
Good documentation for Oracle procedures

Hi , I wrote some procedures in Oracle. Now I should write documentation for them. But I did not write any documentation for plsql procedures before. So I want to share your experiences. Which information should be included and excluded in the document? Do you have any template for plsql document design? ...

offline Wordpress documentation

I am working on a wordpress theme and am looking for a downloaded set of documentation files so that I can access them even when I don't have access to the internet. I am looking for something similar to the PHP docs found on: Does anyone know where I might find something like that for wordpress? ...

Integrate Syntax Highlighter (Prettify, Pygments,..) with Plone

I'm actually challenged with documenting aspects/problems/usages of inherited source code to teach and train co-workers as well as to identify problems that should be future maintenance tasks... The idea is to create an internal wiki or blog with short articles that highlight certain features and provide hints for using the API. We alre...

How to write Project Documentation

I just finished a relatively small project (~3000 lines of code in several modules) and I've been asked to produce a document for the project. I have no idea how to go about this as I've mostly written code for other programmers before. Do I describe every module, do UML diagrams for each object, simply expand on my comments? Is there a ...

How do I get HTTP::Proxy to log filter information?

I'm having some trouble getting filters working with HTTP::Proxy and I just can't seem to figure out what I should add to the logmask() function to get that information. I've got a log file, that part is fine, logging is happening, but no information about filters, although they're implemented and (sometimes) working. I've tried log...

How does ANTLR perform its character manipulation?

ANTLR 3 seems to use some sort of regex like manipulation in its rules, does anyone know if it uses a custom syntax and where the documentation for that is? ...

FxCop or other util to require inline docs in VB.NET?

I'm starting a new project; trying to be more strict than previous ones. I've set warnings as errors in the build I've added FxCop to PostBuild. The one last thing on my list os require people to add inline docs for all classes/non-private methods/properties. Is there a custom FxCop rule or another exe I can run in the post build to che...

How do I inspect a Class in Objective-C?

Update I fixed up the code to eliminate duplication of overridden methods and track originator of property or method by implementing Mark's suggestion. Haven't tackled property types yet (will probably start with property_getAttributes() when I do). Also stripped out vestigial underscores. Basically I need a way to remind myself what ...

How does your company/business document their technology roadmap?

I have seen people use everything from sticky notes to pretty expensive software. I have been asked to do a bit of research into different available software and or methods for creating and tracking our technology roadmap. What do you or your company use to track their technology roadmap? Would you use something different? ...

Documenting an existing website (symfony)

Hi, I need to document a web application which wasn't built by me. It was built in symfony. The documentation needed is code documentation, including list/description of classes, components etc and their interdependencies. At the moment the code isn’t commented much and the way it has been commented is inconsistent. I was thinking of...

What is the proper PHP function documentation format?

PHP documentation is one wild animal, even the underscore_vsCamelCase styling isn't this varied. So given all the types of PHP documentation I have seen so far - which is the standard? How are my functions and methods supposed to be marked up so that the majority of IDE's and documentation libraries can read them? In the below examples ...

Documenting a REST service

I would like to thoroughly document an API service (with at least HTML). This service follows resource-oriented RESTful best practices. Are there any tools that can assist in compiling and and maintaining this documentation, or do I have to build it all from scratch? ...

Professional tools for creating Software design documents and Software reports

What tools are used in the Sofware industry when creating reports and documentation? I have heard that some companies use NetBeans or Eclipse to create reports, what plug-ins are being used in these cases? Is there an extension to Visual Studio available? I know there's Javadoc in Java, but that's not the kind of documentation I'm ask...

Documenting Java resource files

I have a multi-module Maven project with resource files (java properties files and spring xml config files, etc.) all over the place. I'd like to create some system documentation to help new developers understand these. However, I am loath to just create static content in a web page or word document. Currently I just place comments at...

Where to put system documentation?

Where would you put documentation for a team web project? Our system is based on ASP.NET/C#, but I guess this problem is applicable to many other solutions/languages. Currently, we have the following types of documentation: Text, descriptions, guides etc (mostly text, but some .doc) Visio files (graphs, flowcharts, database diagrams)...

Most intuitive, readable API / language reference documentation

I'm working on the dreaded last stage of a project: documenting the API for a semi-technical audience. I'm wondering: what API docs have you found to be particularly elegant? Note that this has nothing to do with how elegant the API itself is: this is purely a question of the formatting/appearance of the API docs themselves. Which lang...

Most important documentation in the Iphone Dev Center

What is, according to you, the most important topic (chapter) covered by the iPhone Developer Documentation? Do you know another topic that is very important to you, yet rarely read by other developers? I would like to print and read some important chapters, but I may forget something... ...

Keeping Your Developers Up On Internal Practices

How do you guys manage keeping your dev resources in tuned with the latest patterns for an application. Example, somewhere on how to handle exception handling, dependency injection, model binding complex objects, etc. Do you use a big Practices doc? Or maybe you use an inhouse wiki. Maybe you have daily meetings for dev leads to pr...

What name should I give my function? And who can I ask next time?

Background: There are a few threads on SO about how to choose names for variables and functions. It dawned up on me that there might be a use for a site where you could go and ask random people what name a particular function should have. You describe the behavior, and they come up with a name. The benefit of this, you get multiple pers...

MATLAB help content for an abstract method

In ordinary class methods I can supply content for the "help" command in MATLAB. However, when writing an abstract method, the help function does not see the abstract methods. For example, if you have a class NeedsHelp: classdef NeedsHelp methods (Abstract) INeedHelp(self) % This method is not visible to the help com...