
Mixing Audio Files

Hi, I have few audio files: f_1 - length 10 sec f_2 - length 3 sec f_3 - length 1 sec What I need is to find a way to mix(merge) f2 and f3 at particular section in f_1 (i.e. position which is equal to 6 sec) I was looking at Audio examples but they don't help me much so any ideas\references\ documentation that might help? Many T...

What are some useful sites for VB .NET programmers?

Lately I've had to do a bit of programming in VB .NET. It hasn't been too difficult, but the lack of proper documentation or good tutorials has been annoying me. I'm used to finding a lot of relevant info when I google a programming question, or term, or method name - but it's been more difficult with VB .NET. Anyone know of any good tut...

Where can I download the Django documentation?

Django's website seems good but for some reason I couldn't find where to download the documentation: (Yes, I need the docs for 1.1) Does anyone know? ...

which software projects have quality online documentation

I love the site's documentation for the php language. Its my favourite documentation for any project i have come across. Its really easy to jump to functions and quickly understand how to use them (or navigate to a better alternative solution). US: UK:

Unit test documentation

I would like to know from those who document unit tests how they are documenting it. I understand that most TDD followers claim "the code speaks" and thus test documentation is not very important because code should be self-descriptive. Fair enough, but I would like to know how to document unit tests, not whether to document them at all....

What's the appropriate reference for writing a MySql driver?

I have to use erlang-mysql-driver in my application, but it has been distressingly unreliable. Since it isn't being maintained, I don't see any option but to fix it myself. The problem is, I've never written nor worked on a database driver, and I don't know where to start. Mainly, I can't find the relevant documentation that specifies ho...

on ms-sql server, what is the best tool to get all the dependencies between all the objects?

Hi folks, im looking for a tool the get an info for documentation about the dependencies between the objects like tables, views, functions, triggers, procedures. the ssms shows some dependencies but i can't get them out for documentation and as microsoft says thei are not comprehensive. I found a tool-suite "sqltoolbelt" with a module ...

Where is the documentation for wxAUIToolbar?

I looked in but could't find the documentation for it. Does anyone know where it is and/or why it's not there? ...

Is there a way to include the xsd:documentation in the C# class generated with XSD.exe?

I am using xsd.exe to generate a C# class from a collection of xsd files. The xsd file makes use of the <xsd:documentation> tag to include useful descriptions. Example: <xsd:complexType name="AddressType"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation>A formatted or free form address and its intended use.</xsd:documentation> </x...

what is a good way to read STL and boost documentation in emacs?

hi I am familiar with using info and man commands in emacs, however boost and default STL do not come with man or info pages, instead they come as HTML documentation. especially boost does not seem to have any documentation besides HTML (I could be wrong). Right now I am trying to put together w3m for quick searching of boost and STL d...

CSS Documentation Template

Does anyone know if there are CSS templates purely for documentation purposes? I haven't been able to find any. Edit: Looks like I will have to write my own. Basically it would have been nice to have a little css template that has pre-styled notice boxes and lists purely for the use of user guides or documentation but not too hard to se...

Does <include> comment tag suppress intellisense?

I was playing around with the idea of using Visual Studio's < include > tag to store some or all my code documentation separately from it's source, but when I tried creating a test xml file and pointed at it using the include for some of my methods, I discovered that intellisense didn't work for those methods. Is the include tag for xml...

Conditional output in Sphinx Documentation

I'm writing some documentation with Sphinx and I'd like to print out a certain block of text only for HTML documentation, not for LaTeX documentation. Something tells me I should be able to do this with sphinx.ext.ifconfig but I can't figure out how. Does anyone know how to do this? ...

docs/examples on libxml2 type system?

I'm reading through the libxml2 API and examples on and having some real difficulty wrapping my head around the type system. For example, the _xmlAttribute struct has an xmlChar* field called name. This obviously refers to the name of the attribute (e.g., "bar" for the struct tied to the element <foo bar='baz' />). The _xmlAt...

Best tool for writing REST API documentation?

Hi all, I am in the process of writing up documentation for a REST API that I have developed. I am finding this to be tedious and the current way we are doing it just doesnt seem right. I am sure there is something out there which will help automate this process a little, and even provide features such as version control for the documen...

Is there any way to easily link a file in RDoc?

I want to link to a documentation of a file in RDoc. but the only way I could do is with the following markup: configuration.rb[link:files/configuration_rb.html] I would like to do it in a better way, something like this: <file>configuration.rb</file> Is there any existing markup rule to do this? EDIT: of course I've tried without...

Is there a way to synchronize sections of different Word documents?

I'm working on how my company does documentation (especially programming documentation). I'd like to be able to synchronize sections of different Word documents, such that if a section in one document changes, the change is reflected in the other document, and vice versa. Is there a way to do this with Word, and if not, is there some w...

How can I generate HTML documentation for Perl code comments?

I've come into ownership of a bunch of code that's held together with various Perl scripts. There's some documentation in the form of comments (not Pod) embedded in these scripts that I'd like to be able to extract and browse in an HTML format. Basically, I'm looking for something like javadoc or rubydoc, but for Perl. "perldoc" seeme...

Where is a good resources for all the Javascript APIs for HTML5

I'm looking for a reference that summarizes all of the available Javascript APIs that are introduced with HTML 5, for each browser that has implemented any of the new features. Does something like this exist? If nothing else, then at least the VIDEO tag ...

Where can I find the .NET documentation in an easily parseable format?

I'd like to do some processing and statistics calculations over the .NET framework's classes and methods. Can I get the documentation in an easily parseable format? Or am I doomed to scrap MSDN? ...