
Does this make any sense (Apple-documentation)?

Here is a snippet of the official Apple Documentation of AudioBufferList (Core Audio Data Types Reference): AudioBufferList Holds a variable length array of AudioBuffer structures. struct AudioBufferList { UInt32 mNumberBuffers; AudioBuffer mBuffers[1]; }; typedef struct AudioBufferList AudioBufferList; Fields ...

Share xml-documentation accross overloads

Hey, is there a way to share xml-documentation of the parameters to all the overloads? Lets say I have 10 overloads of a method but they all share the first 5 parameter (I use C# so I cannot have optional parameters). How do I do so that I do not have to write the same text for all of the parameters? ...

Does Flash CS4 have an alternative to ASDoc?

Does anybody know of a tool that will allow me to create ASDoc style documentation with a Flash CS4/AS3 application? From what I hear ASDoc only works with Flex. Thanks ...

Mandatory method documentation

On my previous job, providing all methods with javadoc was mandatory, which resulted in things like: /** * Sets the Frobber. * * @param frobber The frobber */ public setFrobber(Frobber frobber) { ... } As you can see, the documentation takes up space and work, but adds little to the code. Should documenting all methods be mandato...

Show <returns> xml tag into visual studio intellisense

Hi , I added the xml tag to some of my methods but I can't see its content in the intellisense here is my code /// <summary> /// we all live in a yellow summary /// </summary> /// <returns>what it returns</returns> public int MyMethod() { .... } Do you have any idea ? Thanks ...

VS2008 Help: How can I limit the index & search to just topics I want?

Time was that I could F1 a symbol in my .cpp or .h file, and I'd be given a reasonable list of possible topics to delve into. That was long, long ago. These days, I press F1 and I'm rarely given information that is even vaguely, tangentially or tenuously related to the API or subsystem in question. Instead, I am deluged with Windows M...

Selectively suppress XML Code Comments in C#?

We deliver a number of assemblies to external customers, but not all of the public APIs are officially supported. For example, due to less than optimal design choices sometimes a type must be publicly exposed from an assembly for the rest of our code to work, but we don't want customers to use that type. One part of communicating the l...

$Id tag in comment headers

When I read source from open source projects I often find a comment line with "$Id" at the header of the file, f. ex.: // $Id: addappwindowa.c 30792 2009-03-07 22:40:04Z neil $ Is there an "offical" syntax for this lines? (What does "30792" means? ) Are there editors that auto-generate these "$Id"s? Are there any tools that use this ...

Eclipse JDT API documentation, preferrably CHM format

I am going to need to do some development with Eclipse JDT while on holiday. I will be off-line for the most of the time and therefore I will not be able to access the Eclipse JDT API documentation on the Web. I can't find a link to download the documentation in ZIP or PDF or, best of all, CHM format. Does anyone have a copy? Could you p...

Replacing python docstrings

I have written a epytext to reST markup converter, and now I want to convert all the docstrings in my entire library from epytext to reST format. Is there a smart way to read the all the docstrings in a module and write back the replacements? ps: ast module perhaps? ...

Tags/Documentation with SVN Project in Eclipse?

I've searched around with this and haven't found any clear answers. I'm using Eclipse PDT. It seems that if I create a PHP Project, tags work (@todo, etc). However, if I create a project from SVN (still PHP based), tags don't work at all. Does anyone know how to make tags and doc generation work on a per project basis and still import ...

How to properly document programming languages?

Where can I find information on how to properly document a programming language? What I mean is that there seems to be a standard way to document code. and seem to document there code the a similar way. For example, the trim() description on string trim ( string $str [, string $charlist ] ) And lik...

Why is TextFormat.size an object?

According to the ActionScript 3.0 documentation, the TextFormat classes size property is an Object. Why is this? Clearly this is a number! When I check its type (using typeOf()), it returns Number. So whats the deal? ...

Is There a Standard Help Document/Manual in Android?

Hi All, I am writing and publishing my apps on android and would like to provide help document (manual) to users of my apps. I've seen apps open up external web pages as their help, or use html view to open local html documents. Are these the ways we are supposed to deliver manual to our users? ...

Generate markdown from source code doc-comments

Is there any easy way to generate markdown from source code comments? I'm looking for something similar to Sandcastle, but with Markdown (or something like it) as output. The full story is that I use DokuWiki to generate documentation. It has many nice properties, including that all its data is stored in text files. So my idea is that I...

Hibernate HBM documentation

I am looking for documentation for Hibernate HBM tag (e.g. allowed attributes for each tag) ...

Can anybody point me at documentaion for linux libaio-0.3.107

Hello all, I have just inherited an chunk of an embedded Linux project that makes a lot of use of libaio-0.3.107 and am struggling to find any documentation and/or example code to assist me in making sense of it. Anybody got anything they could recomened? Thanks ...

Framebuffer Documentation...

Is there any documentation on how to write software that uses the framebuffer device in Linux? I've seen a couple simple examples that basically say: "open it, mmap it, write pixels to mapped area." But no comprehensive documentation on how to use the different IOCTLS for it anything. I've seen references to "panning" and other capabi...

adding class diagrams from VS2008 to Sandcastle help file

I've made class diagrams for my projects in Visual Studio 2008 Team System and I want to embed these diagrams in my Sandcastle .chm file. I keep finding references to the Drawbridge component for Sandcastle but they apparently dealt with an older version of Sandcastle; not surprising since it looks like Drawbridge was last updated in 20...

API for accessing PHP documentation?

I'm done some Googling, and I've found nothing. I'm scoping out writing a plugin for an editor I use, and I am wondering whether there is a way I can access the PHP documentation via an API? For instance, I'd like to get raw access to the information (besides the comments) located here: seemingly use...