
CF - and

Just want to know how do you guys provide this files for the users. My app requires both this files and im not sure how to provide them to users. Just pointing them to rapidshare or some other download site isnt the desired anwser. What are your suggestions? ...

When should I use -sreg in WiX' HEAT.EXE?

I'm using HEAT to autogenerate WiX fragments for a directory of files. The project I'm deploying is an ASP.NET project. When I tried to harvest a directory, HEAT generates RegistryValue entries that writes InProcServer32 entries for .NET DLLs. Using -sreg removes said entries. Questions: Should I even be using HEAT to autogenerate f...

TeamCity + MSBuild: Deployment with access rights

Need to write the script for deploying of web site to shared directory. But for access to this directory needs enter login/password. How can i do it? The part of MSBuild config: <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(SERVER)'=='DEV'"> <DeploymentFolder>\\server\dir$</DeploymentFolder> <CopyConfig>dev.web.config</CopyConfig> <Zip...

Recommended way to build a .NET project with selectable configurations

Suppose I have a .NET project that builds successfully. Now, I need to selectively build to different environments, such as DEV, QA, and PROD. Each require their own config files (app.config for instance) to contain corresponding connection strings and other settings. I've looked at simple pre-build scripting, such as this one from Sc...

files needed for deploying delphi 2010 with ms access 2007 and ado for database connection

dear all delphi programmer, i'm building database application with delphi 2010 in which the database i used is ms access 2007 and ado as the connection.... then, i used installshield express from delphi 7 to do the deployment.... i open the setup file in my computer and there is no problem with it..but when i open the setup file in cli...

how to generate deployment descriptor using ejbGen for weblogic?

Hello there, I was reading the tutorial on this page: And I have the following file import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.EntityBean; import javax.ejb.EntityContext; public abstract class BankAccountEJB implements En...

Websphere 7 clustered deployment

Hi, We have a J2EE application as EAR file which is deployed in WAS 7, for making the application availability as high it needs to be deployed in 3 clusters. We have a Quartz Scheduler class whose job is to upload data from one database to another daily at 2:00 am. Now, the problem is if the ear will be deployed in 3 different nodes fo...

VS2010 Deployment package MSBUILD

The VS2010 Deployment package feature creates the package with a directory structure like: Package\Archive\Content\C_C\Sources\Website1\Web\obj\Debug\Package\PackageTmp I want to have the contents of the last PackageTmp in the root and not the whole directory structure. What is the best way to do this, create a custom task which copies...

Deploying gwt application on google app engine is throwing exception

I've created a small application on google web toolkit and it works fine on local environment. But when I try to deploy it on google-app-engine, it throws an error: XML error validating D:\workspaces\NewChat\Ditch\war\WEB-INF\appengine-web.xml against D:\softwares\eclipse\plugins\

ASP.NET Deployment Fails - Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.mshtml'

I have developed a Web application in VS2008. It works perfectly on my development PC. When I publish and upload to the shared Windows hosting service (which supports ASP.NET 3.5), it fails (even when accessing it from my development PC). The error message is: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.mshtml, Version=7.0.3300.0, Cu...

Things to be done before hosting a website in internet in ASP.Net

What are the things to be done before hosting the website in internet server? All kinds of testing and defect fixing work are over for the website which is currently hosted in intranet server. We have the server informations for hosting the website and also the database details. We also have the list of third party controls/softwares whi...

How to create x-code project for iPhone Light version app?

What is the recommended way to create a Light version of iPhone App? I have an x-code project of my iPhone app which I want to charge money for it. In addition to that app, I would like to deploy additional "light" version of this app free of charge which of course will have some limitations. Best way I can think of is adding a new 'Li...

C# App Developed with VS2010 fails on startup with .NET 3.0

Read a ton of material on this one and still cannot find a workable solution... We have a "Hello, World1" app--one text block on a MainWindow--built and tested with VS2010 (C#). Target version is set to .NET 3.0. When "deployed" on a .NET 3.0 (SP2) system the app fails on startup. It fails in the call to InitializeComponent() in the Ma...

svn deployment strategies for multiple groups of developers (not co-located) working on different components of the same project

Our project is a content management system supporting several dozen of our websites. The development group started off small and in one location, and we dealt with a fairly standard coding/deployment strategy. We coded off of trunk and insisted on a clean trunk. Every few days we would tag trunk and deploy to the test server. If all ...

Permissions to deploy to multiple environments with Capistrano

What is the proper way to set up Capistrano to deploy a Rails app to multiple environments with different permissions required for each environment? In other words, imagine a typical scenario where a developer makes changes to code and pushes the changes to a testing environment. After testing, a release manager pushes the changes to pro...

Passing arguments on a jnlp file

Is it possible to pass maven-like arguments on a JNLP file? <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="${javafxCodebase}" href="Foo.jnlp"> <information> <title>${javafxTitle}</title> <vendor>${javafxVendor}</vendor> ... </information> ... </jnlp> And if so, who will pass these data to the jnlp file? What comes to m...

what's the issue with this application deployment in iOS4.1?

Hello all, When we gave our app for ad-hoc testing, our tester reported that the app could not be installed because iTunes gave the error "resources have been modified". Please note that the app installed fine previously with the same procedures which we implement for deploying apps during ad-hoc. The only difference is that the device ...

How to build an iOS4 app that will also run on the iPad?

I'm trying to build an iOS4 app (not universal) that will also run in compatibility mode on the iPad. So I set the Deployment Target to 3.2 and the Device Family to iPhone. This works fine in adhoc builds, but when I try to upload it the the store, Application Loader complains: “This bundle is invalid. An application targeting the iP...

how to prevent deployment of latest version of compact framework across many projects.

Is there a way to prevent the deployment of the latest version of the .net compact framework across many smart device projects at once in visual studio 2008? By default in VS 2008 there is an option under project -> properties -> device Devices called "Deploy the latest version of the .NET Compact Framework (including Service Packs)". W...

How to set up a staging environment on Google App Engine

Having properly configured a Development server and a Production server, I would like to set up a Staging environment on Google App Engine useful to test new developed versions live before deploying them to production. I know two different approaches: A. The first option is by modifying the app.yaml version parameter. version: app-sta...