
Where can I find erlang programming reference?

Is there a programming reference in erlang like java api docs? I have searched in google but did not find anything. ...

Xcode documentation links behave crazy

The links in Xcode documentation, that mean the methods in the "Tasks" for example, when i only put the mouse on the links, then the page go up. What happen to Xcode? ...

Using ILMerge, is it possible to merge XML documentation files with the DLL ?

I know I can merge PDB with a DLL file but I'm trying to do the same with an XML documentation file. It should be possible since you don't have .xml files with .net assemblies and yet you have documentation in the IDE. Is there a way ? ...

Finding What You Need in R: function arguments/parameters from outside the function's package

Often in R, there are a dozen functions scattered across as many packages--all of which have the same purpose but of course differ in accuracy, performance, theoretical rigor, and so on. How do you gather all of these in one place before you start your task? So for instance: the generic plot function. Setting secondary ticks is much ea...

Documenting Interfaces and their implementation

Hi, I'm decorating my C# code with comments so I can produce HTML help files. I often declare and document interfaces. But classes implementing those interfaces can throw specific exceptions depending on the implementation. Sometimes, the client is only aware of the interfaces he's using. Should I document my interfaces by adding the ...

Documentation style

I'm a PHP web developer, who is looking for a well proven method for writing a good documentation (aka docblock). There are several documentation styles, for instance: The descriptive but not categorized (#1): /** * Element name: class, function, variable etc. (Optional) * * Short description. * * Long description. */ ...

Artifacts for a new Developer

Hello: I am in the process of writing a Developers Guide esp. targeted for new Developer in a team. The system is a legacy system with non-readable code and bad programming practices, but we still want to have some document so that we can give to a new Developer to understand the system. I have developed a deployment diagram and package...

Why do designers use "Lorem Ipsum Dolor" to fill space?

Why is it traditional to use Latin in example pages? Is actual hypothetical content too confusing? In I snarfed chunks of text from wikipedia -- does this make the page more confusing than if I used Latin or Sanskrit? ...

Is there a poster for Qt documentation?

I'm looking for a cheet-sheet style poster (or better posters) for a whole (parts of) Qt library. Is there such thing or something similar? ...

Hidden features of Qt.

A little is hidden in Qt given splendid documentation. But given vastness of Qt functionality paradoxically many useful features have been overlooked by me (and reimplemented or work-arounded). What Qt functions you wish you have noticed earlier? ...

Documenting module/class/function bodies in python sphinx docs

Is there a way with Sphinx documentation to output a function or class body (the code itself) with the autodoc feature? I'm using autodoc to much success. In addition to the docstrings getting pulled in to the documentation I want like a link to click for each function where it will show you the source... is that possible? This is about...

has anyone run sphinx from ant?

I'm using sphinx for some software documentation because it seems to work really well... but my project is a java project and I would like to run sphinx from an ant script. Has anyone written a custom ant task to call sphinx? ...

What tools are available for generating good API documentation from my controller comments in ASP.NET MVC?

I have developed a restful API using ASP.NET MVC and have documented my controller actions using standard commenting. I would now like to generate API documentation to hand off to the people who will be consuming this API. What are my options in terms of tools for generating documentation against the restful API that I've created. ...

What is the best HTML, CSS and JS reference you know, respectively?

Possible Duplicates: Best reference sites for HTML and JavaScript programming What is the best online javascript/css/html/xhtml/dom reference? What english-language online resources do you use as a reference on HTML rules, tags and elements, and real-life compatibility information (IE 6 on Mac renders tag X only if the doctype...

What are effective strategies for documenting a large legacy .Net platform as the main developer just quit?

A very limited understanding is available across the remaining junior developers. Please share your strategies. ...

What do the different symbols in the API section of the XCode Documentation mean?

Hi. Looking at the API section on the left side of the XCode Documentation, I've always wondered what the symbols mean? For instance, there's a "K" in a green square, a "T" in an orange square, an "M" in a blue square, etc. Is there a key for these? Thanks! Rashiki ...

Is there any up-to-date documentation for AjaxControlToolkit?

Hi, I was discovering CollapsiblePanelExtender tutorial but then I found there is a better documentation in StackOverflow. Is there any documentation or even a book about AjaxControlToolkit that is up-to-date? ...

Release documentation - What all documents?

I am supposed to manage the software release process for a product release scheduled this month. Somehow, I couldn't find a good release guide for the different kinds of documentation involved in a product release. The best I could think of at the moment are: Release notes User manuals Installation document Are there any other docum...

SBCL standard library documentation?

I want to learn and use SBCL because of its ease of learning and speed. (I've been playing with Lisp 3 years ago, and now am refreshing it.) But how can I learn what's included in the standard library, so that I don't re-implement things? After Python this is like a nightmare: the SBCL website has a manual that covers the software only,...

Objective-c Runtime Interface Documentation

Are the runtime interfaces(such as __objc_exec_class()) for Objective-C programs specified/documented anywhere, or they are (compiler-)implementation defined? The closest thing to a reference I have found are the GCC headers, but I'd like to know if there is some sort of reference document. ...