
Feedback on website please.

Hello everybody, I was wondering what everybody thought of this project I've been working on and whether there is anything that I should change before launching it. Bare in mind this is my first go at designing a full site. Feel free to feedback on any aspect you feel is not up to scratch, ie design, code, whatever you like. I'll be...

Design approach (Domain driven or Service Driven)

Hi All, My problem statement is : I want to write design file management (add, copy, delete etc. operations). There are two approach : Service Driven approach Write file VO which contains only file attributes. For e.g. public Class File { private boolean hidden; private boolean read; private boolean write; publi...

CSS image design problem

Hello! This is the testsite i am working on: As you can see, it cuts the middle line in half and i am trying to sort out why it does that. The body backgroundcolor is just for testing. The layout idea is <div> - entire box <div /> - top (image with the start line) <div> - content <div> - left (test 2 on ...

Scripts for moving schema changes from development database to production database

I'm trying to head this one off at the pass. I've got two database servers (DEV and PRD) and I have my database on the DEV server. I am looking to deploy v1 of my application to PRD server. The question is this: Say in two months, I am ready to ship v1.1 of my application, which introduces two new VIEWS, six new fields (three fields in...

Software Design problems and solutions

Hello All, I am searching for Software design problems and solutions. Or something like, design a subsystem to open an Image and save to user defined format. Different people give different solutions. I would like to if you have any links which actually talk about problems and one of the good solution with Class diagrams. Thanks in ad...

good database design: enum values: ints or strings?

I have a column in a table that will store an enum value. E.g. Large, Medium, Small or the days of the week. This will correspond to displayed text on a web page or user selection from a droplist. What is the best design? Store the values as an int and then perhaps have a table that has the enums/int corresponding string in it. Just st...

Extending Thumb control

I'm in the process of designing a WPF custom control, based on ItemsControl, which needs a Resizer/Splitter. This sounds pretty easy, I can just hook-up a few event handlers in my control and react to the dragging. But, I may also need to use this Resizer/Splitter in the content of the selected item. Ideally, the splitter would take i...

Is it possible in c# to make a factory that merges interfaces?

var mergedInstance = MergeFactory<InterfaceOne, InterfaceTwo>(); ((InterfaceOne)mergedInstance).InterfaceOneMethod(); ((InterfaceTwo)mergedInstance).InterfaceTwoMethod(); Can anyone recommend a design pattern or exact syntax that would make something like this work? Inside the MergeFactory, I'm picturing something like this going on:...

Special members in enum: All and None

Possible Duplicate: How to use Enum with aditional options (All, None) Somewhat subjective. I have an enum public enum Faction { Aliance, Horde } as we all know code closely modeling business domain it is applied is "always better". In a given domain there are two factions, and these two factions are enumerated in ...

Please review my design - Need Input

I'm basically just posting tonight to get some feedback from some of you more experienced architects out there. I'm just starting to get into more use of Interfaces...already seasoned and know Abstract Classes which I've used in some pretty slick designs of my own. Anyway, I created a hack UML here: uml.pdf A few things about the diag...

Is OData intended only as a way to publish data to other parties or can i use it as a Data Layer for my Application

I am a bit confused about OData. Is it meant only for "publishing" data to other parties? Or can I use it in my client server application as a data layer. The case I have is : developing a client-server application for managing some information. The client is a WPF application, the Server is basically Database and a WCF Layer to expose ...

WPF Design view in Visual Studio 2010--scroll the scrollbar?

I just added a ScrollViewer to my WPF app. Now some of my content is hidden because it is at the bottom of the ScrollViewer--this is intentional. However, is there any way in the Design view of Visual Studio 2010 to scroll a scrollbar so that I can preview what my app looks like when the scrollbar is at different positions? It would b...

Real-world programming examples of the Unix philosophy

What are some specific[1] real-world code[2]/design examples, personal anecdotes, mistakes learned (with more emphasis on personal anecdotes, mistakes learned instead of pointing out third-party software) that best illustrate the programming philosophy of Unix? For a start, here's Raymond's summarization of the philosophy from The Art of...

jqGrid dynamic select fields

Hi, is there a way to modify the values of a status field in the colModel dynamically? Lets say we have a col Model with a field like: ... field ... name: "state",type: "select", editoptions: {value: "0:state0;1:state1;2:state2;3:state3;4:state4"} So I get a select field for my states with this values. But I need to dynamicaly decide...

Complex DB tables problem

hi everyone .. I am developing a student results website in which :- Every year has its own subjects ( 1st year has sub1 , sub2 , sub3 and 2nd year other subjects and so on ) which will be added , deleted by the admin of the site . I designed three tables :- "Students" : contains info about students and their current year . "Subjec...

Why is stylesheets and scripts separate from app in rails directory structure

Hey all, I never understood why the stylesheets and scripts are outside the /app folder in ruby on rails. Is there benefits of housing them in the /public folder away from the /app? Thank! Matt ...

Efficiency of design patterns

Hello, Does anyone know any sites/books/articles covering best practices or theory around design patterns in high performance applications? It seems a lot of the patterns use indirection/abstraction/encapsulation in a way that may affect performance in computationally intensive code. Head First Design Patterns and even GoF mention possi...

iphone tab bar design dilemma

Hi, I have to make an app for client where there are functionalities best defined by tab bar interface. I am no UI designer but I have done some basic research and read the Human Interface Guidelines by Apple. Another point is that app deals extensively with Web Services and user has to login before using any of the features of the app....

How can designers and developers work together with Monotouch? Is itt different than with the SDK?

For web applications you can have one designer create a mockup, and then another one (Perhaps Off Shore) generate CSS, templates, themes, skins...whatever. How can you do something similar with Monotouch? How would it differ from what can be done in SDK workflow? Can you use some of the same tools as for WPF/Silverlight? (And still be ...

Many nested BufferedInputStream's - what's the impact?

There's a common pattern, when each layer of application, dealing with data from a stream tends to wrap it into a BufferedInputStream, so that at a whole, there's a lot of buffers, filled from buffers, filled from buffers and so on. I think this is bad practice and want to question: how does it impact the performance? Can this cause bu...