
Generating CHM help and PDF manual from the same source

We are trying to find a set of tools to generate context-sensitive help files (CHM) and manuals (CHM and PDF) from the same sources. Features wanted are: able to deal with linked hypertext must be able to generate CHM and PDF from should be able to integrate documentation generated from code (currently XML comments) cross-file links w...

Which are the points the Low Level Template should contain?

I am searching for Low Level Template. I have the template for Functional Specification & High Level Design. I grab it by searching on the internet. I am searching for the Low Level Design Template but unable to get the detailed template or can anybody tell me at-least which are points the Low Level Template should contain ?. Please prov...

What type of documentation does WordPress code follow?

I am trying to begin using some sort of standard for documenting my PHP code. Most of my code is in the form of WordPress plugins, some are getting quite complex, and I need to document it. So my question is simple, what system does WordPress use to document their code? ...

Wanted: Eclipse plugin for Javadoc highlighting unused parameters.

Is there a way to make Eclipse/Javadoc give me warning for unused parameters? It can happen that my comments contain something like @param foo while I no longer use a parameter of the name foo in my method signature. I wish Eclipse would give me a warning when I compile that the parameter is not used, f.e. as a strike through. Xcode do...

Java tools to create enterprise application documentation

This question is a bit vague but I'd like to know if there's a Java tool that can run through my code and document it in a functional way. Is JavaDoc the only way to go, or are there alternatives? ...

VS: Tooltip help for doxygen-style commented functions?

Hi all, I am using Visual Studio and an external library that is commented in doxygen-style. Is there any way to display doxygen documentation in the editor tooltip like DocXML? ...

What motivates you to document/not document your code?

I am facing this problem of NO DOCUMENTATION what so ever in my organization. So, I am wondering, when ever I write my code I also try to write the important things, i.e. when some one reads my code, they can understand the context. So my questions are: What makes you document or not document you code? How can we make developers doc...

Best way to document anonymous objects and functions with jsdoc

Edit: This is technically a 2 part question. I've chosen the best answer that covers the question in general and linked to the answer that handles the specific question. What is the best way to document anonymous objects and functions with jsdoc? /** * @class {Page} Page Class specification */ var Page = function() { /** * ...

Template for documenting requirements for Scrum methodology

Hello guys I know pretty well about documenting application requirements with Use cases and modeling a system using Rational Unified Process. But now I would like to know if is there a template or model for documenting system requirements when using Agile methodology like Scrum. Thank you ...

Generating word documents (.doc/.odt) through C++/Qt

Hi, I am using Qt 4.5.3 and Windows XP. I need my application to generate documents that contains the information that is being used and generated. The information that is being used will be just strings (QString to be more specific) and the information that is being generated will be strings and images as well. I want documents to be ...

where can I download AS3 flash platform full documentation?

Hi, does anyone know how/where to download actionscript 3 flash platform full documentation in packed HTML files. What I want is to have a local copy of the following doc: We are currently using a local copy of FLASH4 a...

Why does MSDN say it's "rare" to load an assembly by path?

According to the documentation for System.Assembly: The LoadFile and LoadFrom methods are provided for rare scenarios in which an assembly must be identified by path. They suggest that you would more commonly load an assembly by its display name (for example, "System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b...

Linux --help syntax

On a Linux system it is typical to type progname --help in order to view the help output for that program. After this you will see a description like: progname [SWITCHES] [FILES]... [ETC] My question is; is there a standardized syntax for his sort of (command-line use) documentation? In order to describe things like optional switches...

XSD for XML documentation generated for C#?

Does anyone know if there is an XSD file somewhere that can be used to validate the XML documentation that gets generated when you compile a C# project with the /doc option? I want to modify that file manually after it's been generated and I'm looking for an easy way to confirm that I haven't damaged the structure of the file. Thanks. ...

Is there a document markup language that can "do it all"?

I work on a lot of language-based projects, and the larger ones require semi-formal specification documents. In the past, I've used or just plain HTML for these documents, and manually converted them to whatever other formats were needed. For my current project, however, I need to generate output in several formats (HTML, ...

Database Book to help me prove when I should hardcode a table vs. use a database

I am looking for a book or other undeniably authoritative source that gives reasons when you should choose a database vs. when you should choose other storage methods, most notably, a hardcoded table of values in a program. The rest of this message is just supporting info. Below are some unofficial lists of reasons to use one or the ...

Python solution for creating documentation from source files

Hi, I have lots of Python (2.x) source files in a quite large project. Most of them is quite well documented - in docstrings, or comments at the beginning of classes/methods. What I look for is a tool that would read those files and create a documentation out of it - best would be with class inheritance, method names and arguments and...

What does the 2 stand for in fork(2) ?

What does the number in parentheses after C function name mean in manpages ? For instance, I see fork(2) and wonder what the 2 means... Also, I read things like pthread_atfork(3C), so what does the 3C stand for? ...

What Tools for Creating Online Documentation for a Product with Different Versions?

Have to find a solution for taking pre-existing online documentation in wiki form that covers several versions of a software system. Essentially, there's a landing page that links you to versions 1.2, 1.3, etc. Currently, it is kept in a trac wiki but we want to move it to another domain that is primarily running wordpress (does not have...

flex cheatsheet for lifecyle methods and overrideable UIComponent functions

HI, O.K, not technically a programming question but it's still relevent for this forum I think. I'm wondering if theres any cheat sheets around for flex? Ideally I'm really looking for some comrehensive list of lifecycle events and functions such as creationComplete, preinitilize etc. Also It would be really cool to get a comprehensiv...