
How to write a good README

I guess everyone has seen a README file, but I would like the definitive guide on how to write an excellent README file with the least amount of energy spent on it. What's a README file? What should I write in it? How exactly should I format it? ...

Tools and ways to generate HTML help for built-in help system (QtHelp)?

Hello, I'm in the progress of implementing a built-in help system based on QtHelp into my application. Since QtHelp is based on Qt's help collection files, I need to produce a set of HTML pages. Since I won't be writing the documentation alone (a few of my colleagues will write, too), I am looking for the best way to produce these file...

How to create an Online User Manual?

Hi, I would like to know if there is any php opensource solutions to create online manuals like the, or do I have to write my own script to do that? Edit: The intention for creating this online manual is for general public. I know I could put up a wiki for something like this, but I think wiki is a g...

Generate html documents for compiled classes.

I have a java compiled library in a jar.for which i have written documentation in source code.There is one more tool which generates the jar ,it included only those classes which are required for target project.I have huge projects which make use of this jar,and only those classes should go in the target project. Now the problem I want t...

resources for sound and music processing

i find it very hard to find good texts about sound and music when looking in the programming area the hardest part being "what part of it have i learnt yet?", since i have never found anything describing the part already documented against the great unknown (=things no-one has well understood yet) from sound synthesis to automatic musi...

What information does the ColdFusion exception variable provide?

I want find out as much as I can about any error that occurs on my ColdFusion page. Then, I want to save the information in a database. I am attempting to find a list of all the different properties contained in the exception object (which is a parameter of the OnError method), and I can't seem to find an exhaustive list. The list on the...

printable autofac documentation?

I can't seem to find anything printable about AutoFac ...

Best way to write documentation.

I need to create some documentation for a project that will evolve in the future. The documentation will grow huge, so I need to choose some proper tools. The proper documentation tool should: Store everything in plain text files (so I can make diffs without any problems). Easily convert all files to linked html (with many pages) and ...

What parts of a Ruby-on-Rails application (with reasonably expressive unit tests) should have RDoc?

I'm developing an open-source web application on top of Rails. I'd like to make my code as easy to understand and modify as possible. I'm test-driving my development with unit tests, so much of the code is "documented" through test cases (what each controller action expects as input, what instance variables are set for output, how help...

Doxygen alternative for C++

While doxygen seems to be good at indexing a large C++ project, I have some major gripes with it. The generated output is ugly and poorly organized. Just finding a function in doxygen websites is generally a pain. Slow turnaround on finding markup errors. i.e. I have to index my whole project to find I used the wrong syntax on some fun...

"Top-down discussion of design"

I need to write a lab report for a program I made. I need to provide a "top-down discussion of design." What does that mean? ...

Is there a Language Reference Manual for PowerShell?

I'm evaluating Windows PowerShell as a replacement for cmd.exe for basic process automation for command-line code (e.g. setup, execution, and post-processing of large numbers of Fortran jobs.) I know enough perl and shell to achieve what I want but I'm trying to stay within the Windows toolchain rather than needing to train my coworkers ...

A standard document structure for designing software

I am looking for something like this: But in more detail and also if something is an actual standard like ieee or iso? For my requirements, I use Volere template. Thanks, Zahid ...

How to force ndoc completely ignore a type?

I need to build a chm file as assembly documentation, but for some reason i want to leave several types outside of the doc file.How to force ndoc to ignore them? i use ndocconsole.exe tool for generation.Stripping the info from generated xml doc file doesn't work, i think it grabs the info from assembly directly(u have to specify it in c...

In PhpDocumentor, is there a way to specify a default version number?

All the files in the code base I am documenting will always use the same version "string" Is there a way I can specific in a single place for the PhpDocumentor to use the same version for all files, regardless if it is specified or not (should auto-inherit) ...and what other tags would this be useful for off the top of your head? Edit:...

Controlling Doxygen's LaTeX output for making PDF documentation

I'm using Doxygen to generate documentation for my code. I need to make a PDF version of this and using Doxygen's LaTeX output appears to be the way to do it. However I've run into a number of annoying problems, and not knowing anything about LaTeX previously haven't really got much of an idea on how to approach them, and the countless ...

Correct termiology for documentation

The documentation below is for a module, which has now been "decommissioned" and I'm writing it's replacement. Before i write the replacement I want to get my terms right. I know the terms are wrong in the documentation - it was hacked together quickly so i could instruct a college working on the hardware side of this project on how to u...

What should people new to Python know about its community and ecosystem?

I'm cobbling together some sort of an introduction to Python, but one that focuses on the community and the ecosystem around Python rather than just the language. With How to Think Like a Computer Scientist and other great tutorials, it's easy to get familiar with the language, but it took me a fair while before I knew what The Cheese Sh...

Documenting Javascript code

I'm developing a site which is growing a bit complex and so I started documenting my code. For PHP I have used PHPDocumentor; in any case it seems that any other tool (such as Doxygen) would accept the same tags. Now I want to document the JS side. I see at least JSDoc and ScriptDoc (and probably others) exist, and they accept differen...

Thinking Things Through - How do you use Documentation in Agile Projects?

I am building a very complex application and the scope is getting difficult to keep track of. I have read here and there that in Agile development, you don't want to get bogged down in documentation because the point is to have working software quickly, not lots of documentation. However, I really enjoy documenting everything I'm doing...