
Predicting drying time (similulating physical systems)?

ACM Question: Simulations involving service times and queues are fairly routine despite using statistical distributions to generate data of interest. Most physical systems are far more complex. Given Weight of a Towel Surface Area of Towel Dryer Volume Dryer Max Temperature Dryer Revolutions/Minute Boiling Point of Water Weight ...

Where can I find a good implementation of Adapter Patterns with good examples in C#?

Where can I find a good implementation of Adapter Patterns with good examples in C#? ...

How to design my classes to leverege factory and be extensible?

My c++ SOA app has a concept of "session" that is used exchange data between services. In example its used for checking legality of some service A operations before executing session B which commits or rollback changes. Whatever. I have 2 types of session modes: normal and what-if. Going further, I have different session, session for le...

Are there free iPhone navigation bar icon sets available?

I want to use up/down icons like the ones used by "mail" in the upper-right corner when you're viewing a specific message. Are these icons available for free anywhere? Beyond that, are there any sites with free navigation bar, toolbar, or tab bar icons? Thank you! ...

What design patterns are most leveraged in creating high availability applications?

Likewise are there design patterns that should be avoided? ...

google app engine - design considerations about cron tasks

I'm developing software using the google app engine. I have some considerations about the optimal design regarding the following issue: I need to create and save snapshots of some entities at regular intervals. in the conventional relational db world, I would create db jobs which would insert new summary records. for example, a job w...

How to answer the interview question: What is a singleton and how would you use one?

I've read the questions on S.O. regarding Singleton and just watched an hour long google tech talk. As far as I can tell, the consensus in the OO world seems to be that singletons are more of an anti-pattern rather than a useful design pattern. That said, I am interviewing these days and the question comes up a lot--what is a singleton...

Connecting modules with in an application.

While working on my hobby projects i split code in to background operations and gui operations. So i end up having library objects that does the actual work and gui objects that represent menus, frames and such. The thing that bugs me every time is that i end up having lots of objects that has to know about other objects. Such as toolba...

prototype based vs. class based inheritance

In javascript, every object is at the same time instance and class. To do inheritance, you can use any object instance as a prototype. In python, C++, etc.. there are classes, and instances, as separate concepts. In order to do inheritance, you have to use the base class to create a new class, which can then be used to produce derived i...

How to keep my code simple?

--EDIT-- I believe this is a valid question that may have multiple answers (as defined here). This is NOT a discussion nor a poll. Furthermore, this question is evidently NOT argumentative as none of the respondents so far seem to argue with each other. --ORIGINAL TEXT-- Amazing! I do software for about 15 years now and I still have n...

Flash: Doing Nothing Programatically?

I received a Flash job to do the other day and none of it was done programatically. All transitions, rollovers, etc., were done with the built-in button states, layers, and all that stuff that I hardly ever work with except through code (since you can do it all by programming custom MCs). All the tweens actually seem to have been done by...

Why do we need constructors and private members in the abstract class?

Why do we need constructors and private members in the abstract class? It is not like we are ever going to create an instance of that class. ...

Basic Game Archecture Question

Hey Folks, I'm building a simple 2d game,and I'm wondering if some better coders than I can suggest a good way to design its basic architecture. The game is pretty simple. There are many types of units on the screen which shoot, move, and perform hit detection. The screen zooms in and out, and there is a menu UI bar on the side of the s...

class for different uses

I have a class that is being used by two different processes with each process using different properties of the class. Everytime a process requires a new property I simply add it to the class. Is this a bad idea? Should I just create two separate classes and update them when required? N.B. At times the same property is being used by bo...

UI Design of WinForm CRUD App, What works?

I am designing a WinForms CRUD "like" app for a large group of Nurses and Social Workers to interact with Client information. There are many different forms(about 30ish) that they need to "possiblly" interact with for any given client and they "can be" required to jump from one to another for a specific person. I am strugghling wit...

Which projects do you include in your solutions

How do you commonly lay out your solutions in Visual Studio? Recently, I've kept the BLL, DAL and presentation in different classes and planned to add a test solution as I learn TDD. However, after recently watching a video from Rob Conery and viewing a project from an external contractor, I noticed a theme of multiple projects in the so...

Objective-C/Cocoa: Proper design for delegates and controllers.

Consider the following common situation: You have some MainView in your Cocoa application, loaded from a NIB, which is controlled by a MainViewController. Your MainView contains some controls, such as a UILabel infoLabel. You also have a delegate MyDelegate class which receives some sort of event. You would like to make sure that whe...

designing Java interfaces with ordinary-sounding names, that "play nicely" with other packages.

I'd like to define an interface called Tag in a Java package I am working on, but am hesitant to use such an ordinary-sounding name because of the collision issue. (e.g. you can import only one class or interface with a particular name; if there are more than one that share the same name, you can use import for one of them, but the rest ...

Design of account e-mail activation (with Hibernate in mind)

Hi, I have a design problem which I would like some input on. Here are the constraints: Each user must have a working e-mail address when registering their account. When registering their user account an activation email should be sent, containing a link with an activation code which must be followed for the account to be activated. E...

Representing parameters/configurations/settings

Alright, so let's say I'm writing an application using an object-oriented language, and I have a set of key-value pairs that represent program parameters/configuration/options/settings/etc. These may be initial values of certain variables, or just values that aren't bound to change except between sessions. How should I represent these va...