
Using sphinx to create context sensitive html help

Hi all, I am currently using AsciiDoc ( for documenting my software projects because it supports pdf and html help generation. I am currently running it through cygwin so that the a2x tool chain functions properly. This works well for me but is a pain to setup on other windows computers. I have been lo...

Visual Studio add-in to support images inline with source?

We use Visual Studio 2005 here, and in an attempt to improve the documentation of our source, we're looking for a Visual Studio add-in that will allow images to be viewed in line with source from within the IDE. For example, the use case I'd like to fit is the following: In the directory in which my source lives, I save my image file ...

Workflow for turning Confluence wiki content into hardcopy/web user manual?

Hello, The company I work for has started using Confluence for documenting software development and the associated processes. We are looking into using content created on the wiki to create a user manual, as both a PDF for hardcopy and HTML for a web based manual. I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions for this specific workflow...

How to use GhostDoc with Visual Web Developer Express?

i'm trying to use ghostdoc with vwd express 2008. I know that vwd express doesn't support add in but i can't help asking if there's still a way to get it working? or is there a ghostdoc equivalent for vwd express? ...

How to generate msdn documentation from javascript? preferably using sandcastle

hi is there a tool that i can use to generated msdn type documentation? i recently just started playing with sandcastle and i found that there used to a tool called scriptdoc but it has been absorbed into aptana and i don't really want to use aptana studio. what i could find so far is jsdoc which is a perl script which extracts comment...

Best solution for language documentation.

I'm developing a new object oriented scripting language and the project itself is quite ready for audience now, so i'm starting to think about a serious (not as "drafty" as it is right now) way of document its grammar, functions from standard library and standard library classes. I've looked a bit around and almost every language hash it...

How to access API reference from Xcode ?

I'm tired of switching between xcode and the browser to check iPhone API reference from Apple web site. Any better way to to it directly from Xcode ? Ideally I'd like to select a word and search for it in the APi reference automatically. ...

Are ASCII diagrams worth my time?

Are ASCII diagrams within source code worth the time they take to create? I could create a bitmap diagram much faster, but images are much more difficult to in line in a source file (until VS2010). For the record, I'm not talking about decorative ASCII art. Here's an example of a diagram I recently created for my code that I probably ...

How to track a projects extraneous quirks

Hello, It's possible that the answer to this question may just be standard bug tracking software like jira or fogbugz, but I'm kind of hoping someone out there knows a better system for what I'm describing. My most current project is requiring a lot of setup quirkiness to get into a position where I can actually start a coding section. ...

Visual tools for documenting MVC projects?

I have recently started using Coldbox and Kohana frameworks in my projects, but cannot make my mind about a visual tool to document the project. I am using Visual Paradigm (UML) and yEd (free-form), but will be happy to try something else if it makes capturing MVC-like relationships among elements easier. Any suggestion on visual tools ...

Where to find good tech writers

Where would you look to find great tech writers to write user manuals for software? Are there specific sites, areas of the web, etc. that are best to look for them? ...

which format to use for software user manual/help/documentation

My requirements are: easy tools exist to create/format the help file from our software, we can launch the help file at a certain location, specified ideally by keyword or tag and not by page number. to be deployed with a Windows software. Thanks! ...

integrate a custom scripting language to a documentation system?

Hi, I am working in a project where we are using a custom scripting language. I am looking for a documentation system such as Doxygen so that I could process the many script files that have been developped with this scripting languages. My basic needs are: to generate automatic documentation, to extract the calls graphs and establish ...

Where is the documentation for Android SDK API 4?

Hi, I'm using Eclipse with the Android SDK. I installed The SDK platform Android 1.6, API 4 using Android SDK and AVD manager, but I can't find the corresponding documentation in the list of the available packages (there's only the doc for the API 7). Where can I find it? thanks jul ...

MySQL Procedures : Standard/Best Place For Code Documentation?

I'd like to put a paragraph or so for documentation on each of my MySQL procedures: date, author, purpose, etc. Is there a standard, accepted, or best place to put this kind of documentation? For example, In MSSQL, some IDE's will generate a template for you to start coding your procedure; it comes with a little place for code documenta...

How to refer to enum constants in c# xml docs

I want to document the default value of an enum typed field: /// <summary> /// The default value is <see cref="Orientation.Horizontal" />. /// </summary> public Orientation BoxOrientation; The compiler warns that it couldn't resolve the reference. Prefixing F: or M: silences the compiler, but E: also does, so I'm unsure what prefix i...

Wordpress 3.0 documentation

Hi guys, quick question here. Is there any Wordpress 3.0 documentation available? Some kind of list with all the new functions and variables? All I can find are blog posts talking about the new features coming. Thanks! ...

What is the best way to document a system metaphor?

A metaphor help us to communicate with our project stakeholders, using a shared set of concepts and analogies. we develop them all the time, in one way or another. even the XP- programming highly recommend to get it defined since project start. How do you write such thing down in a document (specially if it already exists)? maybe a dict...

LaTeX Document eror: too many }'s

Hello, I have a latex document, which works fine but when ever I try to add in an image with a figure caption it gives me an error saying there are to many }'s. \begin{figure}[h!] \caption{A picture of a gull.} \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{uml-usecase/overview.png} \end{figure} My current packages are: \usepackage{amsf...

How to represent static variable declaration in flowchart documentation?

I'm in the process of documenting some firmware but I'm unsure what the standard is (if there is one) for representing static variable declaration in flowcharts ...