
Overriding _get_url() from ImageField

Hi, I'm looking to the best way to overriding the _get_url method from ImageField, I need to customize the url since I don't want the default returned url (I distribute this image trhough a view to manage ACL on it so the url based on the MEDIA_ROOT is wrong). Should I have to create my own ImageField ? or is there a solution using les...

django css path

hello, i want to include a css file into the header of my documents, but i have a few questions: 1.Where should i set the path to media, and it should be a relative/absolute path? In, i 've tried setting MEDIA_URL but my style is still 'unseen' can i make the htmls to inheric that syle (for not adding the href in every ...

Django how to make tags?

if i have a question and answer system, and i want to add a tag feature, as for every question i should have some tags, separated by comma (just in stackoverflow): 1.I want to have a separate class model for that, with a foreign key to a question the form, i want the user to be able to add many tags, separated by comma, and when th...

Django reply form included into question template

if a have a question - answer system, where the answer form is included in the template of questions,(just like facebook post-comments) is there another way to save the comments for every question? how can i take the id of the question? my code: {%include "replies/replies.html"%} #thats in the template where questions are listed the ...

django css file not recognised - wrong configuration?

in my app, i want to use a css file, but the tempalte doesn't 'know' where the file is, though i've configured it as in tutorials: in the (the urls file in the root of the site, not belonging to an app) (r'^site_media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': settings.STATIC_DOC_ROOT}), in the tem...

migrating django 1.1.1 -> 1.2.1: {% url %} doesn't work

I am migrating a django project from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 Now neither the {% url %} tag works nor the @models.permalink-decorated get_absulute_url works i.e. I get TemplateSyntaxError at / Caught TypeError while rendering: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'error_message' for <li><a href="{% url archive_talks %}">talks</a></...

Python unicode problems on Windows XP

Having the following django view code that generates a CSV response from a database view: def _get_csv_stats(request, **filterargs): result = GlobalStats.objects.select_related().filter(**filterargs).values_list('user__username', 'user__first_name','use...

Django modify POST and pass on to next view

In my Django webapp, I have a user submit data to Form1.html. The data is passed onto Form2.html where they submit more data. After they submit Form2 they are taken to Done.html. Form1 >> Form2 >> Done The problem is I need the data from Form1 in From2 and in the Done view. Getting the data from Form1 to the Form2 view is no problem, j...

Split field to array when accessed

I have Django model that looks like this: class Categories(models.Model): """ Model for storing the categories """ name = models.CharField(max_length=8) keywords = models.TextField() spamwords = models.TextField() translations = models.TextField() def __unicode__(self): return clas...

Get the key of logged-in user with no DB access in Django on Google App Engine?

I'm using Django on GAE. When I say user = request.user, I believe it hits the datastore to fetch the User entity. I would like to just get the key for the currently logged in user, because that will allow me to get the user-related data I need from the memcache. ...

Apache config for PHP and Django

I'm wanting to run PHP and Django together on the same apache config and I'm wondering how to do that? <- Serving PHP files from /var/www <- Serving Django from /var/www/django (/var/www/django/mod.wsgi) Any idea how to do this? ...

django css file cached

hello, I'm having a css file and i want to modify it to fit my needs. The problem is that it seems to be cached somewhere, as i just cannot see the changes, no matter what i do in the css file. I am sure i am pointing to the right file, as by now i'v modified in it, and it worked. Is there any setting so that i can turn the cache off? Th...

Allow users to play mp3 files but dont expose them directly on the web

I want to store some mp3s in a folder wich is no public, cant be directly accessed trough the web and allow users to hear/download the songs with a browser only if they are logged in. How can I do that ? I do my web development with django, but If I know how it works is enough. ...

How to make multiple user types when signing up?

I'm using Django 1.2 and I want to have two user types (one for companies and one for consultants). I will either use an object in my model (something like a boolean for is_company or is_consultant) or Django's groups to distinguish them--depending on which is easier for this problem. I guess it wouldn't be much of a problem if I weren...

clean method in inheriting form

Let's say Form1 inherits after Form2. Form 1 has fields one, two, three. Can I define a method clean_one in Form2 (so clean for field inherited from other form) ? ...

Django: Create a variable in template

I have a list of values I want to display in a template of django. The list is more or less like this: 199801 string1 199802 string2 199904 string3 200003 string4 200011 string5 where the first column is a date in the form YYYYMM and the second is a generic string the list is ordered by date desc What I want to create is a list of ...

Ordered ManyToManyField that can be used in fieldsets

Hey all, I've been working through an ordered ManyToManyField widget, and have the front-end aspect of it working nicely: Unfortunately, I'm having a great deal of trouble getting the backend working. The obvious way to hook up the backend is to use a through table keyed off a model with ForeignKeys to both sides of the relationship ...

redirect to another page instead of recieving Django standarf 404 error

hi i have something like this in my instance = get_object_or_404(register, Now if there is no related object against this user i receive i standard django 404 eror saying no matches found. what i want here is instead of receiving this 404 error redirect it to another page say "something.html". but i ...

stackoverflow clone using python

I started learning python about a month ago and just finished going through most of diveintopython. I'm planning to build a very simple stackoverflow clone to further enhance my python skills; however, I'm not sure how to go about doing this. I don't really have a broad knowledge of web frameworks/technologies available and I'm wondering...

How to send arguments when requesting form

During user registration I'm calling some custom function : def user_created(sender, user, request, **kwargs): form = ExtendedRegistrationForm(validateemail=True, request.POST, request.FILES) When requesting a form I need to give additional bool argument validateemail. This though give me error : Exception Type: SyntaxError at / ...