
how generate javaDoc from a jaxb file

hi, i am working with Jaxb. and i would like to generate javaDoc files from these classes, is it the same way as i would do it to a regular java files? ...

Missing help files for Microsoft.WindowsMobile in Visual Studio 2008 help system

I've just installed the Windows Mobile 6.5.3 DTK, both standard and professional. Before that I had the standard and professional Windows Mobile 6 SDKs. All Windows Mobile help pages are missing in Visual Studio 2008's help system - in particular everything in the Microsoft.WindowsMobile namespace. Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DirectX is the...

Reorganizing development environment for single developer/small shop

I have been developing for my company for approximately three years. We serve up a web portal using Microsoft .NET and MS SQL Server on DotNetNuke. I am going to leave my job full time at the end of April. I am leaving on good terms, and I really care about this company and the state of the web project. Because I haven't worked in ...

Doxygen, too heavy to maintain ?

I am currently starting using doxygen to document my source code. I have notice that the syntax is very heavy, every time I modify the source code, I also need to change the comment and I really have the impression to pass too much time modifying the comment for every change I make in the source code. Do you have some tips to document m...

ruby parallel assignment, step question

so, i'm trying to learn ruby by doing some project euler questions, and i've run into a couple things i can't explain, and the comma ?operator? is in the middle of both. i haven't been able to find good documentation for this, maybe i'm just not using the google as I should, but good ruby documentation seems a little sparse . . . 1: how...

Marking "example usage" in code documentation

What is the best practice of placing example usage in code documentation? Is there a standardised way? With an @usage or @notes? Do document generators tend to support this? I know this question should depend on the documentation generator. However, I'm trying to get a habit of using a commenting style for doc generation before getting ...

Tool to Create Annotated Directory Structure Documentation

I've got a moderately complicated application that has been developed primarily by me, and I'm getting ready to bring a few more developers in, and I'm thinking of various forms of documentation that might be helpful. I want to communicate information about the directory structure/layout of the project so the new guys will know where t...

How to get full intellisense tooltip comments working?

I've got some C++/CLI software which is all nice and documented in a C#'ish kind of way which means DOxygen is able to pull it out into some nice html. Is there any way I can get that same information to appear in the intellisense tool tips the way that the .net framework does? For example, lets say this is my header file (MyApp.h): ...

Where can I find a good software implementation plan template?

This is not "programming" related as much as it is "software engineering" related. I am required to produce an implementation for additional functionality to a complete system. All I am armed with is knowledge of the existing architecture and a functional spec with visual requirements, user stories and use cases. Is there a standardised...

How to document object-oriented MATLAB code?

I'm writing a sizable application using object-oriented MATLAB, and this has gotten me thinking about how to document the code. If this was C, I would use Doxygen. For Java, I'd use JavaDoc. Both have mostly agreed-upon standards for how class and method documentation should look and what it should contain. But what about MATLAB code? T...

XCode Developer Documentation crashes after clicking any link on the startup screen

I just installed XCode 3.2.1. When I open the Developer Documentation and click any link on the startup screen, XCode crashes. Has anyone run into this problem? Also hints as to how to debug would be excellent -- I've only been using XCode for a week. I can still get into the documentation if I open some code and then right-click a s...

How to set costume header logo on your Track Wiki project page?

How to set costume header logo on your Track Wiki project page? How to set costume header logo on special Track Wiki page? ...

What's the difference between window.location and document.location in JavaScript?

Should both of them reference to same object? ...

Posting Documentation onto a Joomla Site

I would like to create some documentation and post it onto my Joomla website. This documentation would be something along the lines of the MSDN documentation: i.e. each page would follow a basic template. Intuitively I feel I have two ways of achieving this: 1) Creating each page of documentation as a separate article, and then link...

Filter assemblies/namespaces out of Visual Studio 2005 Documentation index

Is there any way to remove certain assemblies or namespaces from the index of (or entirely from) the Visual Studio 2005 Documentation? System.Web.UI and System.Windows.Forms contain many identical class names and I'd like to eliminate those in System.Web.UI that are irrelevant to me. ...

Reading Python Documentation for 3rd party modules

I recently downloaded IMDbpy module.. When I do, import imdb help(imdb) i dont get the full documentation.. I have to do im = imdb.IMDb() help(im) to see the available methods. I dont like this console interface. Is there any better way of reading the doc. I mean all the doc related to module imdb in one page.. ...

Ruby and Ruby on Rails offline API documentation

Hi, In the past I used to have a nice and handy offline api documentation. But they stop at version 2.3.2 Is there any other solution with latest version. Thanks ...

Tips for documenting a web application?

I know that I can take my application and get it reversed to a UML document, but that doesn't tell the whole story of things like who can use what, what it calls in the way of stored procedures, what pages call what pages etc. etc. Does anyone know of an article where someone has a comprehensive way to document a web application...

Documentation for ArcObjects' Java system properties

I'm currently debugging a Java application which uses the ESRI ArcObjects library. As the ArcObjects themselves are COM-classes and interfaces an integrated COM-bridge is used, which seems to be a stripped-down version of JIntegra. It occurred to me, that the initialization of the ArcObjects library creates some system properties but I ...

Select JavaHelp topic in TOC when using setCurrentID

When I use HelpBroker.setCurrentID("[some help id]"), JavaHelp correctly shows the page I want but the associated topic is not automatically selected/highlighted in the table of contents. This makes it difficult for a user to know where in the topic tree the current page is located. Is there any way to programmatically highlight the cur...