
django to return json format data to prototype ajax

Hi all, is there a way i can pass json format data through django HttpResponse. I am trying to call the view through prototype ajax and return json format data. Thanks ...

__init__ method for form with additional arguments

I'm calling my form, with additional parameter 'validate : form = MyForm(request.POST, request.FILES, validate=True) How should I write form's init method to have access to this parameter inside body of my form (for example in _clean method) ? This is what I came up with : def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: validate...

Form class __init__ not working

I have this form class : class MyForm(forms.Form): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.notvalidate = kwargs.pop('notvalidate',False) super(MyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) email = forms.EmailField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs=dict(attrs_dict,maxlength=75))) (...) if not notvalidate: ...

Django Nested Filter Values

This line works and returns the value that I'm looking for: logs = Log.objects.filter(filterURI=aFilter.uri).values()[0]['yk'] However, when I try to add another filter and do the same I get errors: logs = Log.objects.filter(filterURI=aFilter.uri).filter(k=k-1).values()[0]['yk'] My understanding is that a object.filter returns a qu...

Django buildout

Hello, I'm starting to play around with using buildout for Django. I'd like to use buildout as the main installation method for deploying projects and applications. In this context is it the best that each application contains a buildout, as well as the project? At what level should you apply the buildout? Thanks, Todd ...

What is the best way to get Facebook Connect going with a Django app? (Given the new data permissions.)

Hey everyone, I'm new to Django and trying to set up a Facebook connected site. There seem to be three available options at the moment: Use middleware with PyFacebook. I was able to get the django-facebookconnect app going fairly easily and mod it to suit my needs, but it is currently unclear whether PyFacebook even supports extende...

Django: Get custom tag output inside a view

Hello! I have a very specific problem. I wrote a special template tag to display some peace of HTML code based on some calculations. Tag call looks like this: {% chord 'A' %} And the output generated is <div class="chord">A <audio src="/media/chords/A/A.mp3" controls>Not supported</audio></div> Everything works fine, but I came ...

uwsgi + django via Nginx - uwsgi settings/spawn?

I am leaning towards uwsgi+nginx for my Django app, can anyone share the best method for starting up my uwsgi processes? Does anyone have experience tuning uwsgi? ...

django form based on model

In can anyone tell me the step by step process to map the AuthorForm and Bookform in my and to render it in my template. ...

django django_authopenid.openid_store error in apache

I am getting the following error on my website: Error importing openid store django_authopenid.openid_store: "No ElementTree library found. You may need to install one. Tried importing ['lxml.etree', 'xml.etree.cElementTree', 'xml.etree.ElementTree', 'cElementTree', 'elementtree.ElementTree']" i have commented all the django openid co...

unidirectional one-to-many and many-to-may in django

I'm new to django. I have 2 simple objects, lets call them - File and FileGroup: - A FileGroup can hold a list of files, sorted according to an 'order' field. - Each file can be associated with multiple groups. so basically, the db tables would be: 1) File 2) File_Group 3) File_Group_Mapping table that has a column named "order" in add...

Code based unique constraint Django Model

I have a Django model that looks like this: class Categories(models.Model): """ Model for storing the categories """ name = models.CharField(max_length=8) keywords = models.TextField() spamwords = models.TextField() translations = models.TextField() def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False): ...

Django \u characters in my UTF8 strings

Hiya, I am adding UTF-8 data to a database in Django. As the data goes into the database, everything looks fine - the characters (for example): “Hello” are UTF-8 encoded. My MySQL database is UTF-8 encoded. When I examine the data from the DB by doing a select, my example string looks like this: ?Hello?. I assume this is showing the c...

Import error in django I am trying to understand how the multilanguage feature works and i found the example in the above link What i have done is i have created a project as test and included that in And in the test directory i have the and the code for this is the above said ...

External use of Django DB module failed because of settings module loading

Hi there, I am facing a problem with using Django DB module in an external gateway script. I have the following python file under myproject/myapplication/ #<path>/myproject/myapplication/ from django.db import connection from django.db import settings #SOME METHODS ARE HERE which is using django db module. I need to ...

Django: Can't save a form

I allow users to view and edit a few fields of a database record represented by a ModelForm. Here is a snippet of the code from the view: def edit(request, id): obj = get_object_or_404(Record, pk=record_id) if request.method == 'POST': form = forms.RecordForm(request.POST, instance=obj) if form.is_valid(): ...

Can you pass multiple paths to the Django runserver --pythonpath directive?

For each of my projects I create an apps directory that holds all the apps I need. Satchmo also has an apps directory. Can I do something like python runserver --pythonpath=/path/to/my/apps /path/to/satchmo/apps? Is there some separator that it can take? ...

Setting a foreign key on a formset on

Hi all, It's simple - All I want to do is set who answered the question if the question is answered. Can someone please enlighten me on how to set a form value if the question was answered. I know that I could also set this as an initial value but then I have to selectively determine which records were answered. This seemed simpler bu...

Redirect to a new form in Django Admin on Save

Hi I am creating a trouble ticket app for my company, and I want to redirect the user to a new form where he will specify the diagnose and solution he offered. my admin is Basically, Right now my code is calling the first form, when the obj created is new or the status is open and it is calling the ClosedForm when my status is closed. ...

csrf error in django

Hello, I want to realize a login for my site. I basically copied and pasted the following bits from the Django Book together. However I still get an error (CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.), when submitting my registration form. Can somebody tell my what raised this error and how to fix it? Here is my code: # Crea...