
Including commented Class declaration in implementation file

Hi All, Everyone knows the advantages of a more readable code. So in order to make my code more readable what i do normally is include the commented class declaration in the implementation file of that class. This way i need not have to browse through various include directories to go to the definition. So, Is this a good practice or ju...

What documentation is "standard" before developing an application?

I've been tasked to write alot of documentation recently. I know it's the kind of thing some developer's probably cringe at but I don't really mind too much. My question is, what are some of the standard documents that should be written before starting development? I'm familiar with the following: Some sort of proposal (What the proble...

Sphinx for php code documentation

Sphinx is a Python library to generate nice documentation from a set of ReST formatted text files. Not the tool used for full-text searching I'm also fully aware of doxygen / phpdoc tools. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way of using Sphinx to document php projects? or even any other non-python languages? http://sphinx.pocoo.or...

How to document the Main method?

Okay, so I've got a .NET console application with it's Main method, contained in a Program class. You know, the usual: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Do something spectactular } } Since I've started using StyleCop and FxCop so rigorously, I've become kind of nit-picky about making sure everyth...

When does technical documentation violate the DRY principle?

We had a project where things got in a bit of a mess a while ago because of inexperienced developers. The main issue was the fact that the programmers rushed directly into writing the code after they have read the functional requirements. They did not stop for a moment before and think how they might implement the stuff, so they coded ...

Should we be adding comments after code blocks, rather than before?

This post (When not to comment code) has a great discussion about commenting styles. I agree with the sentiment to commenting the intent of the code ("why") rather than the "what". It occurred to me that perhaps we should be placing the comments after the code, like this: _checkForUpdatesThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(upd...

Where do I find detailed documentation for .Net?

Here's an example of a wasted day: (1) I want to find out exactly what Binding.FormattingEnabled does. (2) I type MSDN Binding.FormattingEnabled into google and go to the page. (3) I read the 3, 'helpful', line description. (4) I check out the bottom of the page for references. (5) Never mind, non of those helped.... (6) I search g...

Up-to-date XML-Documentation Builder for C#

I want to start using XML-Documentation of my code and am desperately searching for an up-to-date (meaning .NET-3.5 SP1) to do so. I found NDoc, but it only supports .NET-1.1 and that a little bit far away ;-) Any suggestions? ...

Logback tutorial

Where can I find a Logback tutorial and/or sample projects? Something similar with this "Log4j Tutorial" would be nice. Note: I am aware of the documentation available on the official Logback website The Logback Manual Logback documentation but is there anything else available? ...

How to make documents evolve?

Hi All: We programmers write code and we write comments to code, but we rarely write documents. But IMO writing documents is important and time-saving since when you've written a good document, you don't need to reply to all the questions repeatedly. You can do more hack! But when the code evolve and it's easy to evolve the comments si...

CHM Style web-based HELP Utility

I need to create a chm style web-based help. Do you know any such utility? The product is developed on C# and it would be great the help is also developed on C#. Thanks. ...

Minimalistic tools for developer documentation

I am currently working on a large PHP CMS / Framework and documenting it extensively as I go along. In addition to phpdoc-style inline comments, I need to document XML structures, details on concepts and practices, write HOWTOs and so on. At the moment, I am using simple OpenOffice documents for that, but I'm unhappy with it and looking...

What database tool made these nice-looking diagrams?

I was impressed with the nice-looking database diagrams on this web page. Does anybody know what package made them? ...

Best Practice: Documentation Standards

Hello there, Here is the issue, I need to find/think of documentation standards for our team. We have several needs, we need documentation standards for Requirements Documentation, Technical Documentation - for projects and Code Style Documentation - for developers which would cover how developers should name, and organize the project'...

document.commandDispatcher "offiocial" documentation?

How come commandDispatcher is not listed as one of document's properties in Mozilla documentation? It's mentioned in XUL tutorial, for instance, but I can't find it in the official document's properties list, or in W3C's DOM Core or HTMLdocument specification for that matter. Please help. ...

How to document applications and how they integrate with other applications?

As the years go by we get more and more applications. Figuring out if one application is using a feature from another application can be hard. If we change something in application A, will something in application B break? We have been using MediaWiki for documentation, but it's hard to keep the data up-to-date. I think what we need...

How can I read the documentation from a class in another class?

Hi all. let's say I have class A and class B. Class A's definition is: /// <summary> /// This is the class documentation. /// </summary> public class A { /// <summary> /// This is the documentation for attribute. /// </summary> public int attribute; ... } I want to access the documentation from class A (ie. those ...

Tool for documentation of TreeViews

Hello, I need to task someone (unexperienced) to do a documentation and include screenshots of treeviews containing icons and text, similar to a File explorer (but with different, existing icon images). I cannot take shots from real live applications yet. Is there any tool that I can give my guys to support this without the need of cod...

Where can I find docs for PrestaShop?

I have downloaded and am using PrestaShop - but can not seem to find any docs. The official ones are apparently 'coming soon'. I imagine there should be some 3rd party ones elsewhere.. but can not find with Google myself. Does anyone know of any? thanks ...

What are good and bad ways to document a software project?

I'm responsible of finding a good way to document the software project I'm working on. What things are important to document? Should documentation of code and design mainly be in the code in the form of comments? Should we put text files or Word documents directly in the source control togetether with code? Should we use a wiki? Facto...