
where can I find a good ruby excel parser that also had good documentation?

Hi All, I've spent some time today looking for a pure ruby library that will parse an excel workbook. I could find the parseexcel gem in the repos, but the problem is that I can't find any documentation on it. and the rdoc is pitiful. so, my question is 1) is there good documentation out there for this gem? 2) if not, is there another g...

How to browse (no text editor) .rst files ?

In many django projects, in the docs directory I can see *.rst files : What is the best way to browse them (without using a text editor of course) ? Is that possible to generate HTML ? ...

How to build a programmer's wiki

For years I've missed a wiki so everyone could describe the new tools programmed, the servers where they are running, svn information, the internal rules of programming, how-tos, code samples, etc. The wiki might be used for the dozen of programmers in the company and the externals. I've been using a pmwiki (easy install) and now I want...

How do you document anonymous functions ?

I'm specifically referring to JavaScript anonymous function but this could be relevant to other languages. I like to use JSDoc notations in my scripts because I know other people will be hacking at it sooner or later. When i have pretty complex anonymous function how do people document it so that it gets picked up by Eclipse and other ID...

Refering to javascript instance methods with a pound/hash sign

This question is similar to I understand why in Ruby instance methods are proceeded with a pound sign, helping to differentiate talking about SomeClass#someMethod from SomeObject.someMethod and allowing rdoc to work. And I understand...

No norwegian characters in LaTeX

Hi, I have translated a document from English to Norwegian in the LaTeX format, and while using norwegian special characters, I get an error using \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} to try and display the norwegian (scandinavian) special characters in PostScript/PDF/DVI format, saying Package utf8x Error: MalformedUTF-8sequence. So whi...

Can you generate a todo.txt file from \todo commands with Doxygen ?

/// \todo Loop must be rewritten ... /// \todo Delete this loop Can Doxygen generate a todo.txt file containing these comments ? ...

Documenting and defining content types for a CMS or similar project

I'm writing up some documentation on a Drupal project and my task is to define the content types and their attributes. The intended audience is project managers and developers. So it could be a high level document that gives an overview of the system. (I think that's how I describe it: high level rather than high detail) At the moment I...

Commenting C code, header and source files

I'm looking for a "best practice" to document my C code. Like in any project I have some header files ".h" and the respective source file ".c" In the header file what kind of comment you put in? And in source files? The question arise up because since I commented well my header files, the c files looks like a mess. What's your best pra... on a central server

Hi, I have a problem finding references to this subject and would appreciate some help. We have an application that uses a central sql server and a local lucene. Since the data is synchronized we wish to put the lucene on the same machine as the sql server and access it remotely. I was looking for documentation and examples on how to d...

How do I display only the class name in doxygen class diagrams?

Using doxygen and graphviz with my C# project, I can generate class diagrams in the documentation pages. These diagrams have the full class names and namespaces in them, e.g. Acme.MyProduct.MyClasses.MyClass Is it possible to configure doxygen to cut this down a bit to just the class name? MyClass The fully qualified paths make eve...

Where is comprehensive documentation on Android's XML shapes?

I've been looking around for this for a long time but can never seem to find it in the Android documentation. There's all sorts of advanced things I see, but I can never find any solid documentation - there's the shapes package, but it provides no insight on how to use them in xml. The best I can do so far is finding other people's exa...

How to manage end user documentation for a project under continuous integration?

I have a project under continuous integration and would like to add end user documentation to the project. The end user documentation is a user manual, not API documentation. In our environment we use windows, c#, msbuild, and subversion. We are currently using DocToHelp to create our help file, which is based on an ...

documenting black-box test cases

Hi everyone, I want to write an initial (black box) test cases for one of my university projects. I haven't started coding yet, I'm still in completing the SRS document and i should specify the test cases i'm going to implement after the coding. The project is web based, and i should follow this template in each test case: +++++ Test c...

scoping document for Sharepoint.

How to prepare the scoping document for the Sharepoint ? Any good tips and links to the example documents will be appreciated. Thanks ...

Writing SDK documentation, need useful beginner tutorials

I'm currently writing SDK documentation for one of our products, but for obvious reasons I don't want to talk about the essentials of OOP. Does anyone know any good online teaching material that explain (aimed at absolute beginners) concepts such as classes, inheritance, constructors, instances etc.? Preferably urls that are likely to su...

Experience/Articles about "decision tree" documentation?

I'm running an "defect fixing" group (developers do 2 weeks operations, then rotate). I want to build up a documentation "how to deal with problem x" - basically a decision tree: Is the problem in part x of the web site? Yes: Is the problem occurring in all browsers? Yes: ... No: ... No: ... The doc...

Is there a programmatic way to transform a sequence of image files into a PDF?

I have a sequence of JPG images. Each of the scans is already cropped to the exact size of one page. They are sequential pages of a valuable and out of print book. The publishing application requires that these pages be submitted as a single PDF file. I could take each of these images and just past them into a word-processor (e.g. Open...

Link objects as fields in UML diagram

I'm trying to generate a diagram for a design document. I've generated a class diagram in VS. At the moment it's just a bunch of unconnected boxes as there isn't any inheritance going on. It feels like it would be more useful if I could show how the objects interact through properties and parameters. As an example, a Boy class has a met...

any similar software like oracle AIM ?

hi, we want to implement a project documentation process for gathering our information and also decide an approach for further use. we know only oracle AIM which is suitable and well-craftted for this matter but the problem is the price of it. I want to know is there any similar application like oracle AIM available for doing project ...