
PostgreSQL: Can one define a session variable with the language and use it in views?

Here's a simplified example of schema: Table l10n ( l10n_id SMALLINT, code VARCHAR(5) ) Table product ( product_id INT, ..language-neutral columns.. ) Table product_l10n ( product_id INT, l10n_id SMALLINT, ..language-specific columns.. ) Querying for products with localized data is done like this: SELECT * FROM product a ...

SQL Data Modelling/Mapping Software for 200+ Tables

I'm looking for what I think is called a data modeling program to map out all of our SQL Server tables (200+) into a large, poster-size image. We've put all of our legacy application tables into SQL Server 2005 and my boss is looking for a snazzy way of viewing the data... basically something to say "this is what we maintain". I've see...

Multi-Tenant Tag Schema's for Distributed Content Types

There's quite a bit of discussion out there, regarding tag schema's, but I've noticed that most of it focuses on a single content type, such as bookmarks or photos. I'm interested in using tags across multiple features of a multi-tenant business app; one where tags could be related to form fields, documents, photos, configuration sett...

Facebook wall's database structure

I need to create a wall system just like Facebook's (users can post messages, videos, images, events, etc...). Has anyone created something similar? How do you recommend me to prepare the database? ...

What's the best way to create linking tables?

Still new to Rails. I'm certain there's a naming convention for what I'm trying to do here. You've got posts, and then you've got tags (I'm not actually making a blog but this a scenario we're all familiar with). I'd set up my tags like this: ruby script/generate scaffold tag name:string Then I'd create a linking table like this: ...

Approach to generic database design

An application that I'm facing at a customer, looks like this: it allows end users to enter "materials". To those materials, they can append any number of "properties". Properties can have a any value of type: decimal, int, dateTime and varchar (length varying from 5 characters to large chunks of text), Essentially, the Schema looks...

Design of the recommendation engine database?

i am currently working on recommendation systems especially for audio files.but i am a beginner at this subject.i am trying to design database first with mysql but i cant decide how to do it.İt is basicly a system which users create profile then search for the music and system recommend them music similar to they liked. which database ...

Design pattern : notification system

Hi. I'm working on a website that will use features of social networking (like facebook for example). I would like to implement a notification system which shows stuff like "X added you as a friend", "Y invite you to the party", "Z has taken the lastest quizz"... and i don't know how to do. I wonder what is the best solution : Solut...

Programming newbie - help with designing a web app

I do a bit of HTML/CSS for fun but I am looking at picking up some programming skills. I have been reading up on PHP and MySQL. So far I have not found it too hard understanding the concepts such as loops, condition statements etc but I want to get stuck in and start developing an app before I get too bored reading and giving up comple...

Is it a good idea to put different types of lookup values into the same table?

On a blog I read a proposal to replace many tables like this: lookup_genders 0 | Unknown 1 | Female 2 | Male lookup_countries 0 | Unknown 1 | Germany 2 | UK 3 | USA into a single table like this: lookups 0 | Unknown | Gender 1 | Female | Gender 2 | Male | Gender 4 | Germany | Country 5 | UK | Country 6 | USA | Country ...

How to handle an immutable table referencing mutable tables?

In making a pretty standard online store in .NET, I've run in to a bit of an architectural conundrum regarding my database. I have a table "Orders", referenced by a table "OrderItems". The latter references a table "Products". Now, the orders and orderitems tables are in most aspects immutable, that is, an order created and its orderitem...

How should I design the database of a Job Search site?

Hi all, can anyone point to a site or describe how I can go about designing (database & web design & layout) of a basic job search website. Thanks in advance. ...

User-sortable records

For each user in my webapp, there are n related Widgets. Each widget is represented in the database in a Widgets table. Users can sort their widgets, they'll never have more than a couple dozen widgets, and they will frequently sort widgets. I haven't dealt with database items that have an inherent order to them very frequently. What...

Need table code design for recommend user profile function

Hi guys, I have a simple social network project going and I would like to add a simple recommend this user profile function. A logged in user can 'recommend' a user once - its just like the 'This ansewr is helpful/not helpful' buttons here on posts in Stackoverflow. I want a simple table design to implement the exact idea - any tips? A ...

Database localization

Hi, I have a number of database tables that contain name and description columns which need to be localized. My initial attempt at designing a DB schema that would support this was something like: product ------- id name description local_product ------- id product_id local_name local_description locale_id locale ------ id locale ...

ERD tool that generates MySQL schema

Hi, I'm looking for a tool that will allow me to draw an ERD and will generate the SQL that creates the corresponding MySQL schema. Additional requirements are: Runs on windows Zero cost Bonus points if it runs on Ubuntu too, but this isn't a 'must-have'. Thanks, Don ...

Deciding if I should split a table

I am building a multi language site I have a descriptions table that hold the description of each product and a column that indicate the language. So it contain a row for each language description Now my concern is that I have various different types of products in the system and reading the description of any product will have to go t...

Best way of recording activity from a user in the database?

Hi, I am building an application that perform checks on users on specific days. I need to keep track of how many times these checks are performed against that particular user. My initial thought was to just basically have a field in one of my tables which I just increment when the checks have been performed. My other thought was to cre...

Do I need to define a new primary key field for each table?

Hi, I have a few database tables that really only require a unique id that references another table e.g. Customer Holiday ******** ******* ID (PK) ---> CustomerID (PK) Forename From Surname To .... These tables such as Holiday, only really exist to hold information regarding a Customer. Therefore, do I need to s...

mysql database design??

I have a table in which I store ratings from users for each product.. The table consists of the following fields productid, userid, rating(out of 5)...This table might contain a million rows in the future.... So in order to select the top 5 products I am using the following query::. SELECT productid, avg( rating ) as avg_rating from pro...