
Professional way to write project documentation

What tools and standards do you use to describe your project, database, modules, classes, their interaction for programmers, let's say after the project is finished. Do you use UML? Are there enterprise standards for Java developers, how to write such a documentation let's say from SUN? Are there specific tools that simplify this docu...

What rendering services are available to convert URLs to images?

I know some services that encode the description of an image inside on an URL. For example: for drawing UML Diagrams: or for rendering LaTeX equations: I really like these services to use them inside my javadoc to illustrate the documentation. On it's a bit tricky to encode these U...

Is it a good idea to keep documentation in the VCS?

At work we just moved to Mercurial for our VCS from SVN. In SVN we used to have a "docs" folder next to "trunk", in "docs" we would keep all our file documentation, client files, diagrams, mockups, etc. (we use a wiki(Redmine) for internal documentation). Now in a DVCS enviroment we don't need a "trunk" folder, so we drop the code at t...

.NET Framework Class Library Documentation

Developing in .NET 3.5. Recently my well-worn link to the .NET Framework 3.5 Class Library documentation ( started taking me to the .NET 4.0 docs. This is a bit of a nuisance, because I'm not interested in .NET 4.0 (yet)--the project I'm working on is in 3.5. Previous versions of the...

Need advice - Developing a flexible documentation system, heavily focused on localization

I've been charged with building a documentation system/platform. Here's a short list of the major requirements: Easily localized : This will need to support a dozen or so languages out of the gate. (the ability for non-technical personnel to add/update translations would be a big plus, though not 100% required) Flexibility in output ...

How to generate C# documentation to a CHM or HTML file?

Is there a way to generate a readable document file from the documentation on the code directly from Visual Studio? (also considering 2010) If there isn't, what should I use to create a CHM or HTML file? Code example: /// <summary> /// Convert a number to string /// </summary> /// <param name="number">An integer number to be converted...

Visual studio c++ documentation generator

Hi Is there a way to get documentation(like javadoc) in a visual-c++ project? I'm using visual studio 2010. thanks! ...

How Can I Find a List of All Exceptions That a Given Library Function Throws in Python?

Sorry for the long title, but it seems most descriptive for my question. Basically, I'm having a difficult time finding exception information in the official python documentation. For example, in one program I'm currently writing, I'm using the shutil libary's move function: from shutil import move move('somefile.txt', '/tmp/somefile.t...

How can I get offline Doctrine 1.2 documentation

I need to have offline documentation for Doctrine 1.2. I just don't seem to find it anywhere, while I remember having seen something like that. Who can give me any pointers? ...

how document changes on a project?

i am working on some modules,actually change them. but i don't know how i should document changes in a way that be clear and usefull for future changes. would someone help me on this issue? thanks. ...

Java: JPQL date function to add a time period to another date

SELECT x FROM SomeClass WHERE x.dateAtt BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE AND (CURRENT_DATE + 1 MONTH) In the above JPQL statement, SomeClass has a memebr dateAttr, which is a java.util.Date and has a @Temporal(javax.persistence.TemporalType.DATE) annotation. I need a way to do the (CURRENT_DATE + 1 MONTH) bit - it is obviously wrong in its curren...

Can pydoc/help() hide the documentation for inherited class methods and attributes?

When declaring a class that inherits from a specific class: class C(dict): added_attribute = 0 the documentation for class C lists all the methods of dict (either through help(C) or pydoc). Is there a way to hide the inherited methods from the automatically generated documentation (the documentation string can refer to the base c...

Google Maps API - geocoding accuracy chart?

Where in the Google Maps API docs can I find a table explaining the accuracy values of Geocode lookups? Has the range of values changed in between V2 and V3? ...

How can I document implicit methods inside of rails models?

I'm using YARD on my Rails project and was wondering how I would go about documenting inherited/runtime methods on a Rails model? For instance documenting the existence of a first_name attribute on a User model. ...

Documentation tool for .NET applications

I have an ASP.NET 2.0 application, developed in the early days of 2.0. There are almost no comment tags in the application. Is there any tool which can grab all the classes from that application and generate a report [in CHM or HTML or PDF] with all the classes and belonging methods, hierarchy of the classes, and any kind of visual prese...

How to document the analysys of a library

Hi, I want to know if there's any "wide applied" documenting method for the documentation of the libraries, like use cases. Thanks Marcos ...

using # instead of . in API documentation

In API documentation, and sometimes even used in discussions here on Stack Overflow, I sometimes see the pound (#) character used instead of the dot (.) as the separator between the class name and the method name. For example: Settings#maxPageSize I'm wondering what this usage means, and where it comes from? ...

Docs for auto-generated methods in Ruby on Rails

Rails has all sorts of auto-generated methods that I've often times struggled to find documentation for. For example, in routes.rb, if I have: map.resources :projects do |p| p.resources :tasks end This will get a plethora of auto-generate path and url helpers. Where can I find documentation for how to work with these paths? I gener...

How to document an accessor/mutator method in phpDoc/javaDoc?

Given a function which behaves as either a mutator or accessor depending on the arguments passed to it, like this: // in PHP, you can pass any number of arguments to a function... function cache($cacheName) { $arguments = func_get_args(); if (count($arguments) >= 2) { // two arguments passed. MUTATOR. $value = $argum...

For programming content, what simple-to-use-and-setup PHP based blog are the preferred ones?

I've since long wanted a place I can toss my programming related nuggets at. Every day I feel I solve something that I'll surely hit again in a not so distant future, but by then I most certainly will have forgotten about the previous solution I came up with. So I need to blog it down, quick and dirty, for my own documentation and memor...