
Which design option is better to use in coding a framework?

I'm coding up a framework (in Java, but question is generic) in which I will provide a set of interfaces for clients to implement. The functions in the framework are going to rely on how the implementation classes will be constructued, that is, thay depend on those implementations to provide other instances of interfaces. For example I ...

Is it a good idea(tm) to use REST ideas to design 'some service' from the ground up?

If you wanted to start a 'website' that could be accessible from multiple 'endpoints'. Is it a good idea to design from a REST perspective from the begining? I'm thinking that the answer is 'yes' ... but are there other opinions? Should REST be your 'starting point' for the design of systems that are hopefully extensible and also acce...

How to split code into components... big classes? small classes?

This is very basic stuff, but here goes. I find that I am never able to agree with myself whether the way I split large classes into smaller ones make things more maintainable or less maintainable. I am familiar with design patterns, though not in detail, and also with the concepts of object oriented design. All the fancy rules and guide...

Database Programming Concepts

So I've read a couple books on SQL and I've used SQL and created databases, but really nothing advanced, a couple tables, a couple joins, that sort of thing. So now I am working on a project that is pretty big. The database is going to have multiple tables and we will be processing 40'000 to 80'000 rows of data daily. Now I find myself...

What subjects are beneficial to learn in order to understand human interaction with computers

I was inspired by this question, and it's first answer to ask my question. What specific areas of study, if any, focus on human-machine interaction and the study of human behaviour with regard to computers? From my understanding of the issue I am considering study in the following (broad) areas: Design Psychology Are there any par...

Creating container usercontrol with design time support in WPF ?

Hi, I want to create a container usercontrol with design time support in WPF ? How can I do ? ...

Design for Ruby app using meta programming

I am making a framework where objects should be created a according to a predefined XML file. For example, if in the xml file the following occurs: <type name="man"> <property name="name" type="string"> <property name="height" type="int"> <property name="age" type="int"> <property name="profession" type="string" value="...

Who decides how an application UI looks?

In some software company, who should be responsible for the UI design: User Designer Manager Boss Depends on company size etc. In UI design I mean not only colors and images, but also control's layout, count, size, style, may be text user see. ...

Suggested architecture for associating code to db rows

I have a situation where I have a bunch of rows in a database. For example, let say we have a table called ReportRendererType. Rows might be: Line Graph Bar Graph Grid etc. I can use the database to store how particular users want to view particular reports. Eg. Frank likes the Profit Report displayed as a Bar Graph. It would b...

Challenge - Keep Code and DB Rows Separate

We all agree that the db is for storage and that the code shouldn't be tightly coupled with it. How do you achieve this when you store preferences in the db. Let me give an example. Suppose that you are creating a little online poll. Each poll can have a "vote type". Here are some vote types: Anonymous Voting Ip based voting etc. ...

webpage footer: should it be just below the content or at bottom of visible screen?

If there's empty space below the content in a web page (above the fold), should the footer be just below the content or should it be displayed at the bottom of the visible screen? What's the consensus? ...

How to design to prompt users for new values for properties of deserialized objects?

Right now, I'm currently serializing a class like this: class Session { String setting1; String setting2; ...etc... (other member variables) List<SessionAction> actionsPerformed; } Where SessionAction is an interface that just has one method. All implementations of the SessionAction interface have various propert...

Thread safe singleton implementation in C++

The following is a well known implementation of singleton pattern in C++. However, I'm not entirely sure whether its thread-safe. Based upon answers to similar question asked here previously, it seems it is thread safe. Is that so? //Curiously Recurring Template Pattern //Separates a class from its Singleton-ness (almost). #in...

Parallel algorithm design.

I'm trying to figure out what is the best practice while designing parallel algorithm for model of data distribution. What could be pros and cons against block distribution vs cyclic distribution of data in memory. Any help would be appreciated. ...

MySQL Question - How to handle multiple types of users - one table or multiple?

Hey everyone, I'm designing a database for an organization that has multiple "types" of users. At first, I created only one user table. However, while all users share some common information (first name, last name, username, password, etc.), each user type requires one or two additional fields that are not applicable to all users. While...

What are the advantages of chain-of-responsibility vs. lists of classes?

Recently, I was discussing with another programmer the best way to refactor a huge(1000 lines) method full of "if" statements. The code is written in Java, but I guess this issue could happen in other languages such as C# as well. To solve this problem, he suggested using a chain-of-responsibility pattern. He proposed having a base "Ha...

MVVM Design for Multi Document app?

I have an application which has a similar interface to Visual Studio, in that there's a list of documents that can be opened, edited an saved. Each document can be of different types and has different editors. I also have a general Save MenuItem. What I want to do is have the Save command only save the active document. Is there a stand...

Indications of possibly poor design

Hi I have a large code base. The whole code is in C. I feel that inappropriate attention has been given to design. What evidences should I look for in the C code base that are strong indicators of bad/poor design. And can some of theses indications be provided by some automated tools. Thanks Vivek Kumar ...

Reasons not to overdesign a solution to a current problem

G'day, While having a think about this question here about overdesigning for possible future changes it got me thinking. What reasons against can you provide to people who insist on blowing out designs because "they might want to use it somewhere else at some stage in the future"? Similarly, what do you do when people take the require...

Design effects in WPF (tricks to enhance app's appearance)

I have developed an application that must be presented on exhibition as advertising. I want it to look more sexy! What tricks do you know that enhance the appearance of your applications? What are the best design effects the developer can use for its application? I am speaking about: glowing, shadows, maybe forms of buttons, beautiful a...