
Developer Guidelines - Department Philosophy Document

I am tasked with creating a document for current and (most importantly) new developers that is a general guidelines for the department. This is not a document on what the server name is for Test, but probably more of a company philosophy document. Some of the items I currently have: Coding Standards (naming, the basics) Tiers - how t...

Decent tool for producing a glossry of technical terms

I'm currently developing the front end of a new CMS for a digital streaming company, the main problem the project has is keeping track of the technical language that has sprung up around it. It currently involves around 60 staff in four countries, aside from a wiki (which has thus far failed to be kept up-to-date), anyone have any good...

javadoc Any nice way to specify out and in parameters?

Hi everyone, I'm writing some javadoc, and was wondering if anyone has a nicer way to emphasize an out parameter. Im currently doing this (pretty straightforward) /** * @param cl (IN Parameter) description here <br/> * @param nodes (OUT Parameter) description here <br/> * @param holotypes (OUT Parameter) description her...

Document Oracle database

I've been asked to document an Oracle database. I don't need EER diagrams or anything fancy: a simple printable document with a description of tables and columns will do. However, I'd prefer not to type the column names for all the 79 tables. Is there any tool to extract this information from the database server, possibly with some basic...

Is there any Java API sepc-like documentation for C#?

I hope this is not a duplicate post, which I seriously doubt, but I don't seem to be able to find a similar post. After a few months into programming with .NET/C#, it still bothers me that I can't find a C# documentation source that is as easily accessible as Java API spec or Objective-C. I am pretty sure MSDN has got something like tha...

Documenting relational databases (tables, views, functions, triggers)

I'm trying to improve the knowledge management of MySQL structures available on a project. By structure, I mean tables, views, functions, procedures, triggers. All these structures are extracted in .sql files. I'm looking for a way to document these structures, presenting results à la doxygen in HTML files. For example, I want this too...

Where can I find PHP manuals for previous versions?

The excellent PHP Manual is often cited as one of the reasons for the success of PHP, but it covers the latest releases of the language. This can be quite frustrating if you are trying to use features that are under active development, and only partially exist in older versions: for example working with PHP 5.2.* but trying to use the 5...

kentico documentation

I just started using Kentico and I'm running into some issues that are most likely well documented(at least I hope), but google isn't cooperating with me. Can some one point me in the right direction on HOW to accomplish the following: (1) Integrate Active Directory users so employees at our company can modify the content? I found this ...

How can I create PDF documentation with cut-and-paste-able code snippets?

I've tried using LaTeX and DocBook for documenting programming tools, to get PDF output. What I've found is that these tools are excellent in some ways - easily versioned, and generating very usable PDF manuals. But there is a serious flaw. Code-snippets cannot simply be cut-and-pasted out of the PDF. With DocBook, the problem is the lo...

Do you program in Linux and document in Windows?

Most offices today use Microsoft Office for documentation and presentation. Lots of programmers prefer to work and develop under Linux. When your shop uses both, how do you do your development in Linux and documentation in Windows and stay productive? ...

How to show that a script should be run as root in Linux

I am writing technical documentation for a smalll project I wrote in college. How do I show that script should be run with root privileges? My main question is what is the norm of depicting show a scenario? I can of course write that 'run the script with root privileges', but I thought I had ask here. Should I do : Run the script with...

Descriptions of error codes returned by regsvr32

Where can I find documentation that describes the meaning of error codes returned by regsvr32, such as 0x80070716? ...

jslint documentation

Hi all, All of our js files are neatly validating against jslint. That's in itself a great benefit, but now we'd like to generate some documentation, specifically, we'd like to generate a report specifying of every js file in a directory what it's global variables are and if they are readonly or not. Is there an easy way to achieve that...

Documentation: the <param> shows up in method summary

So I have basically started documenting a class library I made, this is the first time I'm doing a serious documenting (usually only do the <summary>) since it needs more info about some of the parameters used. When I write: ///<summary>Method description.</summary> ///<param name="parameterName">Description of the parameter</param> ...

Using Sphinx for documenting projects and modules on demand

Hello: I use Sphinx for documenting a Python module. I have a master doc directory, where I put individual *.rst files (on for each module component) to be included in the index.rst main file. That works great (please check the source of the Python Library Reference to see exactly how I do it). My problem is when I need to create a sta...

What do you use to document the detailed plan for your classes?

I'm wondering what work-flow and or tools people use to document the details of classes they plan to create. Specifically, where and how do you manage the nitty gritty details. For big picture stuff I make use of class diagrams. Specifically I use the class diagram tool built into Visual Studio. I also end up creating a lot of Visio diag...

howto create Quick Help enntry for custom functions in XCode

Hello, I still searched for this but without success. I would like to create 'Quick Help' entries in XCode for custom classes. Don't know Quick Help? Select a function-name, right-click and choose 'Quick Help' Then you can see function-description, etc. Somebody an idea how to accomplish this? Rene ...

How to generate external intellisense documentation

What tool do I need to generate XML intellisense help file as shown below? ...

What tools might I use for generating documentation for an Xcode project?

I am wondering which tool can be used in Xcode to generate the documentation for an iPhone project, so written in objective-C and C mostly, but also helping designing the code. The documents I'd like to be produced are: UML-like class diagrams (with generalization, aggregation and composition relationships) UML-like components diagram ...

How to create API documentation for projects in GitHub?

I have several ruby and rails projects hosted in GitHub. I wonder how I could create API documentation for these automatically? Examples: Are there tutorials for creating this API docs in Ruby? ...