
Standard documentation of Visual Studio commands?

Visual Studio has a concept of commands, i.e. actions executable by pressing a shortcut, entering them on the Command Window etc. Visual Studio itself documents its commands (at least some of them) but I was wondering if there is a unified way to get information about any command, e.g. coming from ReSharper, TestDriven.NET etc. What I'd...

Podcast Producer Apple Xserve

Hi Everybody I guess that is not a programming question per se. But since I always got excellent answers here I wanted to try asking it. I also asked this question in other apple specific forums and got no answer. I have to deal with Podcast Producer on a Xserve via Xgrid. Its not be working at all. Is there any great step by step d...

How to create a "dependency graph" for IT assets

One of my customers is trying to create an interactive "matrix" of interdependencies for the various applications used in their company (it's a travel&leisure company with around 2500 employees). The idea (still at the prototype stage) is to create a sort of Map, based on Visio or similar tool, which traces the communication and interde...

Is the F# language reference documentation available in an offline format (PDF, CHM)?

I've found several posts on hubFS of people asking if there is, or will be, offline documentation for F#. These posts haven't been answered. So I want to give it a shot and ask the same question here on SO. Where I've looked for offline documentation so far: The April 2010 CTP release of Visual F# (version 2.0) is available for VS 2...

Has MSDN Dropped Compact Framework already?

MSDN Documentation used to indicate if a method was supported on the compact framework. But now I can't find that info anymore. I know that Microsoft has dropped Compact Framework like a hot potato, but I did not know that they had ripped it out of the docs. As examples of what I am talking about here is a link to the Graphics Members...

Velocity $fn docs

I notice in some Velocity reports I'm working with that $fn contains some built in functions for Velocity. I can't seem to find a list of these. For example, `$fn.formatNumber($fn.duration($time),'##0.0') My google-fu has failed me on this one. Anyone have link to the docs on this? ...

Generating changelogs from commit-comments - bad idea?

I work for a small company (<10 developers) where we use Svn and to some extent Git. We have no release system implemented. We don't tag our applications with a release numbers so as you can imagine, we don't keep track of changes between releases very well. With this in mind I've been thinking about generating changelogs from the commi...

Where would you document standardized complex data that is passed between many objects and methods?

Hi All, I often find myself with fairly complex data that represents something that my objects will be working on. For example, in a task-list app, several objects might work with an array of tasks, each of which has attributes, temporal expressions, sub tasks and sub sub tasks, etc. One object will collect data from web forms, stan...

Hide public method used to help test a .NET assembly

I have a .NET assembly, to be released. Its release build includes: A public, documented API of methods which people are supposed to use A public but undocumented API of other methods, which exist only in order to help test the assembly, and which people are not supposed to use The assembly to be released is a custom control, not an ...

Where should I report mistakes in Android documentation?

This is my first post ever -- I love the Android SDK (been at it for a week), but I did notice a small typo in the official documentation that needs correcting. On this page within the example source code, the source says "CountdownTimer" on line 1 when it should say "CountDownTimer" (notice the capitalization of the letter "D"). An ea...

How to write specific application for facebook?

Hi there! Please help me with documentation to write specific application for Facebook. Need to know, what language to choose? is specific facebook API? is documentation for API? is site with samples catalogue? need to know all related info. Some words about app, it would be app, which compare users interests. Thanks in advance. ...

Ruby/IRB self help

I'm new to Ruby - what tricks can I use to help me find documentation on a object I'm working with? Normally I just do a_var.class or a_var.methods and try to guess what I need or search the web for documentation. Are there other methods or modules that might help? ...

documenting class attributes

I'm writing a lightweight class whose attributes are intended to be publicly accessible, and only sometimes overridden in specific instantiations. There's no provision in the Python language for creating docstrings for class attributes, or any sort of attributes, for that matter. What is the accepted way, should there be one, to docume...

should I use LaTeX and why (not)?

Possible Duplicate: Is LaTeX worth learning today? I'm a student, and just finished this last semester. This summer I will be working on a project that will require a lot of documentation and reports, and I'm shivering every time I think of styling in either Word or OpenOffice. I've been wanting to learn LaTeX for a while, bu...

Handover document for complete systems

Hi, I need to create a handover document for a fairly large system consisting of all the stuff you'd expect from a telecom deployment: many servers, database clusters which copy some data between them in specific ways, tons of log files, both off-the-shelf and locally developed software, scripts, network configurations, local know-how, e...

QMake platform scope values On Nokia's QMake documentation it notes that there are at least 3 platform scope values: win32, macx and unix. The documentation states: In addition to the win32, macx, and unix values used in many scope conditions, various other built-in platform and compi...

Documentation for Qt documentation comments? Qt + Doxygen?

Where can I find documentation for Qt documentation comments? I'm referring to how Qt uses a specific style for documentation comments, like so: /*! \class MyClassName \brief The MyClassName class is used as an example on Stack Overflow. This class serves a few functions, the most important being: \list \i So p...

How to autodoc .Net Google code projects?

I know how to generate html documentation using Sandcastle and similar tools. But if I want to host the project on Google code, how can I easily publish the documentation straight into the Google project Wiki pages? I can see the SVN repository has a wiki folder which I assume maps to the project Wiki pages and I guess I can make a buil...

Is there a standard for "???", "!!!", "TODO" etc. tags in comments?

I'm talking about special words/tokens used in the beginning of comments, to facilitate grepping or otherwise to attach some special meaning to the comment, like // TODO: Find out what to do about this error. The meaning of some tags are obvious, like TODO and FIXME, but what about ??? and !!!? Are there others? I'm asking because I've ...

Google Voice API Documentation

I've spent the last hour searching for an official Google Voice API documentation but couldn't find anything but a bunch of API wrappers in (insert your favorite programming language here). Does a documentation for Google Voice's API not exist? ...