
Should I use polyglot documentation?

It's possible to interleave a C++ source file with an HTML document: //<![IGNORE[ /*]]> <html> <head> <title>Example</title> </head> <body> <p>Example</p> </body> </html> <![IGNORE[*/ #include <iostream> int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::cout << "Hello, world!\n"; } /*]]> <![IGNORE[*/ //]]> This leaves a stray // at th...

Documenting in grails

I want to generate something like for my grails project. I have tried grails doc, but It doesn't organize the project in Taglibs, etc. I want something to fetch easily the taglib for a given namespace. Also to see more clearly the global state of documentation of the project. Do you know if exists a plug...

documentation - is it a template?

Hi, I see that many sites are using the same template of documentation: PrettyFaces Hibernate and more. Is it a template that I can download somewhere? It's so clear! ...

Looking for comprehensive TR1 documentation online

I really like the online STL documentation provided by Separately, I use some of the TR1 extensions via their Boost implementations. I would like to find TR1 documentation online which is as good as the standard STL documentation provided by I'm especially interested in smart pointers and th...

Documentation for iTextSharp

Can somebody provide a link to documentation (class XML documentation) for iTextSharp ? I tried Google with no result... I only found JavaDoc documentation for iText. Also when I was working with iText I found an extensive on-line tutorial. It was divided to 11 or 12 chapters dedicated to different features from basic and simple ones to...

What software would you recommend for an Intranet Portal/Forum?

In search of software to implement a Portal for my area (OS Image Deployment) were I can publish Image Releases, Documentation and an area to offer support (forum). The plan it eliminate all email/phone interaction and point all of my users to the portal site. Active Directory Authentication would be a plus but not necessary. I tried Dr...

Downloadable Microsoft .NET documentation

I know about MSDN having been a subscriber for a decade.. but.. I am working mostly with open source software nowadays and I am enjoying keeping local copies of documentation bundles for quick offline reference without having to pay for DVDs (e.g. MySQL, Java, Python, even Perl and PHP). Is there anything like this for the .NET? I mean: ...

Favorite Documentation Generator system?

I'm a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none programmer and as I jump around languages, quality consistent documentation is becoming more and more important to me. I've recently been using Doxygen, but Wikipedia reveals the usual ridiculous list of similar frameworks. What is your favorite documentation generator and why? (Vote where you agr...

How to do the documentation in objective C?

Could anyone share the the ways to do the documentation in objective C? Is there any standard way like it is in java? ...

Does anyone know how windows file system works and where I can search more informations?

I am working in a project that uses a filesystem and I'm having some problems integrating with windows. I need help to understand how windows file system works. (sorry, I don't speak english very well) ...

Passing my own project on someone else - what to do?

Often there are situations where a project is passed on someone else. And often this process is unpleasant for both sides - the new owner complains about horrible documentation, bugs and bad design. The original owner is then bothered for months with questions about the project, requests to fix old bugs etc. I might soon be in a situati...

Rails 3 api docs

I'm trying to find some api docs like but for the latest rails 3 release candidate. Is there an online version of them? Or is there a way to build the docs (using rake doc:rails) to make them look the same? ...

wiki with markdown and syntax highlighting

Hello, What lightweight wiki engine would you recommend for a project wiki? I need to manage project conventions, coding style, some tutorial like things for new developers, global practices for the team and so on. My basic requirements are: Markdown (we use it in all the projects) syntax highlighting (I have already read all the p...

maven project documentation

Hi, I have a maven project that has both code and documentation (pdf files). When I create a release of my software, I'd like to package the jar file and the documentation for the user. Is there a "correct" way to do this in maven? Should I have a multiple modules - one for the code (it's a small project, so the code is a single module r...

How to document Java Web service API

I have a Java web service and want to document the public API so the documentation is able to be browsed from the web from the same URL as the web service. How is this usually done? ...

How to provide the javadoc in other languages?

We frequently integrate with services developed and maintained in other countries like Spain, Chile, India etc. I see consitently that the services/API calls from Spain and Chile are in Spanish. But we want our code to be English and Javadoc to be both in English and Spanish. I am seeking the best way to achieve this. Is there a common...

Putting loads of HTML, example code and text within doc-tags?

Hi, I am in a need of documenting a library. However, I can't seem to decide what approach to take. I think the most important thing for me is that the documentation (API doc) is up-to-date, always and that it is very helpful (e.g. provides sample codes and has plenty of description). However, is it a problem if my source code is full o...

Is there a reason why we don't embed the design document for code in the source itself?

Couldn't we write the design documentation for source code within the source itself? I suppose like Doxygen but with the focus taken away from implementation towards design. Essentially (and rather excitingly) you have a nice big chunk of markdown at the end of your source file. Each time I create a new source file (and begin writing in...

SVG 1.1 Javascript Reference

I have noticed that there is no document.write in SVG. Currently I'm looking for a similar function . Unfortunatley I couldn't find a website that lists all the functions related or supported by the SVG DOM (for eg. related to the document object). Do you know any online resources where I can find SVG documentation, especially relat...

Missing comments on enumeration members in sandcastle docs

I have noticed that my sandcastle documentation is missing any comment that was placed on enumeration member however the XML documents document produced by visual studio does contain the missing data. ...