
Waterfall model documentation

I want to create a waterfall model. What do I need to do for that? What type of document are required for that? ...

Documenting POST parameters with WADL

Looking at the current version of the WADL proposal, I couldn't quite figure out how to document POST request parameters (with application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding). I've seen something like this in the wild: <resource path="/path1"> <!-- default is mediaType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --> <method name="POST"> ...

How to display full documentation of a method as you type in VS?

The title is pretty descriptive... Is there any extension that let me see FULL documentation of the method I'm typing ? I would like to see the documentation as I can see it in Object Browser with description of parameters and everything not just some "summary". So what I'd like to see when I type String.Format is: Of cause with an op...

With C# documentation tags is it possible to persist them through a webservice?

With C# documentation tags is it possible to persist them through a webservice so that the webclient that consumes the webservice will display them via the intellisense? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Rick ...

Where is the NUnit.Mocks documentation?

Where is the documentation for NUnit's mocking library, NUnit.Mocks? I can't find anything in their official documentation or wiki. ...

How do I make a docstring in VB.NET?

Hi, I'm writing a .dll in Visual Basic. When writing code in Visual Studio if I do something like Console.WriteLine( it will pop up a tooltip with a bit of documentation for the function. Is it possible to write something in my function/sub that would provide that information to Visual Studio? Thanks ...

What pseudo-operators exist in Perl 5?

I am currently documenting all of Perl 5's operators (see the perlopref GitHub project) and I have decided to include Perl 5's pseudo-operators as well. To me, a pseudo-operator in Perl is anything that looks like an operator, but is really more than one operator or a some other piece of syntax. I have documented the four I am familiar...

Android offline documentation and sample codes

Sorry for being impatient.. but cant find the offline docs for android. Can someone just gimme a link ? Thanks in advance :) ...

How to document an existing small web site (web application), inside and out?

We have a "web application" which has been developed over the past 7 months. The problem is, it was not really documented. The requirements consisted of a small bulleted list from the initial meeting 7 months ago (it's more of a "goals" statement than software requirements). It has collected a number of features which stemmed from small ...

How do I find out what android system icons mean?

Ok, so I've got an andoid phone with a bunch of icons up the top, looks like app notifications go on the left, system icons go on the right. Most of the system icons seem reasonably intuitive, service, 3g, wireless etc. I've recently gotten a new one that looks like a phone being tilted / shaken and have absolutely no idea what it mean...

JSON documentation standard?

Is there a recognized, recommended, or standard form for representing the structure of JSON? E.g., my service returns a structure, effectively, represented as JSON. How do I describe what my service returns, such that another service can consume that JSON and program to its interface? ...

maven plugin site

Hi, It appears that that you can generate a standard documentation website (like this one) from a Maven plugin project. I tried executing mvn site in a plugin project but it doesn't generate the expected documentation (a page that shows the Mojo goals, parameters, etc). Is there some other goal that must be invoked to generate these web...

Is there a combined Ruby / Rails online documentation?

There are a number of resources online that host Rails and Ruby documentation in various forms and styles. A number of them are good, but none of them document the modules and classes with the methods available from the numerous extensions provided by ActiveSupport and others. For example, with the Standard ruby Hash class, the core ru...

Documenting a Access Application for Developers

I need to document a MS-Access application that was created, developed and maintained completely by a power-user over 10 years. This is an interesting situation because what they want is a manual so that a future developer can come in without prior domain knowledge and make changes to the frontend or the backend in a timely manner. T...

WYSIWYG in Doxygen

I'm working on a fairly large project written in C. The idea was to build a library of modular blocks that can be reused across several platforms. Each module is associated with a word document in .docx format (huge pain to diff-merge). In these docs, an interface section is specified, listing datatypes and publicly accessible functions....

Mindmapping as a Documentation Tool

My team has recently begun using XMind to organize development projects. It seems to be a pretty powerful brainstorming software. I'm just wondering if other developers have employed similar techniques to aid in documenting software design. ...

doxygen C++ inline template documentation

hello. Is there some way to document template parameters like this: template< int N, ///< description typename T ///< description > rather than listing each parameter with tparam? please note that function arguments can be documented like this in current doxygen: void function(int a /**< description */); if there is not o...

Is it necessary to generate javadoc as part of build process?

Is it necessary to generate javadoc as part of build process? ...

Where to put a glossary of important terms and patterns in documentation?

Greetings. I want to document certain patterns in the code in order to build up a consistent terminology (in order to easen communication about the software). I am, however, unsure, where to define the terms given. In order to get on the same level, an example: I have a code generator. This code generator receives a certain InputStruct...

Get Doxygen to show XCode compile errors if documentation is missing

I have been successful with this in the past but now I can't seem to find the setting that tells XCode or Doxygen (or both) to display compile errors if documentation is missing. I have looked at the Apple documentation that tells how to create docsets and that works fine but XCode does not throw compiling errors on missing comments in ...