
Alternative Python standard library reference

I love Python; I absolutely despise its official documentation. Tutorials do not count as library references, but that appears to be what they're attempting. What I really want is the ability to find a class in the standard library and view documentation for all of its properties and methods. Actionscript, MSDN, and Java all do this jus...

What do the different columns (of letters) mean for the svn merge output?

The output of SVN merge has 4 columns of letters listed before the file name. I understand the meaning of the letters (mostly) but I can't find any information on the meanings of the columns and so only have a vague understanding based on context. Can anyone point me to the documentation on this? Based on context I've been able to infer...

How do I get MSBuild Task to generate XML Documents when building a solution?

I have a solution with lots of projects. Each project is configured to generate the XML documentation file when building in Debug-Mode (which is default). That works when I build in Visual Studio 2008. In my build script on my integration server I advise MSBuild to build the whole solution, but it won't generate the documentation files....

single line comment in HTML

Is there a way to comment out a single line in HTML using just an escape sequence at the start of the line? Similar to using # or // in other languages? Or is <!-- ... --> the only option for commenting in html? ...

ffmpeg C API documentation/tutorial

I am trying to find documentation to use the ffmpeg C API. It seems that only command line documentation is available. Is there any good documentation/tutorials/links available? ...

How to make maintaince document for a website?

How to make maintenance document for a website? I've created a site using XHTML ,CSS, jQuery etc. it's big site. Now i have to write a maintenance document for a site for if any changes comes in future related to design, content and functionality then those things will be handled by someone else. How and what should i keep in maintenan...

Is there a command line C++ to PDF converter with syntax highlighting?

I need to supply "Source code documents w/ Line numbers" which is essentially just a PDF of the source code with syntax highlighting and Line numbers. Is there any existing command line tools for windows that I could call from a script as a "build release version" script? Right now I'm doing it manually using VC++, which isn't even the...

Associating Documentation With Source Code

Currently I am writing SQL for a handcoded ETL(extract transform load) process. As I am trudging along I writing documentation for the system. It will not only be helpful in the future but it's really useful to me to document high level process flows and batch jobs so that I make sure the details of my implementation or supporting thes...

Tool for documentation of the fields of a database ?

Hello, I need to add documentation to all fields of 2 databases (1 postgresql & 1 sql server), around 100 tables each. What tool would be convenient to do that (reverse the schema + add documentation manually on all fields) ? My favors would go to an open source tool with a graphical & xml output. Thanks for your help Jerome WAGNER ...

Read line comments in INI file

The parse_ini_file function removes comments when reading configuration files. What would you do to keep the comments that are associated with the next line? For example: [email] ; Verify that the email's domain has a mail exchange (MX) record. validate_domain = true Am thinking of using X(HT)ML and XSLT to transform the content i...

PHPDoc Function Changelog (@change?)

What is the best way to document changes in a function with PHPDoc? Something like @change 2010.20.16 user added feature x @change 2010.20.26 user added feature y would be great. But assume there's no @change option... If i add it anyways, what will PHPDoc do with it? Or is there a better / more correct way to document function ch...

doctrine reference?

i've found one cheat sheet for doctrine: cheat sheet but it doesn't list all methods for Doctrine_Record, Doctrine_Core, Doctrine_Query etc. i wonder if there is a such reference? Would be very helpful. ...

Auto generation of Web Service sample, help and documentation

We're using javax.jws.WebServices deployed in a Glassfish server, is there a way to auto generate documentation like the one ASMX services generates? ASMX services display methods in service ASMX services when running locally could be easily tested with a prebuilt form ASMX services provided a sample request and response XML message ...

Packaging reference documentation with jar file

We are porting our .NET library to a java equivalent and is now looking at how to distribute this port. Packaging the classes into a jar-file seems like best practice and we would then ship this jar file in a zip along with some license terms. But what about the documentation? In .NET land it seems like best practice to distribute the x...

Where can I have an "official" documentation about the java class Secure Random Implementation ?

Hello, I'm finding informations about this CSPNRG online. I founded only one article from you on the javamex site, which told about the implementation of this class. So I'm asking you to lead me to some documentation on this. I am expecting a kind of fiable source... Thank you for eanswering me Sorry for my bad english, I'm french and n...

Document key usage in Dictionary

How can I document the key usage in a Dictionary so that it shows in Visual studio when coding using that object? I'm looking for something like: /// <param name="SpecialName">That Special Name</param> public Dictionary<string,string> bar; So far the best attempt has been to write my own class: public class SpecialNameDictionary : I...

Arrows direction in ProGit book

Why on all images that shows queue of commits in pro git book arrows leads to the opposite direction? ...

What code commenting style should I use for both C++ and C# ?

Hi, I was recently hired in a company. They have a lot of C++ and C# code source files and almost one different commenting style per file. (Well this is exagerated, but you have the picture) This morning, I show my new collegues how my personnal code was commented and how easy it was to generate a documentation from it (I use Doxygen)...

Doxygen ignoring inherited functions, when class inherits privately but the functions declared public again

Sorry for long winded title, this makes a lot more sense with an example. Suppose we have a class A: class A { public: void someFunction(); void someOtherFunction(); }; And another class that privately inherits from A. However, we re-declare one of the inherited functions as public: class B : private A { publ...

Pear PHP UML Class Diagrams

Hi, I am trying to create graphical representations of existing code. I have tried to use VS.PHP (with Visual Studios 2010) but cant seem to generate class diagrams from this. I have tried to use Pear's PHP UML package which has produced a lot of JavaDoc style documentation and an XMI document. From what I have read, this can be us...