
Memcached for Social Network Application

I asked this question over at ASP.NET... ...but wanted to ask it here as well. I’m sure this problem has been solved before so I figured why reinvent the wheel… Short story, I’m building a web application with social features using memcached as a caching layer for the database. To simplify the prob...

CSS : Using a Table when I shouldn't.

I was trying to create a CSS only badge with lots of details. The contents were like this. **General Details:** ID no(6digit number) Date of Joining Group Sub Group **Personal Details** Name Date of Birth Gender **Referrer Details** Name of Referrer URI and so on I tried using using <ul> <li> and then styling that, then i tried the ...

OO Design Issues

Hi there, I'm learning OO principles and for practice I'm developing an application in Java. The application is to parse the hand history text files issued by poker sites after every poker hand is played and to extract the same types of data from the file no matter which site the hand history is from. The hand history files can be in...

Storing/serializing list of objects

I oftem run into this case of what is the correct way to store a list of objects as a property in a class and how to properly serialize them into XML. For instance, we have a TabGroup class which will contain zero or multiple Tabs. Is it better to a have a list of Tabs property or a list of references to Tabs? Provided that Tabs are id...

JBoss Seam Design Patterns?

I've really taken a liking to the JBoss Seam application framework. Since the notion of injection/outjection and tight integration between JSF/EJBs/JPA is relatively scarce among Java application frameworks, I was looking for some good resources for design patterns and best practices for using this framework. I've poured over the examp...

SQL - Multiplie one-to-many relationships

Is it possible somehow to do multiplie one-to-many relationships between 2 tables? Like: Table abc abcID defID message Table def defID abcID message If yes how can I then make a new abc entry with the entity framework? ...

Visual Programming tools that can be used for practical app development

I've been interested in Visual Programming Languages (VPL) for a while. However I've hardly seen any environments that can be used for practical projects such as Windows apps or web services. I've heard of the following: LabVIEW - electronics and instrumentation Microsoft VPL - robotics Game Maker - games Google App Inventor - Android...

C++ - design question

Hello! I am working on game engine prototype and have the following question: Right now my engine implementation is DirectX-bound and everything works fine. I've got a core::Renderer class which has methods to render geometry, set shaders, lightning, etc... Some of them are templated, some not. class Renderer { // ... templat...

Advice on css and Html

Hi, I need some advice on css and styles, is not an easy question to ask, I'm on the way to develop a project that's going to be in a few languages, I know how to manage the dictionaries, at least for now, but I was with a bigger issue ... The page it's going to be on english, and also japanese and hebrew, they have a different style l...

The "Right" flow in creating a Rails project

Hi guys, I'm starting out with Ruby on Rails and I know of a few stuff already, but I was wondering if there was a "right" way of going about developing a project. Right now, I would create my models first using [script/generate model MyModel] then modifying them until I feel they are complete enough. Then I'd go for [script/generate sca...

architecthure for a large data driven website

I know how to create small data driven websites but want to get an idea on how to convert them to handle large data flow. The questions are based on a site that would act mostly like stack overflow, craigslist etc where people could post stuff and others reply and would have basic search capabilities based on tags. Are regular relatio...

Get hex codes for all colors between two colors?

I want to have buttons that are switching from one color to another. Eg. 1000 buttons where the first one is yellow and the last one is green and all the between will slowly move from yellow to green. So I guess I need some software/webpage to generate all the hex codes for colors (eg. #8a3a3a) between these two colors. Is this possib...

Change object behaviour...but just some lines!?

Hello there freaks & geeks. Here comes my question again, thanks for helping!. Lets suppose i have an object Foo, which method foo() does about 100 lines. foo() { ... qwert yuiop asdfg zxcvb nmhjk ... } If a developer wants to add some code to foo(), it can be easily done with inheritance, composing or a Decorator Pattern. But...

Custom InfoWindow on Google Map v3 with Shadow

I have to add a custom styles Info Window to a Google Map. The rounded border has to go and I have to change the close button. I've found InfoBox from Google Maps Utility Library ( wich works fine but it doesn't seem to support shadows. Does anybody know of any solut...

Is this design for dependency injection easy to understand?

I'm working on a project with a large existing codebase and I've been tasked with performing some re-engineering of a small portion of it. The existing codebase does not have a lot of unit testing, but I would like at least the portion I'm working on to have a full suite of unit tests with good code coverage. Because the existing codeb...

Presentational js vs. functional js: Separate them? General architecture?

Hello! This is a general kind of question. Very often, I need to write JavaScript for web pages. Keeping in mind best practices, unobtrusive js, etc. I have my JavaScript in separate *.js files. Every page gets its own js file. What's been somewhat bothering me lately, is the mix of presentational code with functional code that I ...

CSS: Display element with width "inline"

I have an icon that I would like to be able to drop into text at arbitrary points and have it "flow" with the text. Background: An <img> tag works best for this. However, I don't want to have to specify the href everywhere. That will present problems in the future should the icon/location change. It also depends on me knowing the path ...

What is the best way to handle the restriction of an API?

Our core domain so far has an abstraction called PersonName with methods for firstName, lastName, middleInitial etc. As we are expanding the domain to Spain, we figured that they only talk in terms of name, firstSurname and secondSurname i.e. middleInitial etc have no significance to them. The PersonName interface is currently being use...

Doctrine 2 tables sharing multiple relationships

Is it possible in Doctrine for 2 tables to share more than one relationship based on different columns? Also does Doctrine support a ternary relationship? Thanks in Advance ...

How do you handle when you have too many tabs in your masterpage of your application?

Hi, Actually I think it is a bit design issue. Question is, if you have programmatically generated tabs -let's say by using repeater control- at the top of your masterpage, how do you handle them after you have too many -so that they do not overlap the view-port of the browser? I don't want to reinvent the wheel if there are already ...