
What documentation is helpful when supporting an application?

I am going to be taking over from a developer here at work soon. Hence, I'll be supporting all the applications that he has written over the last few years. My question is, when supporting an application that you probably don't know much about, what kind of documentation is most helpful to get a handle on how to fix problems, extend fun...

What is the proper way to credit public code snippets?

This question might not be a programming problem, but its been bothering me. There is a lot of free js/css scripts out there for public use. I some times use these scripts. If any, what is the formal and proper way to credit these snippets when all i have is a name of a website and a url. I understand that a simple comment might get ...

Where to document code with Doxygen

Hello. I've never written documentation for any C-style code before (only done asdoc and phpdoc). I've been looking at Doxygen for documenting my Objective-C code, but I'm unsure where to put the comments. Should I document the .h files or should I add the comments to the .m files? or both? Any other recommendations? ...

Docbook: describing user interface required fields

I try to figure out how to describe in docbook "required fields" of UI. Does anybody know "best practice" for "required fields" in docbook? ...

Method of documentation for SQL Stored Procedures

I work in a location where a single person is responsible for creating and maintaining all stored procedures for SQL servers, and is the conduit between software developers and the database. There are a lot of stored procedures in place, and with a database diagram it is simple enough 90% of the time to figure out what the stored proced...

Documentation generator tool for BOTH Javascript and PHP

Do you know about a tool to easily create documentation for both Javascript and PHP code? Something that takes comments in code similar to the one shown below: /********************************************************** This fucntion does something special... param1: ... param2: RETURNED VALUES: ... **********************************...

What wiki tools exist to generate shippable user doc from a wiki?

I am looking into using a wiki (prefer mediawiki, but not a req.) as the repository for developer generated documentation (User Guides, Release Notes, Application Notes, Errata, etc.) from a collaborative/easy-to-update point of view a wiki seems like a good match, however since this documentation will ultimately ship to customers we wan...

Is there a way I can create database documentation from model documentation

I'm finishing a certain django project. It's a data entry application with more than 170 tables in a postgresql database. The application would primarily serve to support a large data entry operation that would last about 2 months. After that it would only serve to export the entered data as xml and json. Plus people may use just the dat...

How would I create a technology standards document for my company?

I'm a Director of Product Engineering for my company. My CEO has asked me to create a technology standards document, explaining things like the technology we use, our policy on adapting to new technology, and design standards like percent of code covered by unit tests. I've never had to do something like this, and I've spent a significan...

Sphinx - Python modules, classes and functions Documentation

Hi everyone, I am trying to document my small project through sphinx which im recently trying to get familiar with. I read some tutorials and sphinx documentation but couldn't make it. Setup and configurations are ok! just have problems in using sphinx in a technical way. My table of content should look like this --- Overview ......

Documentation style: how do you differentiate variable names from the rest of the text within a comment?

Hi, This is a quite superfluous and uninteresting question, I'm afraid, but I always wonder about this. When you're commenting code with inline comments (as opposed to comments that will appear in the generated documentation) and the name of a variable appears in the comment, how do you differentiate it from normal text? E.g.: // Try t...

auto-document exceptions on methods in C#/.NET

I would like some tool, preferably one that plugs into VS 2008/2010, that will go through my methods and add XML comments about the possible exceptions they can throw. I don't want the <summary> or other XML tags to be generated for me because I'll fill those out myself, but it would be nice if even on private/protected methods I could ...

Getting started with vBulletin development

I was asked if I could program something for vBulletin. As I never programmed something for vBulletin I started to search for documentation and tutorials. Unfortunately I wasn't very lucky. The most promising thing I found was this, but it looks like it was autogenerated and isn't very helpful for beginners. After some more searching I ...

C# XML Documentation Compiler Warning

I am curious as to why I get a compiler warning in the following situation. /// <summary>This is class A /// </summary> public class A { /// <summary>This is the documentation for Method A /// </summary> public void MethodA() { //Do something } } /// <summary>This is class B /// </summary> public class B : A...

Is Kohana worth giving up on due to lack of Documentation & Examples?

Hello, I've recently chose Kohana for a new project I'm doing And quite frankly, it's going a bit slow due to lack of resources. I've stumbled again and again on problems that I can't find a solution to Examples are probably the hardest to come by, so I'm considering Switching, especially because I'm only starting and I am still able...

Documentation with NDOC3

I am working on a project documentation using NDOC3. The build fails when trying to document 3rd party DLLs (because I do not have the xml documentation for them). How could I address this issue ? ...

Where is the documentation for $# ?

I can't seem to find explicit documentation for $# in perldoc. Yes, I know what it is, and I can see implicit references in places like perllol and perldsc, but I can't seem to find anything standalone. What's really surprising is that it doesn't have it's own section in perlvar. Does such documentation exist? If so, where? ...

Opening Office Documents in Visual Studio Solution Folders

Is it possible to directly open an Office document that's in a Visual Studio solution folder? Double-clicking the file does nothing. In VS Team System 2008 Development Edition, you can right-click on the solution folder and select the 'Open Folder in Windows Explorer' option. Then the file can be opended by double-clicking it, but that ... documentation and exception question

Let's say I have this sub in ''' <summary> ''' Validates that <paramref name="value"/> is not <c>null</c>. ''' </summary> ''' ''' <param name="value">The object to validate.</param> ''' ''' <param name="name">The variable name of the object.</param> ''' ''' <exception cref="ArgumentNullExcepti...

how to export documentation from C# classes into HTML?

how to export documentation from C# classes into HTML? ...