
Performance impact of having a data access layer/service layer?

I need to design a system which has these basic components: A Webserver which will be getting ~100 requests/sec. The webserver only needs to dump data into raw data repository. Raw data repository which has a single table which gets 100 rows/s from the webserver. A raw data processing unit (Simple processing, not much. Removing invalid...

Database for record storage with revisioning

I've recently been tasked with improving a records database that consists of the following: All records are stored in one giant XML file. Any changes or updates to these records are done by hand within this XML file. Each record contains an 'Updated' datetime stamp to keep some form of revision control. The entire XML file is also ch...

Paralyzed by Design Decision (Junior Software Developer)

I am a junior software developer at my company. I am given a great deal of independence with supervision being limited to ensuring I am meeting deadlines and design goals. I enjoy the independence and trust I am given but I sometimes find my self overwhelmed by design decisions. When I start a new project or given a task to maintain an...

Java Interface-Implementation Pair

Is there a preferred method or style of creating a default implementation for interface methods? Suppose I had a commonly used interface where in 90% of the cases the functionality I wanted was identical. My first instinct is to create a concrete class with static methods. I would then delegate the functionality to the static methods w...

Factory Pattern Question

I am a N00b to OO. and people throw flames at me for not answering or not having any points. what can I say except,I am not qualified!!! Anyways here is my question I have seen more than enough examples of inheritance in your classic "Book" samples Animal, where Bear growls, Cat meows etc... Let's say I am creating Windows Controls dy...

Has anyone created a 3D website that works on a 3D monitor?

Hi, I stumbled upon this site and I think that in the future we will have a new hype word "3d website" that is used heavily in marketing. However, what I am interested in is how to create such designs/layouts? How is that funny-looking effect actually applied -- and are there any w3 specs describing ways to detec...

Designing an expandable command-line interface in ruby

I have the following task I want to do: Design a base algorithm to analyse log files (please, don't question that). Provide some options through OptionParser to allow variations in calling. Extend the base algorithm by some other scripts that use the original ones. Now the question: What is the best way to expand the functionality an...

Problem working with jQuery

jQuery for some reason isn't working.I'd like to know what the problem is.Here is my code : <script language="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script language="text/javascript"> function hide() { $("#Layer1").hide("fast"); } </script> <style type="text/css...

Page navigation design question - Next Prev versus More

I have been wondering why social sites such as twitter and facebook use the concept of "More" results rather than paging, such as Next and Previous pages. Is this commonly used when paging through timelines? Or is there a performance reason? Do you have any insight as to why one technique is implemented over another? ...

Creating interdependent objects

Hi Stackoverflow, I have a design problem I cannot find a clean and nice solution to. I am developing in PHP but I believe this could occur in any language. My basic problem is that I have two objects that have circular interdependence at some level of indirection. That means I have a class (call it F) implementing the Facade pattern whi...

When to use Java and Message Broker?

I am a developer at my office where SOA development is at its peaks. We use IBM MQ, IBM Message Broker and Java/J2EE Technologies. I have been currently put into project where Message Broker is used to develop a middleware which interacts between two applications. I am not quite sure if Message Broker is the right option for such kind ...

How to show Protected Internal in UML

I am new to UML. I have found the signs to show different access modifiers in UML. Like + is for Public - is for Private # is for Proctected ~ is for Internal But in the ref text there is no sign for Protected Internal. I guess it should be #~. Let me know if its correct or not. ...

Label and input layout using css

I'm trying to line up a label and an input box on the same line in such a way that the label takes up all the space it needs and then the input box uses all of the remaining space. For example if the container was 1000px and the label was 342px then the input should be 658px wide. But if the label changed to 100px the input should resize...

HTML form problems

Hello again!Here is my code : <body onload="read()"> <div class="style1" id="Layer3"> <textarea name="textarea" cols="30" rows="5" id="msg" ></textarea> </div> <div id="Layer1">Hello World!<img src="body.jpg" width="842" height="559" /></div> <div id="Layer2"><img src="close.jpg" alt="Go Online/Offline" name="close" width="63" height...

Multi choice UI - best practice

Hello, Mayby it's not a question strictly for software developers but let's face the truth... everyone is sometimes an UI designer - web apps, winforms... everyone have to place some components... Now here is my question: Whats the best way to present multichoice from a really big list of options (about 1000 positions)? What in your op...

Is it a bad idea to have set my website up like so?

I was thinking of setting up my website with a file called master.php and using .htaccess and URL rewriting I would transform into Which would allow me to setup the about page. Is it a bad idea to have one master page that creates dynamic pages? ...

REST service application and separate frontend - good idea?

I'm thinking about building an application with a RESTful web service. My thought is to build the RESTful (json, etc) part of the application as a standalone, and then the frontend (e.g. html/css/js/etc) as a client to that service, although not through js, I'd like the web page to work without js, so probably using something like LWP to...

Analytics Obsession

My client is really obsessive about analytic data. He wants to explore the tiniest details to maximize his open, click, and conversion rates. While theres nothing wrong in that, but sacrificing usability and the site's design in order to achieve better performance? He'd use an ugly looking red button only because it performs better than ...

Should a referencing column be restricted to a single table?

I'm working on a project, and we've been creating tables that store references as a combination of two columns. An example: we have an 'alerts' table, that is used to deliver information to the user. An alert can refer to a number of different things, you can be alerted about a new message, or if another user has mentioned you. Thes...

Is it just me or could the Cplex Concert API use some improvements?

Addendum: I realize this post appears to take the form of a rant, but if you could correct any misunderstandings I have, clarify anything, or better yet: help me solve my problem with the iterator issue, I'd be very grateful! I'm currently using cplex 9 (I know it's not the latest, it's out of my hands). Is it just me or could the CPLEX...