
Looking for standards conforming documentation tools

When I try to document my server configuration steps in my blog it doesn't look structured. I need some kind of standards layout guide,something oriented towards howtos, with headers, steps, some kind of documentation creation standards that is supported by a wiki and can enforce or guide the document layout. Is there any such documenta...

Java Swing: A list of all UIDefaults properties

Question: Where can I get a list of all UIDefaults properties that exist in Swing? I know of the possibility to write a small snippet of code that just extracts and displays them but I would like to know whether the list I get that way is really complete. When I do so, I get 636 properties for the Metal L&F, 613 for Windows L&F and 550 ...

recommended commenting tool / add-in for Visual Studio >

Which tools you use and why for automatic documentation / comments generation with Visual Studio ...

Dual purpose code commenting(users & maintainers)...HOW?

Hi, I am writing a C++ static library and I have been commenting with doxygen comments in the implementation files. I have never really had to care very much about documentation but I am working on something now that needs to be documented well for the users and also I am trying to replace my previous bad habit of just wanting to code a...

Elaborate documentation / tutorial for using jQuery UI stylesheets in website.

Hello. I'm using jQueryUI in my web application. I'm planning to make the most of the out-of-the-box styling provided as part of the jQueryUI theme for my other elements of the application. However, I am struggling to find adequate documentation about using the styles in ui.core.css & ui.theme.css files. I am looking for elaborate doc...

Rails api doc - understanding & finding

I am trying to find certain functions in the Rails api docs. For example, in the console I can type in: ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables ActiveRecord::Base.connection.indexes("sometable") and get a list of tables back and a list of indexes. I look in the Rails api doc

Axapta database documentation

Hi, i'm trying to export data from Axapta database (Ms Sql Server 2000). Exists any documentation for this database? Thanks a lot ...

Project I'm on was just outsourced - compiling handoff materials

Hello all, I've been working on a project that has just been outsourced about 1/2 into SharePoint integration. My role is UX/design and all front-end development (HTML/CSS/JavaScript). This outsourcing is a first for me and I'm wanting to compile some handoff materials that will help the new folks doing the integration. I'm imagining th...

Where can i find more documentation / tutorials about Symfony?

I'm using Symfony for a month now, and I think it's great, but there certainly is a lack of documentation on some parts of the framework (the admin generator for example). The basic documentation (Jobeet, More with Symfony, and so on) is great and allows you to develop a basic website in no time. But: I'm using Symfony 1.4 and Doctri...

Automating documentation of Exceptions

In our solution we have a project that contains all the exceptions. All of the exceptions inherit our base exception which inherits from ApplicationException. Our base exception includes a field for exception number. What I would like to do is to run a script that creates a list with exception name, number and xml documentation. Any ...

Dynamic Documentation for RESTful ASP.Net MVC web services

Are there any existing frameworks or examples of dynamic documentation for RESTful web services in ASP.Net MVC? I've got a bunch of web services in an ASP.Net MVC project that I want to document. For each service, I'd like to show the allowed verbs, a url template, example request and response messages. It would be really nice if the ...

Documentation for Jasperserver

Hi, I installed Jasperserver in my PC using the Bitnami installer. It automatically installed MySql along with Jasperserver. Now I am lost on how to proceed in getting my data in and start generating reports. Is there any good documentation(I do not want to buy their paid documentation) available on the web? Thanks... ...

Where can I find concise .Net documentation?

I'm just getting into .Net development and having come from a Java background I'm looking for documentation laid out in a similar fashion to Sun's Java API docs. A clean, simple interface with all the constructors and methods (and their parameters!) and properties for a class laid out on one page. No examples - a summary at the top, a...

Undocumented Yahoo! Weather API?

According to the Yahoo! Weather API documentation, a WOEID must be provided to obtain weather information for a specific region. The WOEID can be obtained by using the Yahoo! GeoPlanet service. If I have a zip code, this is two API calls to obtain weather information. Get the WOEID from a zip code:

Can someone help me figure out this class from documentation?

I have no experience with sockets and I need to implement a process that notifies a user interface of inputs from another process that takes his values from stdin. This is the class' documentation, what should the socket parameter be? It's just an int, is it a handle? I was told it doesn't play nice with boost.asio. Can you guys help me ...

Why do Python function docs include the comma after the braket for optional args?

Redo: (Shorter version just for Stephen202) What is the significance in putting the comma after after the open bracket, instead of before? And, what is the significance of nesting the brackets. How they are: RegexObject.match(string[, pos[, endpos]]) What I would expect: RegexObject.match(string, [pos], [endpos]) WHY ARE THE BRAC...

Where can I find deadlock log information

Where can I find documentation that explains all the cryptic information returned in the SQL Server logs when a deadlock occurs? I've read several articles that describe some of the items, but I'm trying to find the definitive docs understanding deadlock-list log information and how to use the information when diagnosing the problem. Fo...

How to document procedural programming?

In college I learned how to use UML to document OO applications. In the real world I've been tasked with documenting an old procedural program, essentially re-creating the design specification documents that have gone missing. Are there any "standard" documents or methods similar to UML for documenting procedural code? I'm sure there ...

Functional Programming Documentation

Is there any standard documentation (like UML for OO) for functional languages? After downloading couch db which is written in erlang and looking at the source code I was shocked, there is hardly a line of documentation. Is there no need to document how all these functions depend on each other? Are there better documented medium size pro...

how to read documentation? (ruby+mechanize+nokogiri)

last week I started to write a script in ruby. I needed to scrape some data from the web so I was recommended to use mechanize and then nokogiri. Mechanize documentation says Mechanize uses nokogiri to parse html. What does this mean for you? You can treat a mechanize page like an nokogiri object. After you have used Mechanize to navig...