. I want to start a new instance of the program from CC .NET. Right now, if I use <executable>, then CC .NET hangs while it waits for the process to end, which will never come by definition. ...

CruiseControl.NET: Building a project in Debug and Release configurations.

I am using CruiseControl.NET to build a C# project. I am using an msbuild task to achieve this. I want to build the project in both Debug and Release mode irrespective of whether either mode fails. But If I put these as two msbuild tasks in the 'tasks' section of the project and if the first task fails, the second is not executed. I cou...

Where can I download CruiseControl.NET's CCValidator?

I feel like a bit of a dummy here, but I downloaded CCValidator for CruiseControl.NET the other day, but can't remember from where. I'm on another machine now without access to the other machine and Googling it leads me nowhere except for the CCValidator wiki and texts about it. Can someone give the explicit link to it. Sincerely, Downl...

CC.NET: howto trigger an extended build when a subdirectory in svn has changed

Hi, We have a couple of projects configured in Each of these projects has following items in it's working directory (svn): source lib db scripts SSIS package(s) We would like to know if there is a way to find out if there are any modifications in the subdirectory containing the SSIS packages? This would allow us to do a full...

Structure of NAnt build scripts and solution structure on build server

We're in the process of streamlining/automating build, integration and unit testing as well as deployment. Our software is developed in Visual Studio where we have use both C# and VB.NET in our projects. A single project can be contained within multiple solutions (i.e. Utils project is used in both ProductA and ProductB solutions) For h...

Tool for Merging Database Scripts

Hey all, I'm wondering if anyone has ever used a tool which will take a series of .sql scripts and a manifest file of some sort and merge them into one big .sql file according to the order defined in the manifest? I'm trying to integrate database change packaging into our automated build and I could write a tool for this but I figured ...

Running NUnit task in CruiseControl.NET always throws errors

So I'm fairly new to but like it so far. I have SVN getting latest, MSBuild building but when it comes to running my unit tests, kablooey. I tried the fixes suggested about fixing references in the GAC, but that fixed nothing. I even uninstalled/reinstalled NUnit but still no luck. Also, my tests were initially referencing NUNit ...

Force rules for build and deployment

Our web project is source-controlled with SVN. It contains MSBuild file to build local, test and production builds. We also use CruiseControl.NET to deploy production and test versions to servers manually (not after every commit). The question is how to check that if production deployment is being done using CC.NET web project is built ...

What in my CruiseControl.NET configuration is causing this exception?

In attempting to set up a build for a demo project I am working on, I received the following exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\1bea7440-959c-4dd4-89ad-05dcd00e369c\ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.dll' Question: What don't I ...

How to configure to build co-dependent projects?

For Instance: I want to build Project A. Project A Depends on Project B and Project C. Edit: Each project has its own trunk in SVN: [repository]/ProjectA/trunk [repository]/ProjectB/trunk [repository]/ProjectC/trunk My question has a couple of parts: What is the approach/configuration for CCNET to achieve this "dependent" build? Ho...

How do you configure Interval check to ignore changes to a svn sub-folder?

We have a continuous build setup on our SVN repo using The trunk has a sub-folder called "Bin". After a successful build, we copy all our DLLs into the bin folder and check it in. This causes an endless build cycle because the bin folder changes constitute a change and this triggers the interval trigger to commission another buil...

How do I share a label value between multiple CC.NET builds?

I have two projects set up in CC.NET: CI build and nightly build. Both of them execute the same nant script, but with different parameters. The CCNET label (currently generated by the DefaultLabeler) is embedded into AssemblyInfo as the build part of the version (e.g *MajorVersion.MinorVersion.CCNET_Label.SVN_Revision*). For more cons...

CCNET reports build failure with no reason

We use CCNET on Win 2003 SP2. A few days ago CCNET started to report build failures with no specific reason. The project contains a single exec task which runs build.bat. The batch does all the job (msbuild, fxcop, db scripts, tests) but in the server log i can see that not all the commands were executed from build.bat. It looks...

Retrieving and Displaying Build Information From CruiseControl.NET and MSBuild in an ASP.NET Application

How do I configure my web application to display the current build number information and Subversion Revision number? I'm looking for something similiar to what SO does with its SVN Revision number. ...

Building a VS2008 .NET 3.0 solution without installing .NET 3.5 on build server

I am developing using 3.0 and VS 2008. The problem is my build server does not have 3.5 installed and therefore I cant build the solution as MSBuild for 2.0 will not support the VS 2008 solution file. There is no easy answer to this besides downgrading to VS 2005. Any ideas folks? ...