
Is there a definitive reference document for Ruby syntax?

I'm searching for a definitive document on Ruby syntax. I know about the definitive documents for the core API and standard library, but what about the syntax itself? For instance, such a document should cover: reserved words, string literals syntax, naming rules for variables/classes/modules, all the conditional statements and their per...

In which document do file specifications belong?

In which document would a file specification belong? Perhaps this file is used as an input to a third-party system. Would it belong in its own document? Or would it be better to put it in the functional or design spec? Or somewhere else? When I say file specification, I mean a description of what format the file is (CSV, fixed width, et...

Pre Project Documentation

I have an issue that I feel many programmers can relate to... I have worked on many small scale projects. After my initial paper brain storm I tend to start coding. What I come up with is usually a rough working model of the actual application. I design in a disconnected fashion so I am talking about underlying code libraries, user inte...

SQL Server 2008, Books Online, and old documentation...

[I have no idea if stackoverflow really is right right place for this, but don't know how many devs on here run into msi issues with SQL Server; suggest SuperUser or ServerFault if folk think it's better on either of those] About a year ago, when we were looking at moving our codebase forward and migrating to SQL Server 2008, I pulled d...

MooTools Classes and JsDoc

I have the following Moo class: Nem.Ui.Window = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events], options: { caption: "Ventana", icon: $empty, centered: true, id: $empty, width: $empty, height: $empty, modal: false, desktop: $empty, ...

Using Cucumber or RSpec+Selenium to create end user documentation?

Has anyone tried creating end user (potentially online, potentially to be printed) help/documentation out of your cucumber scenarios? Or taken screenshots for use in documentation using RSpec and Selenium RC's ability to do so? For Cucumber, I'm imagining something like: Scenario: If you want to add a link Given I am on the edit blog p...

Best JavaScript documentation?

Anyone knows javascript documentation like website have? ...

How should important terms be emphasized in documentation?

Software will often introduce and formalize concepts that may have ambiguous definitions in the real world. For example, in an attendance tracking system, an Occurrence refers to an Excused Absence, an Unexcused Absence, or a Tardy. In technical documentation (both in helper text and in user guides, etc), should these concepts be proper...

[Doxygen] How to documenting global dependencies for functions?

I've got some C code from a 3rd party vendor (for an embedded platform) that uses global variables (for speed & space optimizations). I'm documenting the code, converting to Doxygen format. How do I put a note in the function documentation that the function requires on global variables and functions? Doxygen has special commands for...

PHP OOP: Unique method per argument type?

I'm writing a little homebrew ORM (academic interest). I'm trying to adhere to the TDD concept as a training exercise, and as part of that exercise I'm writing documentation for the API as I develop the class. Case in point - I'm working on a classic "getCollection" type mapper class. I want it to be able to retrieve collections of ass...

Previous version of ant manual

Ugh, I can't believe I have to ask this, but where can I find previous versions of the ant manual ( That page says, "Please use the documentation appropriate to your current version" but I can't find anything other than the current version (1.8.0) on the Web site - I had to resort to using archiv...

Change footer text color of doc file

I have world doc, my requirement is to change footer text color of that documnet. How can i do this using c#. ...

Documenting functions in C++ with Doxygen

I've got a project that I'm using Doxygen to generate documentation to. The documentation of the classes is fine, but I've also got some functions that I use in main() to create objects etc. I'd also like to have these into my documentation, but I have not figured how to do that. Any suggestions? ...

Stop doxygen (in some directories) for recursive input

Hi everyone, I've used this tuto ( to create my documentation... I would like to run doxygen in some directories and not in others! The problem is that I don't want to reorganize all the directories! Is it possible to put a file in the directories I don't...

Documents needed for software development process

Hii, I am new to architectural designing of the applications, and our company is not following any procedures and we are not documenting any thing regarding the software development. So can anybody help me to understand regarding the above context. If you find any useful articles links please forward me. ...

Documenting (XML) Application Settings in Visual Studio 2010

Hi all, I recently created a (C#) project with Visual Studio (2010) and used some Settings (which I created under Properties). The only place I found where I can add some XML comments for my documentation, would be in Settings.Designer.cs. However this file is auto-generated so whenever I change the Settings, the comments are gone. Eve...

conventions for rails app documentation ?

Hi guys, I known that it's more a state of art than a technical question, but I'm looking for some good templates to document model relation, validations, method for the models and controllers of my rails app. Are there any conventions/best practice/examples to do that ? Thanks all for your help ...

How can I get NetBeans to show me proper documentation for Java methods?

Right now when I use a built in method, it shows me the returns types and nothing else that's useful. Is there something I can download to make the info from the intellisense more robust? Javadoc not found. Either Javadoc documentation for this item does not exist or you have not added specified Javadoc in the Java Platform Ma...

usefull docushare tutorials, samples

Hello, Im evaluating trial version of xerox docushare. Supplied documentation is very strinc and isnt helpfull when You havent got an experience so I would liek tto ask if any of You have got such good tutorials or code samples ?? thanks for help ...

Is there a definitive list of uri patterns for use in android apps made by google?

Apart from (which is quite good but fairly limited in the number of apps/uri's it covers) I've been unable to find a decent reference source for looking up URI's to use when integrating with google apps. I'm currently working on triggering the "add new contact" UI, and have ...