
Design - how do i handle events on persisted objects as they change state?

Maybe a silly question this, but I'm a rookie developer. Lets say, in a data-driven CRM'ish application, I have a customer type that can go through a number of phases - i.e. phases 1 - 5. As a customer changes phase - events should trigger. Example - as a customer enters phase 3 from phase 2, an email is sent, some lists are updated an...

How to improve my architecture design skills

What are some good ways I can improve my system architecture design skills? I'm particularly interested in designs I can learn from... can anyone shoot out some examples of good design practice, lessons learned, things to guide me? ...

Functional programming - standard symbols, diagrams, etc

I have a problem, which I believe to be best solved through a functional style of programming. Coming from a very imperative background, I am used to program design involving class diagrams/descriptions, communication diagrams, state diagrams etc. These diagrams however, all imply, or are used to describe, the state of a system and the ...

Resources on human simulator design. (think 13th floor)

After seeing the 13th Floor back in the day I have been obsessed to a degree with writing a simulator like that. I have written several simulations with a human base class that have a male and female subclass. They have a routine called runYear and they interact. They date, work, die, have kids, get sad, commit suicide, divorce, etc. ...

How should I return an NSError object from a delegate method?

I'm designing a delegate method that is called when the remote server needs input from the delegate. The delegate at that point is responsible for filling in data to be sent to the server and also telling the server if there is an error at that point. The delegate method I have right now is: -(void)server:(MBServer*)server willSendDat...

relational databases and versioning: revision intervals

I've been thinking about how to apply data versioning to a relatively simple database I have, and figured I should do something like is mentioned in Jim T's post where there are global revision #s (e.g. like in Subversion or Mercurial) and each database record has a validity interval. Example: Create a person. |Name|D.O.B |Tel...

Best practices for developing customized B2B Java software?

I'm working on Java-based server software that needs to be customized for a few, but large customers. A separate instance of the server runs for each customer. Each customer has sufficiently differing requirements such that different business logics is required for each of the implementations. At this time, the different business logic...

Good examples of GUI design for business-oriented, heavy data-entry (CRUD) applications

Where can I find examples of very well produced enterprise-y software that have: Good, consistent use of keyboard shortcuts. Good keyboard form navigation Standarized form validation Standarized use of lookup/search screens. (User gets asked for Client ID, doesn't know it but can look it up from a popup window that returns it) Standari...

When to use delegation instead of inheritance?

Could someone please explain when would I want to use delegation instead of inheritance? ...

Synchronous vs asynchronous programming

When designing a server, we are considering two approaches: A asynchronous (select based) approach so the backend rpc can be parallelized in a single thread. A synchronous approach where each backend rpc is processed in another thread from the thread pool. There are trade offs: 1 has better performance and 2 has less code complexity...

UI design tools

Hi, I need to find some good tools for designing UI. I need only the design part, I don't need any code generation or anything like that... It would be nice to find some freeware ;) tia ...

Best way to show of different projects on a portefolio

Hey, i have been browsing the jQuery webpage for cool ways to create a webpage-portefolio and am looking for cool ways to show of my work on my webpage. Please give me some examples of this, so I can make the best possible experience of my website :) Wordpress as a Portefolio 10 steps to the perfect portefolio Examples of a good porte...

Hashmap in the making

How to go about creating a Hashmap in C from scratch ? What would be the parameters taken into consideration and what how would you test the hashmap as to how good it is ? As in what would be benchmark test cases which you require to run before you say that your hash map is complete. ...

Free UI Tools for Developers

As with many developers in small or mid sized shops, I have to put on my designer hat from time to time. I can't really justify buying something like CS4 or other designer tools. I do currently have a small tool bag of helpful, free tools like Paint.NET IconExtract ColorCop Are there any other good ones out there that I should chec...

What steps do you take when writing a really large business processes?

I was given this really long flow chart (8 pages) of how we process our financial transactions. The most critical piece of our application. I'm sure you can imagine lots of squares and diamons with lines drawn all over the place, and then separate detail sheets describing which fields in the database to update, calculate, retrieve, store...

Methodology for designing a new application that will eventualy be merged into an old applications.

Currently I am on a team developing a new stand alone application in C#. The eventual goal is to roll this stand alone app into a previously developed larger application that pertains to the same processes. My question is this: I am looking for information on methodologies or processes that help with A) Design of said newer code, esspec...

How do you work around the need to cast an interfaced object back to its base class?

This question is meant to apply to interfaces in general, but I'll use AS3/Flex for my language. It should be [mostly] obvious how to apply it in different languages. If I create a base class, and it extends an interface, there is an explicit contract defined: for every method in the interface, the base class must implement said method...

Why don't browsers let you open a regular connection instead of Ajax or Comet?

If you want to open a two-way connection between the browser and server, the only choice is to poll (hammer the server), or use comet (crufty and prone to disconnects). Why don't browsers just let you open up a plain TCP connection? Is there any practical benefit to not having this ability? ...

What does a Software Architect do and what programs do they use?

I keep hearing about the "Architect" title in larger software corporations, and am interested to know what they do and how they get it done. Is it their job to prepare visual diagrams outlining the functioning of the software? and what programs do they use to aid their design? Like Class Designing? Do they design at a higher level and ...

Web application background processes, newbie design question

I'm building my first web application after many years of desktop application development (I'm using Django/Python but maybe this is a completely generic question, I'm not sure). So please beware - this may be an ultra-newbie question... One of my user processes involves heavy processing in the server (i.e. user inputs something, serv...